Centripetal Acceleration must equal Gravity in a Space Station

In summary, a space station is designed to provide artificial gravity to support long-term stay of astronauts and cosmonauts. It is a large wheel with all the compartments in the rim. The wheel is to rotate at a speed that will provide an acceleration similar to that of terrestrial gravity for the astronauts. After the space station is assembled in orbit, its rotation will be started by the firing of a rocket motor fixed to the outer rim. The radius of the space station is 44 m, and the mass is 2.5 10^5 kg. If the thrust of the rocket motor is 150 N, how long should the motor fire?
  • #1

Homework Statement

A space station is to provide artificial gravity to support long-term stay of astronauts and cosmonauts. It is designed as a large wheel, with all the compartments in the rim, which is to rotate at a speed that will provide an acceleration similar to that of terrestrial gravity for the astronauts (their feet will be on the inside of the outer wall of the space station and their heads will be pointing toward the hub). After the space station is assembled in orbit, its rotation will be started by the firing of a rocket motor fixed to the outer rim, which fires tangentially to the rim. The radius of the space station is
R = 44 m, and the mass is M = 2.5 10^5 kg. If the thrust of the rocket motor is F = 1.5 10^2 N, how long should the motor fire?

Homework Equations

tangential acceleration= radius*angular acceleration
angular accleration=w/t => w= angular acceleration* time
gravity= 9.81
I (wheel)=1/2 m (r1^2-r2^2)

The Attempt at a Solution

Used F=ma, divided (f=150 N) by ( M=250000)= tangential acceleration (6 * 10^-4)
To get angular acceleration multiplied tangential acceleration times the radius. Got .0264
Since I'm looking for the time to make the centripetal acceleration equal to 9.81, I used
ac=w^2r. I already know w=angular accel *time, and that gave me ac=(α^2)(t^2)R
Then I solved for t and got 19.2 seconds.

The correct answer is 34600 s

Can someone check my work? It's also likely that moment of inertia is involved here, but since there is no potential energy (we're in space) and no initial kinetic energy, I couldn't think of a way to work it in. Angular momentum seems possible but I can't see how. Any help would be great! thanks.
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  • #2
I think you have to use torque in order to find the radial acceleration, which is where you would incorporate moment of inertia.
  • #3
Ok, I'll try that and see if it helps. Thanks
  • #4
A net torque (rocket firing) applied over a period of time causes a change in angular momentum.

And you know the angular velocity you must reach to achieve an centripetal acceleration of 9.8
V^2/r = ( ω*r)^2/r = 9.8

I think this might be the quickest route.

And you are definitely going to use I in the above. Your are trying to rotate an object with a large moment of inertia... Also since they only gave you one radius that I see, pretend the space station is a thin hoop. So that's I = Mr^2

see what you get...
  • #5
pgardn, that worked perfectly. Thanks for the explanation as well, it made sense.

Many thanks!

FAQ: Centripetal Acceleration must equal Gravity in a Space Station

1. What is the relationship between centripetal acceleration and gravity in a space station?

The centripetal acceleration in a space station must equal the force of gravity in order for objects to remain in circular motion. This is known as the equivalence principle, which states that gravitational acceleration is equivalent to acceleration caused by a non-gravitational force, such as centripetal force.

2. Why does centripetal acceleration need to equal gravity in a space station?

If the centripetal acceleration did not equal gravity in a space station, objects would either fly off into space or be pulled towards the center of the station. This would result in chaotic and unpredictable motion, making it difficult for astronauts to perform tasks and stay oriented in the station.

3. How is centripetal acceleration achieved in a space station?

In order to maintain a constant centripetal acceleration, the space station must rotate at a specific speed and radius. This is achieved through the use of centrifugal force, which is generated by the rotation of the station and counteracts the force of gravity to keep objects in circular motion.

4. What happens if the centripetal acceleration is too strong or too weak in a space station?

If the centripetal acceleration is too strong, objects will experience a greater force than gravity and will be pushed to the outer edges of the station. On the other hand, if the centripetal acceleration is too weak, objects will not have enough force to overcome gravity and will fall towards the center of the station.

5. Does the centripetal acceleration equal gravity for all objects in a space station?

Yes, the equivalence principle applies to all objects in a space station, regardless of their mass or size. This means that all objects, both large and small, must experience the same centripetal acceleration in order to remain in circular motion and counteract the force of gravity.
