Cauchy sequences, induction, telescoping property

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving mathematical induction and the telescoping property. The person is asking for help understanding the problem and is also looking for a good textbook recommendation. The problem is broken down into two parts, and the solution for the first part involves substitution and simplification. The second part involves using the induction hypothesis to prove it works for k+1. Ultimately, the person is seeking a better understanding of the material and is open to any helpful explanations or examples.
  • #1

Homework Statement

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Homework Equations

I am guessing a combination of induction and the telescoping property.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm studying this extramurally, and I've just hit a wall with this last chunk of the sequences section, so if someone can suggest a good textbook that would be really good too. My googlefu is not helping me this week.

Ok. So prove the first chunk of a). The only way I can think of to prove that chunk is by mathematical induction again, and I think from the fact that it doesn't explicitly say to use that that there ought to be another way. But I can't see it. So I think I've proved it using mathematical induction. Although that did involve saying |-[tex]\alpha[/tex](b-a)| = [tex]\alpha[/tex]|(b-a)| which I'm a bit dubious about.

Second section of a) let n=1, then:
|s1+1 - s1| = |b - a| = [tex]\alpha[/tex] 0|b - a|
so the result holds for n=1.
Assume the result holds for some positive integer k, i.e. assume:
|sk+1 - sk| = [tex]\alpha[/tex]k-1|b - a|
so I think the first part shows the case where k=2 and [tex]\alpha[/tex]k-1=[tex]\alpha[/tex]1=[tex]\alpha[/tex] but I don't know how to make use of this.

So moving on to b) sn+1 +[tex]\alpha[/tex]sn where n=1 becomes s2 +[tex]\alpha[/tex]s1 = b + [tex]\alpha[/tex]a ok for n=1. But I don't know how to prove the general, as the method my readings have relies on incorporating the definition of <sn> into the equation to be proved, and I don't have a definition for sk+1, or any examples in my readings of a proof involving sk+2 instead of sk+1.

Hence why I feel like I've just not got the jist of this section of the course material, but I've been back and forth through my readings and it's not becoming any clearer. :cry: Can anyone suggest the fundamental thinking I'm obviously not getting? Even some worked examples somewhere would be brilliant.

And I don't know why all my alphas are floating up so high, sorry.


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  • #2
You don't need to do induction on the first part of (a). It's just substitution of the formula they provide. If you get stuck at a spot, try going in the reverse direction and finding a spot where it meets the forward direction.

Although that did involve saying |-[tex]
[/tex](b-a)| = [tex]
[/tex]|(b-a)| which I'm a bit dubious about.
That's perfectly fine here since they tell you [tex]
[/tex] > 0.

For the 2nd part of (a), you were correct in assuming it works for k. Now you have to prove it works for k+1. To do this, you'll first have to substitute |s_(k+2) - s_(k+1)| with their respective values using the formula from the first part of (a). Next, after a bit of simplification and rearranging, you should be able to use your induction hypothesis to prove it works for k+1.

FAQ: Cauchy sequences, induction, telescoping property

What is a Cauchy sequence?

A Cauchy sequence is a sequence of numbers in which the terms get closer and closer together as the sequence goes on. In other words, for any small distance, there is a point in the sequence after which all subsequent terms are within that distance from each other.

What is induction?

Induction is a mathematical proof technique used to prove statements about a set of numbers, such as integers. It involves proving a base case and then showing that if the statement holds for one number, it also holds for the next number. This process is repeated until it can be shown that the statement holds for all numbers in the set.

What is the telescoping property?

The telescoping property is a property of series in which most of the terms cancel out, leaving only a few remaining terms. This makes it easier to evaluate the sum of the series, as the remaining terms can often be simplified or combined in some way.

What is the importance of Cauchy sequences in analysis?

Cauchy sequences are important in analysis because they help us understand the concept of convergence. If a sequence is Cauchy, it means that it is convergent, which means that it approaches a specific limit as the number of terms in the sequence increases.

How is induction used in mathematics?

Induction is used in mathematics to prove statements about a set of numbers. It is a powerful tool that allows us to prove statements for infinitely many numbers, without having to check each individual number. It is commonly used in algebra, calculus, and number theory.

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