Center of the Universe: What Again

In summary, the universe is estimated to be about 95 billion light years in diameter and has no physical center. Our view extends to the same distance in all directions, and our knowledge of the laws of physics holds true in all directions. This suggests that we are at the center of our observable universe, but this is true for any observer in the universe.
  • #1
I've recently read that the universe is now estimated to be about 95 billion light years in diameter. This was based on what we now can observe (Hubble Deep Field for example), what is estimated to be seen with new technology (James Webb) and an estimate of what's beyond that which we can't yet image. That being said, doesn't the word "diameter" imply a physical center? I've read many of the threads about how there is NO center to the universe as we now understand it, and then I read a description of the SIZE of the universe implying a physical shape with the normal attributes of shapes about which we are familiar. And then I get completely confused. Furthermore, the latest graphic images that depict the arrangement of local groups, clusters and super clusters again show a universe that is physical with a definable center. Could someone please help me grasp this apparent inconsistency? And that's not even getting into when we do visualize the extremes of our universe, what's beyond that edge.
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  • #2
The word observable has been left, i.e., it should "the observable universe". Since we can see in all directions, we are at the centre of the part of the universe that we can observe.
  • #3
Is that true? Is the distance to the extremes of our view the same in all directions? If so, then I guess we are the center of the universe. Some people have always acted like they were. Perhaps they were right all along. We haven't taken a deep field view looking in all directions I don't believe. I know it's been done twice looking in the Northern Hemisphere and then in the Southern. Perhaps it should be done in many directions and see what the numbers show regarding the farthest viewed galaxies.
  • #4
trainman2001 said:
Is that true? Is the distance to the extremes of our view the same in all directions? If so, then I guess we are the center of the universe. Some people have always acted like they were. Perhaps they were right all along. We haven't taken a deep field view looking in all directions I don't believe. I know it's been done twice looking in the Northern Hemisphere and then in the Southern. Perhaps it should be done in many directions and see what the numbers show regarding the farthest viewed galaxies.

There is no reason to expect our view to extend to different distances in different directions. While we haven't taken a Hubble deep field quality image of the entire sky (it would take something like 10 million years), we have taken plenty of other surveys and our knowledge of the laws of physics appears to hold in all directions. These laws tell us that the observable universe should have the same diameter in all directions and that the diameter is approximately 95 billion light years.
  • #5
There is a limit to how far we can see, it's not based on technology, it's because there was a beginning of time. As you look further out into space, you look backwards in time. There was a time before light could move freely, and then even more time where there was nothing interesting being created.
  • #6
We have a full sky map of the CMB and found it to have a virtually identical redshift of about 1090 in every direction, A redshift of 1090 corresponds to a proper distance of about 46 billion light years and is a view of the observable universe when it was only a few hundred thousand years old. Only a neutrino or gravitational wave detector can possibily 'see' anything more distant than CMB photons [which are the most ancient of all photons in the universe]. We are still working on those.
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  • #7
trainman2001 said:
Is that true? Is the distance to the extremes of our view the same in all directions? If so, then I guess we are the center of the universe. Some people have always acted like they were. Perhaps they were right all along. We haven't taken a deep field view looking in all directions I don't believe. I know it's been done twice looking in the Northern Hemisphere and then in the Southern. Perhaps it should be done in many directions and see what the numbers show regarding the farthest viewed galaxies.

The situation is similar to standing on the surface of the Earth. The distance to the horizon is the same in all directions (assuming no trees, mountains, etc.). The part of the Earth that you see out to the horizon constitutes the "observable Earth". My "observable Earth" is different from your "observable Earth", but they are both circular regions centered on where we are standing.

FAQ: Center of the Universe: What Again

What is the "Center of the Universe"?

The "Center of the Universe" is a concept that refers to the point at which all matter and energy in the universe is believed to originate from. It is often symbolized as a single point or location, although its exact location is still a topic of debate among scientists.

How is the "Center of the Universe" determined?

The "Center of the Universe" is not a physical location that can be measured or observed. It is a theoretical concept that is based on the current understanding of the universe and its origins. Scientists use various mathematical models and observations of the cosmos to estimate its location.

Is there really a single "Center of the Universe"?

The idea of a single "Center of the Universe" is a simplified concept used to help understand the complexities of the universe. In reality, the universe has no center and is constantly expanding in all directions. Therefore, the concept of a single center is more of a philosophical or theoretical concept rather than a physical reality.

What is the significance of the "Center of the Universe"?

The "Center of the Universe" is significant because it represents the beginning of the universe and all of its matter and energy. It is also a fundamental concept in understanding the structure and evolution of the universe. It has been a topic of interest and research for centuries, and continues to be a subject of study in modern cosmology.

Is the "Center of the Universe" the same as the "Big Bang"?

No, the "Big Bang" refers to the initial explosion and rapid expansion of the universe, while the "Center of the Universe" refers to the location where this explosion is believed to have originated from. The "Big Bang" is just one theory for the origin of the universe, while the "Center of the Universe" is a broader concept that encompasses various theories and models.

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