Cauchy Sequences: What it Means to be $|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p< \epsilon$

In summary: So for $n \ge n_0$, we have $|x_{n+1} - x_n|_p < \epsilon$.It's by definition of the limit of a sequence. Let $a_n = |x_{n+1} - x_n|_p$. Then $\lim_{n\to \infty} a_n = 0$ if and only if to every $\epsilon > 0$, there corresponds a positive integer $n_0$ such that $|a_n| < \epsilon$ for all $n \ge n_0$. Since $a_n \ge 0$ for all $n$, $|a_n| = a_n$ for all $n$. Thus $
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi! (Wave)

I am looking at the following exercise:

If $\{ x_n \}$ is a sequence of rationals, then this is a Cauchy sequence as for the p-norm, $| \cdot |_p$, if and only if :

$$\lim_{n \to +\infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$$

That's what I have tried:

$\lim_{n \to +\infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$ means that $\forall \epsilon>0, \exists n_0$ such that $\forall n \geq n_0$:

$$|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p< \epsilon$$

Is it right so far? (Thinking) How could I continue? (Thinking)
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  • #2
evinda said:
Hi! (Wave)

I am looking at the following exercise:

If $\{ x_n \}$ is a sequence of rationals, then this is a Cauchy sequence as for the p-norm, $| \cdot |_p$, if and only if :

$$\lim_{n \to +\infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$$

That's what I have tried:

$\lim_{n \to +\infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$ means that $\forall \epsilon>0, \exists n_0$ such that $\forall n \geq n_0$:

$$|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p< \epsilon$$

Is it right so far? (Thinking) How could I continue? (Thinking)

Yes, right so far. By the strong triangle inequality, we have that for all $m$ and $n$ with $m > n \ge n_0$,

\(\displaystyle |x_m - x_n|_p = |(x_m - x_{m - 1}) + (x_{m-1} - x_{m-2}) + \cdots + (x_{n+1} - x_n)|_p \le \max\{|x_m - x_{m-1}|_p, |x_{m-1} - x_{m-2}|_p,\ldots, |x_{n+1} - x_n|_p\} < \epsilon.\)
  • #3
Euge said:
Yes, right so far. By the strong triangle inequality, we have that for all $m$ and $n$ with $m > n \ge n_0$,

\(\displaystyle |x_m - x_n|_p = |(x_m - x_{m - 1}) + (x_{m-1} - x_{m-2}) + \cdots + (x_{n+1} - x_n)|_p \le \max\{|x_m - x_{m-1}|_p, |x_{m-1} - x_{m-2}|_p,\ldots, |x_{n+1} - x_n|_p\} < \epsilon.\)

So, from this we conclude that $\{ x_n \}$ is a Cauchy sequence, right? (Thinking)

In order to show the other direction, we suppose that $\{ x_n \}$ is a Cauchy sequence, that means that $\forall \epsilon>0 \exists n_0 \geq 0$, such that $\forall m>n \geq n_0: \ |x_m-x_n|< \epsilon$, right? (Thinking)
If I am right, how could we continue? (Thinking)
  • #4
evinda said:
So, from this we conclude that $\{ x_n \}$ is a Cauchy sequence, right? (Thinking)

In order to show the other direction, we suppose that $\{ x_n \}$ is a Cauchy sequence, that means that $\forall \epsilon>0 \exists n_0 \geq 0$, such that $\forall m>n \geq n_0: \ |x_m-x_n|< \epsilon$, right? (Thinking)
If I am right, how could we continue? (Thinking)

Yes, so for $n \ge n_0$, choose $m = n + 1$.
  • #5
Euge said:
Yes, so for $n \ge n_0$, choose $m = n + 1$.

So can we say it like that? (Thinking)

We suppose that $\{ x_n \}$ is a Cauchy sequence as for $p-$norm, that means that $\forall \epsilon>0 \exists n_0 \geq 0$, such that $\forall m>n \geq n_0: \ |x_m-x_n|_p< \epsilon$.

We mean $m=n+1$, so we have that $\forall n \geq n_0:$

$$|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p< \epsilon$$

Does this mean that $\lim_{n \to +\infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$ ? (Thinking)
  • #6
evinda said:
So can we say it like that? (Thinking)

We suppose that $\{ x_n \}$ is a Cauchy sequence as for $p-$norm, that means that $\forall \epsilon>0 \exists n_0 \geq 0$, such that $\forall m>n \geq n_0: \ |x_m-x_n|_p< \epsilon$.

We mean $m=n+1$, so we have that $\forall n \geq n_0:$

$$|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p< \epsilon$$

Does this mean that $\lim_{n \to +\infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$ ? (Thinking)

Yes (Smile)
  • #7
Euge said:
Yes (Smile)

Do I have to write the limit of the definition of $\lim_{n \to \infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$, in order to show that when $|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p<\epsilon$, then we have that $\lim_{n \to \infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$ ? Or can we just say that it is like that? (Thinking)
  • #8
No, it's fine the way you have it. You can just change the phrase "we mean $m = n + 1$" to "we take $m = n + 1$".
  • #9
Euge said:
No, it's fine the way you have it. You can just change the phrase "we mean $m = n + 1$" to "we take $m = n + 1$".

A ok... From $\lim_{n \to +\infty} |x_{n+1}-x_n|_p=0$, do we get that $|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p< \epsilon$ or that $||x_{n+1}-x_n|_p|_p< \epsilon$ ? (Thinking)
  • #10
You get that $|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p < \epsilon$ for $n$ sufficiently large, just like you had in post #1.
  • #11
Euge said:
You get that $|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p < \epsilon$ for $n$ sufficiently large, just like you had in post #1.

Could you explain me why? (Thinking)
  • #12
evinda said:
Could you explain me why? (Thinking)

It's by definition of the limit of a sequence. Let $a_n = |x_{n+1} - x_n|_p$. Then $\lim_{n\to \infty} a_n = 0$ if and only if to every $\epsilon > 0$, there corresponds a positive integer $n_0$ such that $|a_n| < \epsilon$ for all $n \ge n_0$. Since $a_n \ge 0$ for all $n$, $|a_n| = a_n$ for all $n$. Thus $|a_n| < \epsilon$ if and only if $|x_{n+1} - x_n|_p < \epsilon$.

Now we know that $\lim_{n\to \infty} |x_{n+1} - x_n|_p < \epsilon$ if and only if to every $\epsilon > 0$, there corresponds a positive integer $n_0$ such that $|x_{n+1} - x_n|_p < \epsilon$ for all $n \ge n_0$.

FAQ: Cauchy Sequences: What it Means to be $|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p< \epsilon$

What is a Cauchy sequence?

A Cauchy sequence is a sequence of numbers in which the terms become arbitrarily close to each other as the sequence progresses. In other words, for any given tolerance, there exists a point in the sequence after which all the terms are within that tolerance of each other.

What does it mean for a Cauchy sequence to be $|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p< \epsilon$?

This notation represents the distance between two consecutive terms in the sequence, denoted by $p$. If this distance is less than a given tolerance $\epsilon$, then the sequence is considered a Cauchy sequence.

Why are Cauchy sequences important?

Cauchy sequences are important because they represent a fundamental concept in mathematical analysis and serve as the basis for the definition of convergence in metric spaces. They also have applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science.

What is the significance of the $p$ in $|x_{n+1}-x_n|_p$?

The $p$ in this notation represents the metric or distance function being used to measure the distance between terms in the sequence. Different values of $p$ can lead to different interpretations of what it means for a sequence to be Cauchy.

Can a sequence be Cauchy but not convergent?

Yes, a sequence can be Cauchy but not convergent. This means that the terms in the sequence get closer and closer to each other, but they do not necessarily approach a specific value. In other words, the sequence may not have a limit.

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