Center of a group with finite index

In summary, if ##G## is a group with a center ##Z(G)## of finite index, then every conjugacy class in ##G## also has finite elements. This can be proven by considering the action of ##G## on itself by conjugation and showing that each conjugacy class is identified with an orbit. Using the fact that ##Z(G)## is a subgroup of the centralizer of any element in ##G##, we can show that the index of the centralizer is also finite, which implies that the size of each conjugacy class is finite.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let ##G## be a group such that its center ##Z(G)## has finite index. Prove that every conjugacy class has finite elements.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that ##[G:Z(G)]<\infty##. If I consider the action on ##G## on itself by conjugation, each conjugacy class is identified with an orbit, and for each orbit ##\mathcal0_x \cong G/C_G(x)##, where ##C_G(x)## is the stabilizer of ##x## by the action, in this particular case, the centralizer of ##x##. I got stuck here, I know that ##Z(G) \leq C_G(x)## for all ##x \in G##, I don't know how to deduce from here that ##[G:C_G(x)]<\infty##, I would appreciate some help.
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  • #2
Hint: Show that if [itex]g_1[/itex] and [itex]g_2[/itex] are in the same coset of [itex]Z(G)[/itex] then for all [itex]h \in G[/itex] we have [itex]g_1hg_1^{-1}= g_2hg_2^{-1}[/itex].

(Edit: the converse also holds, but I don't think you will require that.)

Given any [itex]h \in G[/itex] you can then show that [itex]\phi_h : G/Z(G) \to [h] : gZ(G) \mapsto ghg^{-1}[/itex] is a surjection, where [itex][h][/itex] is the conjugacy class of [itex]h[/itex]. (The first hint allows us to define such a function.)
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FAQ: Center of a group with finite index

1. What is the center of a group with finite index?

The center of a group with finite index is the subgroup that contains all elements that commute with every element in the group. In other words, it is the set of elements that do not change the group when they are multiplied by any other element.

2. How is the center of a group with finite index related to the concept of normal subgroups?

The center of a group with finite index is a normal subgroup, meaning that it is closed under conjugation by any element in the group. This is because the center is the largest normal subgroup contained in the group.

3. Can the center of a group with finite index be empty?

Yes, the center of a group with finite index can be empty. This occurs when there are no elements that commute with every other element in the group.

4. How is the center of a group with finite index determined?

The center of a group with finite index can be determined by finding the intersection of all normal subgroups with finite index in the group. Alternatively, it can also be determined by finding the elements that commute with every other element in the group.

5. What are the applications of the concept of center of a group with finite index?

The concept of center of a group with finite index has many applications in various areas of mathematics, including group theory, number theory, and cryptography. It also has practical applications in fields such as chemistry, physics, and computer science.
