Chain problem to do with Newton's 2nd law.

In summary, the chain would have to be coiled up very tightly at the edge of the table in order to minimize the acceleration.
  • #1

I have a problem to do with a chain.

You have a table with infinite drop and a chain of length l. The chain is let off at the end of the table. Assuming a frictionless table, calculate an expression for the speed of the chain.

Could anyone help with this please?

Best wishes,

Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF;
Is this a homework problem?

Model the chain as a series of small ideal masses joined by a short, ideal, string.
Use the same approach as you did for just two masses.
  • #3
Hi it is a problem given to me by a colleague. I mentioned differential equations and he gave me this problem. He is a Doctor of Physics so I am struggling slightly! I am from a pure Mathematics base. Could I model the acceleration as d^2 x /d t^2?
  • #4
Context of calculus means that you should treat the chain as continuous rater than a set of distinct links.
However, it may help you understand the problem if you divide the chain up into a series of discrete masses and take the limit that the number of discrete masses becomes very large.

The second time derivative of position is acceleration so that's a good start.
You also need Newton's laws and a free-body diagram.

Have you done the problem for two masses connected by a string - one mass is hanging off the end of the table?

This one is just the same except that the mass hanging off the end is now a function of time.

For a chain length L and total mass M on a frictionless table, (I don't like lower case for L when I'm typing), what is the instantaneous acceleration for the chain when length y<L is hanging off the edge?

If the chain is initially at rest with length y0 hanging off the edge, then:
y(t=0)=y0, v(t=0)=0 - are the initial values.
  • #5
Just find the potential energy of the chain as a function of height below the table and use conservation of energy.
  • #6
Ok I've tried again and got this.

F= Ma where a=d^2 x / d t^2

Also F=mg where m is the mass of the chain over the edge of the table

so m =M(x/L) where x is the length of chain over the table at a given point in time.

Equating these two expressions we get:

M(d^2 x / d t^2) = M (x/L) g

(d^2 x / d t^2) = (x/L) g

Then integrate.

Would this be correct?
  • #7
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  • #8
Sorry about that. Too keen to get started! Thanks for your help.
  • #9
WannabeNewton said:
Just find the potential energy of the chain as a function of height below the table and use conservation of energy.
Energy isn't conserved in most of these "rope on a table" type problems.
  • #10
AJ2357 said:
You have a table with infinite drop and a chain of length l. The chain is let off at the end of the table. Assuming a frictionless table, calculate an expression for the speed of the chain.
How is the chain arranged initially? Is it
  1. Laid out in a straight line on the table, perpendicular to the edge of the table, with a tiny bit hanging over the end, or
  2. Nicely coiled up just at the edge of the table, so all the falling chain has to do is unravel that coil?
You will get two different answers for these different setups.
  • #11
AJ2357 said:
Ok I've tried again and got this.

(d^2 x / d t^2) = (x/L) g

Well done.
You should solve the DE as an initial value problem.

BTW: we've been doing the "laid out in a line".
What would be different if the chain were arranged right on the edge of the table?
  • #12
Great thanks very much for your help guys.

FAQ: Chain problem to do with Newton's 2nd law.

1. What is Newton's 2nd law of motion?

Newton's 2nd law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. It can be represented by the equation F=ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration.

2. How does Newton's 2nd law apply to chain problems?

In chain problems, Newton's 2nd law can be used to calculate the tension in a chain at different points. By considering each link in the chain as a separate object, the net force acting on each link can be determined and used to calculate the tension in the chain at that point.

3. Can Newton's 2nd law be applied to both stationary and moving objects?

Yes, Newton's 2nd law can be applied to both stationary and moving objects. For stationary objects, the acceleration is 0 and the equation simplifies to F=0, meaning the net force acting on the object is 0. For moving objects, the equation F=ma can be used to calculate the acceleration of the object.

4. Are there any limitations to Newton's 2nd law?

Newton's 2nd law is only applicable to objects moving at a constant velocity or with a constant acceleration. It also assumes that the mass of the object remains constant and that there are no external forces acting on the object.

5. How is Newton's 2nd law related to the concept of inertia?

Newton's 2nd law is closely related to the concept of inertia, which is an object's resistance to change in its state of motion. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia, and the more force is needed to accelerate it. This is reflected in the equation F=ma, where a larger mass requires a larger force to produce the same acceleration as a smaller mass.
