Centripetal acceleration of objects in orbit around the Earth

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of "downwards" in relation to an orbiting satellite and its acceleration towards Earth. The experts point out that in circular motion, the net effect of acceleration in all radial directions is zero, resulting in no change in radius or speed. However, in elliptical orbits, the acceleration due to gravity can affect the tangential speed. The experts also mention that air resistance can cause the orbit to decay over time.
  • #1
Hi all. The answer to this might be trivial. If it is, sorry for posting. If you calculate the acceleration due to gravity of an orbiting satellite, it could be around 8.5-9.5m.s-2, depending. So, it's tangential velocity is such that as it falls towards earth, Earth curves away and the satellite never comes closer to Earth - here's my problem. If it's is accelerating towards Earth at say 9m.s-2, then every second it's downward velocity increases by 9m.s-1. If it continually accelerates in this way, eventually you have massive downward velocity, yet tangential velocity remains constant...the satellite should come crashing down. So, perhaps it's reached terminal downward velocity? But there's scant air resistance.. what gives?
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  • #2
"downwards" is not a fixed direction. As the satellite moves along its orbital path, "downwards" now is different from "downwards" a moment ago and from "downwards" a moment from now. After 1/4 of a complete orbit, the new "downwards" acceleration is no longer adding velocity along the original direction at all.
  • #3
Love2teachPhys said:
Hi all. The answer to this might be trivial. If it is, sorry for posting. If you calculate the acceleration due to gravity of an orbiting satellite, it could be around 8.5-9.5m.s-2, depending. So, it's tangential velocity is such that as it falls towards earth, Earth curves away and the satellite never comes closer to Earth - here's my problem. If it's is accelerating towards Earth at say 9m.s-2, then every second it's downward velocity increases by 9m.s-1. If it continually accelerates in this way, eventually you have massive downward velocity, yet tangential velocity remains constant...the satellite should come crashing down. So, perhaps it's reached terminal downward velocity? But there's scant air resistance.. what gives?

OK You realize it doesn't actually get any closer so there has to be an explanation. Try this:
If you realize that every time the satellite goes round once, the centripetal force has pointed in all possible radial directions, each instant of acceleration in one direction is balanced out by an instant, radially opposite acceleration, when it gets round there. So the net effect will be zero change in radius (or speed). As jbriggs has already pointed out, "downwards" really means radial.
The above only applies in the case of circular motion. If the orbit is elliptical (most / all are like this) the effect of g at any point will be to add to or subtract from the tangential speed (except at perigee and apogee, of course).

If there is any significant quantity of air at the orbital height, energy is continually lost through friction so the orbit will decay, catastrophically.
  • #4
Hmm. Thanks for the quick replies. I like the explanation that the net radial acceleration is zero, as for every radial acceleration, there is an opposite equal in magnitude acceleration. Is there another way of explaining this, perhaps?
  • #5


Thank you for bringing up this interesting topic. You are correct in saying that the centripetal acceleration of an object in orbit around the Earth is dependent on its tangential velocity, which is why it remains in a stable orbit without crashing down.

The key concept to understand here is that the acceleration due to gravity is not the only force acting on an object in orbit. There is also the force of its tangential velocity, which is perpendicular to the force of gravity. This results in a balanced system where the object is constantly falling towards the Earth due to gravity, but also moving tangentially at a constant speed.

Think of it like swinging a ball on a string above your head. The string is constantly pulling the ball towards the center, but the ball's tangential velocity keeps it from crashing down. As long as these two forces are balanced, the object will remain in orbit without any change in its tangential velocity.

In addition, you mentioned that there is minimal air resistance in space. This is also a key factor in maintaining a stable orbit. Without air resistance, there is no external force acting on the object to slow it down, so it can maintain its tangential velocity without any decrease.

I hope this helps to clarify your confusion. Orbital mechanics can be complex, but it is a fascinating subject to explore. Keep asking questions and learning more about the wonders of our universe.

Related to Centripetal acceleration of objects in orbit around the Earth

1. What is centripetal acceleration?

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration of an object towards the center of a circular path. It is always directed towards the center of the circle and is necessary for an object to maintain a circular motion.

2. How is centripetal acceleration related to objects in orbit around the Earth?

Objects in orbit around the Earth experience centripetal acceleration due to the gravitational force of the Earth. This centripetal acceleration keeps the object in its circular orbit around the Earth.

3. How is centripetal acceleration calculated for objects in orbit around the Earth?

The centripetal acceleration of an object in orbit around the Earth can be calculated using the formula: a = v^2/r, where a is the centripetal acceleration, v is the velocity of the object, and r is the radius of the orbit.

4. Does the mass of the object affect its centripetal acceleration in orbit around the Earth?

Yes, the mass of the object does affect its centripetal acceleration in orbit around the Earth. The greater the mass of the object, the greater the centripetal acceleration needed to keep it in its orbit.

5. How does the distance between the object and the Earth affect its centripetal acceleration?

The distance between the object and the Earth affects its centripetal acceleration in that the farther the object is from the Earth, the lower the centripetal acceleration needed to keep it in its orbit. This is because the gravitational force decreases with distance.

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