Center of Mass: xcom, ycom Calculations

In summary: In this case, the fractions are the percentages of the total area for each piece. So, for example, the first piece has 63.6% of the total area, meaning it has 63.6% of the total mass of the plate. This is represented by the 0.636 in the equations for xcom and ycom. In summary, the x coordinate of the center of mass for the uniform plate is -0.45 cm and the y coordinate is -2.0 cm. The mass and area of each piece are proportional, with the percentages of total area used as the fractions in the equations for the x and y coordinates.
  • #1
What are (a) the x coordinate and (b) the y coordinate of the center of mass for the uniform plate? Since the plate is uniform, we can split it up into three rectangular pieces, with the mass of each piece being proportional to its area and its center of mass being at its geometric center. We’ll refer to the large 35 cm × 10 cm piece (shown to the left of the y-axis in Fig. 9-38) as section 1; it has 63.6% of the total area and its center of mass is at (x1 ,y1) = (−5.0 cm, −2.5 cm). The top 20 cm × 5 cm piece (section 2, in the first quadrant) has 18.2% of the total area; its center of mass is at (x2,y2) = (10 cm, 12.5 cm). The bottom 10 cm x 10 cm piece (section 3) also has 18.2% of the total area; its center of mass is at (x3,y3) = (5 cm, −15 cm). Answers:
(a) xcom = (0.636)x1 + (0.182)x2 + (0.182)x3 = – 0.45 cm
(b)ycom = (0.636)y1 + (0.182)y2 + (0.182)y3 = – 2.0 cm

Correct me if I am wrong and please explain the right answer to me. xcom = m(x1) + m(x2) + m(x3) right? So what I am not understanding is how .636 is = m which stands for mass right?
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  • #2
You aren't given the mass for any of the pieces, but you were given the percentage of total area. You were told each that it was a uniform plate, so the the mass and area are proportional. Part of finding the center of mass is dividing by the total mass, so you are just given the fraction to begin with and you won't have to divide.
  • #3
frogjg2003 said:
You aren't given the mass for any of the pieces, but you were given the percentage of total area. You were told each that it was a uniform plate, so the the mass and area are proportional. Part of finding the center of mass is dividing by the total mass, so you are just given the fraction to begin with and you won't have to divide.

The fraction being the 63.4% or the other %'s of the total area respectively?
  • #4
  • #5

Yes, you are correct. In this case, m represents the mass of each rectangular piece, which is proportional to its area. So, for example, the first rectangular piece (section 1) has a mass of 0.636 times the total mass of the plate since it makes up 63.6% of the total area. This is why we multiply each x coordinate by its corresponding mass (0.636 for section 1, 0.182 for sections 2 and 3) in the equation for xcom. The same applies for the y coordinates. This method allows us to find the center of mass for a complex shape by breaking it down into simpler shapes.

FAQ: Center of Mass: xcom, ycom Calculations

1. What is the center of mass?

The center of mass, also known as the center of gravity, is the point at which the mass of an object is evenly distributed and all external forces acting on the object can be considered to act through that point.

2. How is the center of mass calculated?

The center of mass is calculated by finding the weighted average of the individual masses of an object and their positions. This can be done by dividing the sum of the individual masses multiplied by their respective positions by the total mass of the object.

3. Why is it important to calculate the center of mass?

Calculating the center of mass is important in many fields of science and engineering as it helps in understanding the stability, motion, and overall behavior of an object. It is also essential for designing structures and machines that can maintain balance and equilibrium.

4. How is the center of mass used in xcom and ycom calculations?

In xcom and ycom calculations, the center of mass is used to determine the balance point of an object in the x and y directions. This is important in analyzing the translational motion of an object as well as its rotational motion.

5. Can the center of mass be outside the physical boundaries of an object?

Yes, the center of mass can be outside the physical boundaries of an object if the object has a non-uniform distribution of mass. For example, a hammer has its center of mass located outside the physical head of the hammer due to the heavier weight in the handle.

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