Center and Commutant: GL(n = 2, Z_p)

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In summary, the center of GL(n = 2, Z_p) is the set of matrices that commute with all other matrices in the group, while the commutant is the set of all invertible matrices in the special linear group SL(n = 2, Z_p).
  • #1

Homework Statement

What is the center and the commutant of GL(n = 2, Z_p)?

Homework Equations

The center of a group G: z(G) = {x in G| xy = yx for all y in G}

Commutant of a group G is the set of all [itex] xyx^{-1}y^{-1} [/itex] where all x, y are in G.

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried some calculations with p = 2 first to see if some pattern emerged, but gave up along the way multiplying matrices. My idea is that since I can get the order of GL(n = 2, Z_p) for any p, then I could try to construct an isomorphism between this group and the dihedral group that has the same order. Since the center and commutant of this dihedral group is much easier to get, then I will have obtained the center and commutant of the GL group. Is this right? I gave a try to p=2 that gives order 6 to GL and was able to construct an isomorphism successfully with D_3. My problem now is trying to prove that I can show the isomorphism between any GL(n = 2, Z_p) and the corresponding dihedral group with the same order. Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
I've noticed now that the order of GL for p = 3 is an odd number for which can't possibly be the order of any dihedral group. So what I said might work only for even orders of GL. Anyways I still don't know how to get the commutant.
  • #3
Oh I just realized how simple it is. Take any A, B in GL(n = 2, Z_p). Then

[itex]det(ABA^{-1}B^{-1}) = 1 [/itex]

the commutant of GL(n = 2, Z_p) is a subset of SL(n = 2, Z_p).

Also any X in SL(n = 2, Z_p) is invertible and hence can be written as a commutator of two invertible matrices over Z_p. Hence the commutant of GL(n = 2, Z_p) is SL(n = 2, Z_p).
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FAQ: Center and Commutant: GL(n = 2, Z_p)

1. What is the definition of center and commutant in GL(n = 2, Z_p)?

The center of a group is the set of elements that commute with all other elements in the group. In GL(n = 2, Z_p), the center is the set of scalar matrices, which are matrices with the same value along the diagonal and zeros everywhere else. The commutant is the set of elements that commute with every element in the group, which in GL(n = 2, Z_p) is the same as the center.

2. How is center and commutant related to the structure of GL(n = 2, Z_p)?

The center and commutant play a crucial role in determining the structure of GL(n = 2, Z_p). The center is a normal subgroup of GL(n = 2, Z_p), meaning that it is closed under conjugation by any element in the group. The commutant is also a normal subgroup and contains the center as a subgroup. Furthermore, the quotient group GL(n = 2, Z_p)/Z(GL(n = 2, Z_p)) is isomorphic to the symmetric group S_n, which reflects the importance of the center and commutant in the group's structure.

3. How do the properties of center and commutant affect the elements in GL(n = 2, Z_p)?

The properties of the center and commutant have implications for the elements in GL(n = 2, Z_p). For example, because the center is a normal subgroup, it is closed under conjugation, meaning that if an element is in the center, its conjugates are also in the center. This leads to the result that the center is a characteristic subgroup, meaning that it is invariant under all automorphisms of GL(n = 2, Z_p). Additionally, the commutant being a normal subgroup implies that it is closed under multiplication, which has implications for the structure of GL(n = 2, Z_p).

4. Can the center and commutant in GL(n = 2, Z_p) be used to classify the elements in the group?

Yes, the center and commutant can be used to classify the elements in GL(n = 2, Z_p). For example, the elements in the center are all diagonal matrices with the same value along the diagonal, and the elements in the commutant are all upper triangular matrices with the same value along the diagonal. This allows for a systematic way of categorizing and understanding the elements in GL(n = 2, Z_p).

5. Are there any applications of studying the center and commutant in GL(n = 2, Z_p)?

Yes, the study of the center and commutant in GL(n = 2, Z_p) has important applications in group theory and algebraic geometry. In group theory, understanding the structure of the center and commutant can provide insight into the structure of the entire group. In algebraic geometry, the center and commutant play a role in the classification of algebraic varieties, which are objects defined by polynomial equations. Additionally, the study of the quotient group GL(n = 2, Z_p)/Z(GL(n = 2, Z_p)) has applications in the theory of symmetry and group actions.
