Cavity Resonators by two waveguide coaxial adapters

In summary: Q.In summary, my professor made an X-band cavity resonator by putting together, end to end, two X281A coaxial waveguide adapters (n-type) with cut center pins. It works pretty well - but I need some more information. Does anyone know where can I find some more information on this setup?
  • #1
One of my professors made an X-band cavity resonator by putting together, end to end, two X281A coaxial waveguide adapters (n-type) with cut center pins. It works pretty well - but I need some more information. Does anyone know where can I find some more information on this setup?

Specifically, I'm trying to determine the Q factor of such a resonator.
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  • #2
Wow, pretty cool. So he decreased the coupling by cutting back the stubs and making the waveguide into a resonate cavity. I could see how that would work, but I'm not sure how you would find the Q for it.

I suggest you try

- Mike
  • #3
I seriously doubt there is an easy way to calculate Q. It is only when the geometry happens to be very simple (like a TM001 mode in a cylinder) that you can calculate Q with reasonable accuracy, and then only if you know the surface resistance at that frequency of the material (which depends on how well polished it is etc). And of course this will only give you the unloaded Q, in order to get the loaded Q you would need a complete model for the whole system.

Why not simply use a VNA and measure the Q?
  • #4
Waveguide adapters are pretty expensive, I'm not sure why he would just cut the stub for a demo. The calculation for Q of a rectangular cavity and any relevant info can be found in Pozar if I remember correctly. Once you know the Q, you can do some perturbation to approximate how a short stub affects the Q. Generally, the smaller the stub, the higher the Q.
  • #5
I think it depends on whether his losses are dominated by the coupling to the stubs or the waveguide structure. I suspect that problem breaks down cleanly if the stub mismatch is low. Again, the fellows at have a solid background in this type of problem.
  • #6
waht said:
The calculation for Q of a rectangular cavity and any relevant info can be found in Pozar if I remember correctly.

Yes it can (pp 280, I always have a copy of Pozar on my desk). But again, in order to get a reasonably accurate value you need to know not only the dimensions but also Rs; which can be quite hard to find (you can of course just measure it experimentally for a given resonator, and then use THAT value to calculate Q for other dimensions which is what I normally do, I've learned from experience never to trust calculated Q values for high-Q resonators).

The best you can hope for is -in my experience- is to get an order-of-magnitude estimate; although then you might as well use some experience and say that the Q for a system like this will probably be of the order of a few thousand (I have a similar setup somewhere in the lab that I use for testing).
But even that estimate assumes that the system is undercoupled (which is by no means obvious in this case).

So again, why not simply measure Q? Labs where you can find these kinds of adapters normally have at least one VNA...

FAQ: Cavity Resonators by two waveguide coaxial adapters

What is a cavity resonator?

A cavity resonator is a type of electronic component that uses a resonant cavity to store and amplify electromagnetic energy at a specific frequency. It is commonly used in microwave circuits and devices.

How does a cavity resonator work?

A cavity resonator works by creating a standing wave pattern within the resonant cavity, which allows for the storage and amplification of electromagnetic energy. This is achieved by using two metal plates, known as a capacitor, and a conducting wire, known as an inductor, to create an LC circuit.

What are the advantages of using cavity resonators?

Cavity resonators have several advantages, including high-Q factor (quality factor), low insertion loss, and high power handling capabilities. They also have a narrow bandwidth, making them useful for filtering out unwanted frequencies.

What are the applications of cavity resonators?

Cavity resonators have various applications, including as filters in communication systems, as oscillators in microwave devices, and as amplifiers in radar systems. They are also used in medical equipment, such as MRI machines, and in scientific research, such as in particle accelerators.

What is the purpose of two waveguide coaxial adapters in cavity resonators?

The purpose of two waveguide coaxial adapters in cavity resonators is to connect the resonator to other components or systems. They provide a transition between the rectangular waveguide used in cavity resonators and the coaxial cable, which is commonly used in electronic systems. This allows for the efficient transfer of energy between the cavity resonator and other components.
