Centrifugal Force - continue spinning indefinately in space?

In summary, centrifugal force allows objects inside a rotating space ship to simulate gravity, but the force on the walls is opposed by the strength of the wall, not by the angular momentum of the centrifuge. This force does not require an external energy source and should not be confused with the concept of work. However, the movement of objects inside the ship can create drag and heat, causing the rotation to slow down over time.
  • #1
Centrifugal Force -- continue spinning indefinately in space?

I believe it is correct that if you spin up an object in space, like a space ship, it will continue spinning indefinately unless/until another force is applied to stop it from spinning. Then centrifugal force would push the objects in the ship outward and the outer walls of the ship would hold the objects in, simulating gravity. What I don't get is how this system can continue spinning indefinately when the objects inside are putting a force on the walls. Wouldn't that force have the effect of slowing it down over time? It seems odd that this force can exist in perpetuity without any energy source to continue driving it once it is set in motion.
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  • #2
The force on the wall is opposed by the strength of the wall, not by the angular momentum of the centrifuge. It's no different from when you stand on the ground, where the force of gravity is opposed by the dirt you're standing on.
  • #3
A force has to have at least a component along the direction of motion to change the magnitude of that motion(slow down/speed up). With centripetal force, the force is always acting exactly perpendicular to the instantenous direction of motion, so it can't make anything go faster or slower.

Also, note that forces don't require energy sources. Work requires an energy source, as this is what acts to change the energy of the system on which work is done.

Personally, I blame Star Wars for this 'force=>needs energy' confusion. Since Luke uses the Force during training on Dagobah and is visibly straining, it seems sensible to assume he's using up energy.
If only instead of "The Force" they called it "The Work", or even "The Energy", all would be well.
  • #4
Anything moving inside would tend slow down the rotation of the ship. Recoil from the surfaces is not 100% efficient and heat is generated. Air currents created will impose drag. All irreversible.
  • #5

I can explain that the concept of centrifugal force can be a bit misleading. Centrifugal force is not an actual force, but rather a perceived force that arises from the inertia of an object in motion. In the case of a spinning space ship, the objects inside are not actually exerting a force on the walls, but rather they are moving in a straight line due to their inertia while the walls of the ship curve around them, creating the perception of a force pushing them outward.

In space, there is no air resistance or friction to slow down the spinning motion of the ship. Therefore, unless an external force is applied, the ship will continue spinning at a constant rate due to the laws of inertia and conservation of angular momentum. This means that the spinning motion will not slow down over time, as there is no force acting against it to decrease its speed.

It is important to note that the concept of centrifugal force is only applicable in a rotating frame of reference, such as a spinning space ship. In an inertial frame of reference, such as the Earth's frame of reference, there is no need to invoke the concept of centrifugal force as objects simply follow a straight line path due to their inertia.

In summary, while it may seem counterintuitive, a spinning object in space can continue spinning indefinitely due to the absence of external forces to slow it down. The perceived centrifugal force is a result of the object's inertia and does not require any additional energy to sustain its motion.

Related to Centrifugal Force - continue spinning indefinately in space?

1. What is centrifugal force?

Centrifugal force is the apparent outward force that is experienced by an object when it is moving in a circular path. It is a result of the inertia of the object, which tends to keep it moving in a straight line, and the centripetal force, which acts towards the center of the circular path.

2. How does centrifugal force relate to spinning in space?

In space, there is no gravity or atmosphere to create a centripetal force, so objects can continue to spin indefinitely due to the inertia of their initial spin. This means that centrifugal force is the only force acting on the object, causing it to continue spinning at a constant speed.

3. Can centrifugal force be stopped in space?

Since there is no external force acting on an object spinning in space, centrifugal force cannot be stopped or counteracted. The object will continue spinning at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.

4. Is centrifugal force always present in spinning objects?

Yes, centrifugal force is always present in spinning objects, regardless of their location. However, in everyday life, it is often overshadowed by other forces such as gravity and friction. In space, where these forces are absent, centrifugal force becomes the dominant force acting on spinning objects.

5. What are some real-world applications of centrifugal force in space?

Centrifugal force is used in space to simulate gravity for astronauts during training or in spacecraft. It is also utilized in the design of centrifuges that are used to conduct experiments and research in microgravity conditions. Lastly, centrifugal force is essential in the operation of gyroscopes, which are used for navigation and stabilization in space missions.

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