CFD: 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem

  • Thread starter SebastianF
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In summary, the code does not seem to produce the desired vortices, and the velocity source at (1,1) is unclear.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi guys,

we are supposed to program the velocity and temperature fields for the 2-dim Navier-Stokes, using the pressure correction method and Boussinesq. approx for the temperature field. The relevant set of equations and B.C. is displayed below:

Homework Equations

\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial v}{\partial x}=0

\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial P}{\partial x}=-\frac{\partial u^2}{\partial x}-\frac{\partial uv}{\partial y}+Pr\Big( \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} +\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2}\Big)

\frac{\partial v}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial P}{\partial y}=-\frac{\partial v^2}{\partial y}-\frac{\partial uv}{\partial x}+Pr\Big( \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial x^2} +\frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial y^2}\Big)+f

\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=-\frac{\partial vT}{\partial y}-\frac{\partial uT}{\partial x}+Pr\Big( \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} +\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial y^2}\Big)

where f = Ra * Pr * T
with Pr=Prandtl-number and Ra=Rayleigh Number

Boundary Conditions are:

x=0 : u=v=0 dT/dx=0
x=L_x: u=v=0 dT/dx=0
y=0 : u=v=0 T=T_bottom=0
y=L_y: u=v=0 T=T_top=0

Initial conditions are:


The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted to implement the above in Matlab:

The code runs but does not result in the expected vortices, but gives a strange velocity source at (1,1), I'm unsure where my error lies. Anyone have an idea?

Main Code:

% Notes for the Rayleigh-Bernard problem
% 1. Approach
% Careful: Omega from the exercise sheet is a temperature difference, not
% the actual temperature
% Try to imitate the behaviour of V and see if that works for omega


if (lid_driven_cavity==1)
  % Parameters for test case I: Lid-driven cavity
  % The Richardson number is zero, i.e. passive scalar.
  Pr = 0.71;     % Prandtl number
  Re = 10.;      % Reynolds number
  Ri = 0.;       % Richardson number
  dt = 0.00275;  % time step
  Tf = 20;       % final time
  Lx = 1;        % width of box
  Ly = 1;        % height of box
  Nx = 30;       % number of cells in x
  Ny = 30;       % number of cells in y
  ig = 200;      % number of iterations between output
  % Boundary and initial conditions:
  Utop = 1.; 
  % IF TEMPERATURE: Tbottom = 1.; Ttop = 0.;
  % IF TEMPERATURE: namp = 0.;
  % Parameters for test case II: Rayleigh-Bénard convection
  % The DNS will be stable for Ra=1705, and unstable for Ra=1715 
  % (Theoretical limit for pure sinusoidal waves 
  % with L=2.01h: Ra=1708)
  % Note the alternative scaling for convection problems.
  Pr = 0.71;     % Prandtl number
  Ra = 2715;     % Rayleigh number

  Re = 1./Pr;    % Reynolds number
  Ri = Ra*Pr;    % Richardson number
  dt = 0.0005;   % time step
  Tf = 20;       % final time
  Lx = 10.;      % width of box
  Ly = 1;        % height of box
  Nx = 200;      % number of cells in x
  Ny = 20;       % number of cells in y
  ig = 200;      % number of iterations between output
  % Boundary and initial conditions:
  Utop    = 0.; 
  % IF TEMPERATURE: Tbottom = 1.; Ttop = 0.;
  namp    = 0.1;
  Tbottom = 1.;
  Ttop    = 0.;

% Number of iterations
Nit = ceil(Tf/dt);
% Spatial grid: Location of corners -> position of the vel. nodes
x =  linspace(0,Lx,Nx+1); 
y =  linspace(0,Ly,Ny+1); 
% Grid spacing
hx = Lx/Nx;
hy = Ly/Ny;
% Boundary conditions: 
uN = x*0+Utop;    vN = avg(x,2)*0;
uS = x*0;         vS = avg(x,2)*0;
uW = avg(y,2)*0;  vW = y*0;
uE = avg(y,2)*0;  vE = y*0;
% all row vectors for now
% actual computation of Boundary condtions at Ue, Ve% Initial conditions
% Remember that i=1...x values end up in one colum U(i,j)=U(row,colum) and
% all           j=1...y values        in one row   V(i,j)=V(row,colum)
U = zeros(Nx-1,Ny); 
V = zeros(Nx,Ny-1);
% linear profile for T with random noise
% IF TEMPERATURE: T = ... + namp*rand(Nx,Ny)
T     = ones(Nx,Ny)* Tbottom + (Ttop - Tbottom)*repmat(avg(y,2),Nx,1) + namp*rand(Nx,Ny);
% Omega = diff(T,1,1);

% T needs wider Boundary conditions vector: Nx, Ny
% Note: Although the spacing is incorrect this is ultimately irrelavant. xT
% will be used to save (B.C.) temperatures, not positions!
xT =  linspace(0,Lx,Nx);
yT =  linspace(0,Ly,Ny);
% temperature boundary conditions:
tN = xT*0+Ttop;   tS = xT*0+Tbottom;
% tW = T(1,:);      tE = T(end,:);

% Time series
tser = [];
Tser = [];


% Compute system matrices for pressure 
% First set homogeneous Neumann condition all around
% Laplace operator on cell centres: Fxx + Fyy
Lp = kron(speye(Ny), DD(Nx,hx) ) + kron( DD(Ny,hy) ,speye(Nx));
% Set one Dirichlet value to fix pressure in that point
Lp(1,:) = 0 ; Lp(1,1) = 1 ;
% rhs = 0 inside the loop; further down
% For more speed, you could pre-compute the LU decomposition
% [LLp,ULp] = lu(Lp);

% Progress bar
    '[         |         |         |         |         ]\n')


% Main loop over iterations

for k = 1:Nit
   % include all boundary points for u and v (linear extrapolation
   % for ghost cells) into extended array (Ue,Ve)
   % add Sidevectors
   Ue     = [uW; U; uE;];
   % rightmost column (translates to bottommost row in actual matrix)
   % choosen, so that the average value implemented in Ua will yield uN 
   Ue     = [(2*uS')-Ue(:,1) Ue (2*uN')-Ue(:,end)];
   Ve     = [vS' V  vN'];
   Ve     = [(2*vW)-Ve(1,:); Ve; (2*vE)-Ve(end,:);];

   % boundary conditions for the Temperature   
   % Add column Side vectors
   Te     = [(2*tS')-T(:,1) T (2*tN')-T(:,end)];
   % Add row top & bottom vectors.
   Te     = [Te(1,:);  Te;  Te(end,:);];

   % averaged (Ua,Va) of u and v on corners
   % Dimensionaltity of Ua,Va should be (nx+1)*(ny+1) for both
   % (nx+1)*(ny+2) => (nx+1)*(ny+1)
   % averaging in y-direction (Up/down) 
   Ua = avg(Ue,2);
   % (nx+2)*(ny+1) => (nx+1)*(ny+1)
   % averaging in x-direction (left/right) 
   Va = avg(Ve,1);
   % averaging projects on cell corners
   % Example RayleighBenardConvection used average value, so stay parallel
   % and see what happens; Note that alone averaging will return: 
   % (nx+2)*(ny+2) => (nx+1)*(ny+2) => projection on V
   Ta = avg(Te,1);
   % (nx+1)*(ny+2) => (nx+1)*(ny+1) => projection on U
   Ta = avg(Ta,2);
   % Note: taking the difference with the lower boundary value
   % (y-direction) should happen at some point -> Omega!
   % construct individual parts of nonlinear terms
   dUVdx = diff(Ua.*Va, 1, 1)/hx;
   dUVdy = diff(Ua.*Va, 1, 2)/hy;
   % diff in x-direction (up/down) in T-Matrix
   % leaving v-distro
   dUOdx = diff(Ua.*Ta, 1, 1)/hx;
   % diff in y-direction (left/right) in T-Matrix
   % leaving u-distro
   dVOdy = diff(Va.*Ta, 1, 2)/hy;
   dU2dx = diff(avg(Ue(:,2:end-1).^2,1), 1, 1)/hx;
   dV2dy = diff(avg(Ve(2:end-1,:).^2,2), 1, 2)/hy;
   % treat viscosity explicitly
   viscu = diff( Ue(:,2:end-1),2,1 )/hx^2 + diff( Ue(2:end-1,:),2,2 )/hy^2;
   viscv = diff( Ve(:,2:end-1),2,1 )/hx^2 + diff( Ve(2:end-1,:),2,2 )/hy^2;
   %       (nx+2)*(ny+2)=>(nx)*(ny)       + (nx+2)*(ny+2)=>(nx)*(ny)
   viscT = diff( Te(:,2:end-1),2,1 )/hx^2 + diff( Te(2:end-1,:),2,2 )/hy^2;
   % buoyancy term
   % IF TEMPERATURE: fy = ...
   % (nx)*(ny)
   % dUOdx(:,2:end-1) or dUOdx(:,1:end-1) or dUOdx(:,2:end)
   T  = T + dt*viscT - dt*(dUOdx(:,1:end-1)+dVOdy(1:end-1,:));
   % T  = T + viscT - (dUOdx(:,2:end)+dVOdy(2:end,:));
   % driving force is the temperature DIFFERENCE:
   fy = Ri*diff(T,1,2);
   % compose final nonlinear term + explicit viscous terms
   U = U + dt/Re*viscu - dt*( dU2dx + dUVdy(2:end-1,:));
   % V = V + dt/Re*viscv - dt*( dV2dy + dUVdx(:,2:end-1)); % + % IF TEMPERATURE: dt*fy;
   V = V + dt/Re*viscv - dt*( dV2dy + dUVdx(:,2:end-1)) + dt*fy;
   % pressure correction, Dirichlet P=0 at (1,1)
   rhs = (diff([uW; U; uE],1,1)/hx + diff([vS' V  vN'],1,2)/hy)/dt;
   rhs = reshape(rhs,Nx*Ny,1);
   rhs(1) = 0;
   P = Lp\rhs;
   % alternatively, you can use the pre-computed LU decompositon
   % P = ULp\(LLp\rhs);
   P = reshape(P,Nx,Ny);
   % apply pressure correction
   U = U - dt*diff(P,1,1)/hx;
   V = V - dt*diff(P,1,2)/hy;
   % Temperature equation: Recomputation with pressure corrected velocities!
   % is enforcement of B.C. necessary at this step?
   % boundary conditions for the Temperature   
   %Add column Side vectors
   Te = [(2*tS')-T(:,1) T (2*tN')-T(:,end)];
   % Add row top & bottom vectors.
   Te = [Te(1,:);  Te;  Te(end,:);]; 
   % IF TEMPERATURE: Tu = ...
   Ta = avg(Te,1);
   Ta = avg(Ta,2); 
   dUOdx = diff(Ua.*Ta, 1, 1)/hx;   
   % IF TEMPERATURE: Tv = ...
   dVOdy = diff(Va.*Ta, 1, 2)/hy;
   % IF TEMPERATURE: H = ...
   viscT = diff( Te(:,2:end-1),2,1 )/hx^2 + diff( Te(2:end-1,:),2,2 )/hy^2;
   % IF TEMPERATURE: T = T + dt*H;
   T  = T + dt*viscT - dt*(dUOdx(:,2:end)+dVOdy(2:end,:));
   % progress bar
   if floor(51*k/Nit)>floor(51*(k-1)/Nit), fprintf('.'), end
   % plot solution if needed
   if k==1|floor(k/ig)==k/ig

     % compute divergence on cell centres
     if (1==1)
       div = diff([uW;U;uE])/hx + diff([vS' V vN'],1,2)/hy;

       figure(1);clf; hold on;
       axis equal; axis([0 Lx 0 Ly]);
       title(sprintf('divergence at t=%g',k*dt))
     % compute velocity on cell corners
     % renew Ua, Va matrixes with freshly computed values of U and V
     Ue = [uW; U; uE;];
     Ue = [(2*uS')-Ue(:,1) Ue (2*uN')-Ue(:,end)];
     Ve = [vS' V  vN'];
     Ve = [(2*vW)-Ve(1,:); Ve; (2*vE)-Ve(end,:);];
     Ua = avg(Ue,2);
     Va = avg(Ve,1);
     % Ua = ...
     % Va = ...
     Len = sqrt(Ua.^2+Va.^2+eps);

     figure(2);clf;hold on;
     axis equal; axis([0 Lx 0 Ly]);
     title(sprintf('u at t=%g',k*dt))
     % IF TEMPERATURE: % compute temperature on cell corners
     % IF TEMPERATURE: Ta = ...
     % boundary conditions for the Temperature   
     % Add column Side vectors
     % Te = [(2*tS')-T(:,1) T (2*tN')-T(:,end)];
     % Add row top & bottom vectors.
     % Te = [Te(1,:);  Te;  Te(end,:);];
     Ta = avg(Te,1);
     Ta = avg(Ta,2);
     figure(3); clf; hold on;
     axis equal; axis([0 Lx 0 Ly]);
     title(sprintf('T at t=%g',k*dt))
     % Time history
     if (1==1)
       figure(4); hold on;
       tser = [tser k*dt];
       Tser = [Tser Ue(ceil((Nx+1)/2),ceil((Ny+1)/2))];
       title(sprintf('Probe signal at x=%g, y=%g',...
       xlabel('time t');ylabel('u(t)')

Function: avg
function B = avg(A,idim)
% AVG(A,idim)
% Averaging function to go from cell centres (pressure nodes)
% to cell corners (velocity nodes) and vice versa.
% avg acts on index idim; default is idim=1.
% This function belongs to SG2212.m

% nargin returns number of function arguments -> idim not entered
if nargin<2, idim = 1; end

if (idim==1)
  B = [ A(2:end,:) + A(1:end-1,:) ]/2; 
elseif (idim==2)
  B = [ A(:,2:end) + A(:,1:end-1) ]/2;  
  error('avg(A,idim): idim must be 1 or 2')

Function: DD
function A = DD(n,h)
% DD(n,h)
% One-dimensional finite-difference derivative matrix 
% of size n times n for second derivative:
% h^2 * f''(x_j) = -f(x_j-1) + 2*f(x_j) - f(x_j+1)
% Homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions on the boundaries 
% are imposed, i.e.
% f(x_0) = f(x_1) 
% if the wall lies between x_0 and x_1. This gives then
% h^2 * f''(x_j) = + f(x_0) - 2*f(x_1) + f(x_2)
%                = + f(x_1) - 2*f(x_1) + f(x_2)
%                =              f(x_1) + f(x_2)
% For n=5 and h=1 the following result is obtained:
% A =
%    -1     1     0     0     0
%     1    -2     1     0     0
%     0     1    -2     1     0
%     0     0     1    -2     1
%     0     0     0     1    -1
% This function belongs to SG2212.m

% produce vector, filled with ones, for further use in A:
% Note that while diag will contain n numbers and therefore will
% be larger than required for the n-1 length sidediagonals, spdiags
% will simply cut-off the superflous information. 
diag = ones(n,1);

A = spdiags([diag -2*diag diag], -1:1, n, n)/h^2;
A(1,1) = -1/h^2;
A(n,n) = -1/h^2;

Attachment contains the MATLAB m-files of the code fragments above and PDF-pictures of the Temp and velocity fields.


  • avg.m
    513 bytes · Views: 454
  • DD.m
    1.3 KB · Views: 465
  • SG2212_2_03.m
    10.1 KB · Views: 485
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  • #2


  • TempField.pdf
    248.3 KB · Views: 333
  • VelField.pdf
    249.5 KB · Views: 273
  • #3
Hi,I guess in governing equation instead of Pr it should be (1/Pr)

FAQ: CFD: 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem

1. What is CFD and how is it used in the 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem?

CFD stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics, which is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods to solve and analyze fluid flow problems. In the 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem, CFD is used to simulate the flow of a fluid between two horizontal plates with different temperatures, known as Rayleigh-Benard convection.

2. What is the significance of the Rayleigh-Benard problem in fluid dynamics?

The Rayleigh-Benard problem is a classic problem in fluid dynamics that is used to study convection, which is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids. It is significant because it can be used to understand and predict complex flow patterns and heat transfer in various natural and industrial systems.

3. How is the 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem solved using CFD?

To solve the 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem using CFD, the Navier-Stokes equations, which describe the motion of fluids, are discretized and solved using numerical methods. This involves breaking down the problem into smaller elements and solving them iteratively to simulate the fluid flow and heat transfer between the two plates.

4. What are some applications of the 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem in real-world problems?

The 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem has various applications in real-world problems, such as understanding the dynamics of atmospheric and oceanic flows, predicting heat transfer in industrial processes, and studying the behavior of fluids in microgravity environments. It can also be used to optimize the design of heat exchangers and other engineering systems.

5. How does the Rayleigh number affect the flow in the 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem?

The Rayleigh number, which is a dimensionless number representing the ratio of buoyancy forces to viscous forces, plays a crucial role in determining the flow patterns in the 2-Dim Rayleigh-Benard problem. As the Rayleigh number increases, the flow becomes more chaotic, and multiple convection cells can form, leading to increased heat transfer between the plates.
