Chain rule and division by zero

In summary: Which coincides with the acceleration, as it should, everywhere except at the turning point ##x = \dfrac{v_0^2}{2g}## where ##v = 0 ##. In that point, the acceleration ##a = 0 ##. In summary, when using velocity as a function of position, we might get into trouble, and even encounter contradictions, if we don't use the derivative as a limiting process, and if we don't consider the turning point. In the example of the stone being thrown upwards, the turning point is where the stone is at the highest point, with potential energy equal to the initial kinetic energy. This point
  • #1
Homework Statement
The velocity of a particle moving along the x-axis is given as v=x^2-5x+4 (in m/s), where x denotes the x-coordinate of the particle in metres. Find the magnitude of acceleration of the particle when the velocity of the particle is zero.
Relevant Equations
Differential Calculus
My approach is as follows:
a = dv/dt
= (dv/dx) * (dx/dt)
= (dv/dx) * v
Putting v = 0:
a = (dv/dx) * 0 = 0 m s^(-2)

But, what I don't understand is this:
If v=0, then dx/dt must also be 0. Consequently, dx must also be 0 at that particular instant. But, we are writing acceleration as (dv/dx) * v. Won't this expression become undefined when dx=0?
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  • #2
dx is not a number

dv / dx is a shorthand for the derivative as a limit notation here.
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  • #3
malawi_glenn said:
dx is not a number

dv / dx is a shorthand for the derivative as a limit notation here.

And the point of the limit process is that you never actually divide by zero.
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  • #4
jain_arham_hsr said:
Homework Statement: The velocity of a particle moving along the x-axis is given as v=x^2-5x+4 (in m/s), where x denotes the x-coordinate of the particle in metres. Find the magnitude of acceleration of the particle when the velocity of the particle is zero.
Relevant Equations: Differential Calculus

My approach is as follows:
a = dv/dt
= (dv/dx) * (dx/dt)
= (dv/dx) * v
Putting v = 0:
a = (dv/dx) * 0 = 0 m s^(-2)

But, what I don't understand is this:
If v=0, then dx/dt must also be 0. Consequently, dx must also be 0 at that particular instant. But, we are writing acceleration as (dv/dx) * v. Won't this expression become undefined when dx=0?
In fact, it can be shown that ##dv/dx \ne 0## when ##v=0## for this velocity function.

Factoring the velocity function, we have: ##\displaystyle \quad v=x^2-5x+4=(x-4)(x-1)## .

Setting this equal to zero and solving for ##x## we see that ##v=0## when ##x=1## or ##x=4##.

But ##dv/dx=2x-5## which is ##-3## when ##x=1## and is ##3## when ##x=4##.

Also, notice that ##dv/dx=0## at ##x=5/2##, so the acceleration is zero there too. (Yes, I realize that the problem did not ask for you to find this.)
  • #5
jain_arham_hsr said:
Homework Statement: The velocity of a particle moving along the x-axis is given as v=x^2-5x+4 (in m/s), where x denotes the x-coordinate of the particle in metres. Find the magnitude of acceleration of the particle when the velocity of the particle is zero.
Relevant Equations: Differential Calculus

My approach is as follows:
a = dv/dt
= (dv/dx) * (dx/dt)
= (dv/dx) * v
Putting v = 0:
a = (dv/dx) * 0 = 0 m s^(-2)

But, what I don't understand is this:
If v=0, then dx/dt must also be 0. Consequently, dx must also be 0 at that particular instant. But, we are writing acceleration as (dv/dx) * v. Won't this expression become undefined when dx=0?
Here's a thing. Assume that ##v## can be written as a function of ##x##. Then:
$$\frac{dv}{dt} =\frac{dv}{dx}\frac{dx}{dt} = \frac{dv}{dx}v$$Therefore: acceleration must be zero whenever velocity is zero, for any motion!? What's going on?
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  • #6
You need to be careful with the generic case of considering any-old velocity as a function of position. In some cases ## \frac{dV}{dx} ## has a ##\frac{1}{V}## in it. Consider simple harmonic motion with ## x(t) = A \sin (w t)##. You get ## V(t) = A w \cos (w t) ## and you can easily work out that ## V = w \sqrt{A^2 - x^2} ##. So then ## \frac{d V} {dx} = -\frac{w^2 x}{V}##. And finally, ## a = \frac{d V} {dx} V = -w^2 x ##, the familiar answer.

To see what happens in the OP, you need to think about what the potential energy might be that produces the given velocity as a function of ##x##. And where it has its maximum. And what happens if you put an object at rest at the maximum of a potential. Easy example might be, a ball balanced at the top of a hill.
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  • #7
Note that velocity and acceleration are the first and second derivatives of position wrt time. If ##v =0## and ##a \ne 0## then we have a turning point, where velocity changes sign. In which case we have two velocities for the same position and velocity is not a function of position. If velocity remains a function of position through a point where velocity is zero, then we must have a point of infection, in which case ##a =0## at that point.
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  • #8
As another concrete example, consider a stone being thrown upwards vertically with initial speed ##v_0##. Let positive direction be up, the acceleration is constant if we ignore air-resistance and motion close to the surface of the Earth ##a = \dfrac{\text d v}{\text d t} = -g##.

We use the SUVAT-equation ##v(x(t))^2 - v_0^2 = -2gx## where ##x## is the distance from the position where the stone was thrown, ##x(0) = 0##. We have ##v = 0 ## when ##x = \dfrac{v_0^2}{2g}##.

For motion upwards, positive ##v##, we obtain ##v(x) = \sqrt{v_0^2 - 2gx}##.

Using the relation from the chain rule ## \dfrac{\text d v}{\text d t} = \dfrac{\text d v}{\text d x} v## and differentiating ##v(x) = \sqrt{v_0^2 - 2gx}## w.r.t. ##x##:
##\dfrac{\text d v}{\text d x} = \dfrac{1}{2}\cdot \dfrac{-2g}{\sqrt{v_0^2 - 2gx}} = -\, \dfrac{g}{v}##

we obtain ## \dfrac{\text d v}{\text d t} = \dfrac{\text d v}{\text d x} v =-\, \dfrac{g}{v} \cdot v = - g## as expected.
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  • #9
It seems to me that the intent of the problem's author was to use a straightforward approach, namely solve the separable differential equation $$\frac{dx}{dt}=(x-1)(x-4)$$ to find ##x(t)## and hence ##v(t)## and ##a(t)##. Then one can easily perhaps determine when (not where) the velocity is zero and evaluate the acceleration at such time(s).
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  • #10
kuruman said:
It seems to me that the intent of the problem's author was to use a straightforward approach, namely solve the separable differential equation $$\frac{dx}{dt}=(x-1)(x-4)$$ to find ##x(t)## and hence ##v(t)## and ##a(t)##. Then one can easily determine when (not where) the velocity is zero and evaluate the acceleration at such time(s).
Yes, that differential equation is consistent with the problem in the OP.

However, there is a difficulty in determining when (at what time) the velocity is zero.

In general, you are free to choose an arbitrary value, ##x=x_0## at ##t=0## or in general pick ##x=x_T## at ##t=T##. But as @PeroK suggests: (Bold added for emphasis.)
PeroK said:
Here's a thing. Assume that ##v## can be written as a function of ##x##. Then:
$$\frac{dv}{dt} =\frac{dv}{dx}\frac{dx}{dt} = \frac{dv}{dx}v$$Therefore: acceleration must be zero whenever velocity is zero, for any motion!? What's going on?
If you pick a time for the velocity to be zero, the acceleration also being zero implies that the particle will be stationary at either ##x=1## or at ##x=4##.

Also, note:
Setting some value for ##x_0## such as ##x_0=0## does seem to imply that the particle will come to rest at ##x=1##. However, the particle will never get to ##x=1##, i.e. it takes an infinite amount of time to get there.
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  • #11
SammyS said:
Yes, that differential equation is consistent with the problem in the OP.

However, there is a difficulty in determining when (at what time) the velocity is zero.
After solving the differential equation, I agree that there is great difficulty determining when the velocity is zero (I edited my previous about that). I see now that using ##a=v\dfrac{dv}{dx}~## for this particular problem to derive a potential function ##U(x)## and then plotting it, illustrates @PeroK's query "what's going on?" quite nicely.
  • #12
From a mathematical point of view: if ##v(x)## is well defined and differentiable at some point ##x_0##, then ##v(x_0) =0## implies ##a(x_0)=0##.

My answer to "what's going on" is that in general (and for most motions that are studied in physics), these hypotheses fail.

This, IMO, is another example of some mathematics being specified that has little or no relevance to actual physics. Or, at least, the connection to a real physical system is obscure. This seems to have been quite common in the homework forum recently.
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  • #13
PeroK said:
This, IMO, is another example of some mathematics being specified that has little or no relevance to actual physics. Or, at least, the connection to a real physical system is obscure.
I am not 100% convinced about that and this why. I took your "what's going on" as an invitation to seek physical meaning to the given expression for the velocity. If we assume that there is a single force acting on the particle, then we can derive a potential function for that force. $$\begin{align} & F=ma=mv\frac{dv}{dx}=m(x-1)(x-4)(2x-5)=-\frac{dU}{dx} \nonumber \\ & \implies U(x)=- \frac{1}{2}x^4+5x^3-\frac{33}{2}x^2+20x. \nonumber \end{align}$$A plot of this potential is shown below.

At ##x=1~##m and ##x=4~##m we have points of unstable equilibrium where the potential energy is ##8 ~##units. If the particle has energy (##8-\epsilon##) units, in the limit ##\epsilon\rightarrow 0##, we have turning points at ##x=1~##m and ##x=4~##m. Meanwhile the period of the oscillatory motion increases and becomes infinite when ##\epsilon=0.## Such a potential could be used for example to model how a diatomic molecule vibrates at low energies but falls apart when too much energy is pumped into it. So I think that there could be physical meaning to this and that is why I am not 100% convinced.

BTW, we went through the ##v({dv}/{dx})=0## business 3 years ago here and I think it would be wise to let that sleeping dog lie.

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Related to Chain rule and division by zero

What is the chain rule in calculus?

The chain rule is a fundamental theorem in calculus used to differentiate composite functions. If you have two functions, say \( f \) and \( g \), the chain rule states that the derivative of the composite function \( f(g(x)) \) is \( f'(g(x)) \cdot g'(x) \). In other words, you first differentiate the outer function and then multiply it by the derivative of the inner function.

How do you apply the chain rule to a function?

To apply the chain rule, follow these steps: 1. Identify the outer function and the inner function in the composite function.2. Differentiate the outer function with respect to the inner function.3. Differentiate the inner function with respect to the variable.4. Multiply the results from steps 2 and 3.For example, if you have \( h(x) = \sin(x^2) \), the outer function is \( \sin(u) \) and the inner function is \( u = x^2 \). The derivative is \( \cos(x^2) \cdot 2x \).

Why is division by zero undefined?

Division by zero is undefined because it leads to results that are not mathematically consistent. When you divide a number by another number, you are essentially asking how many times the divisor fits into the dividend. If the divisor is zero, the question becomes nonsensical because zero times any number is zero, and there is no number that can satisfy the equation \( x \cdot 0 = a \) for any non-zero \( a \). This leads to contradictions and undefined behavior in mathematics.

What happens if you try to apply the chain rule to a function involving division by zero?

Applying the chain rule to a function involving division by zero is problematic because the derivative at the point where the division by zero occurs is undefined. If the inner function or its derivative leads to a division by zero, the chain rule cannot be applied directly. In such cases, the function may have a discontinuity or a singularity at that point, and special techniques or limits may be required to analyze the behavior near that point.

Can the chain rule be used to solve real-world problems involving rates of change?

Yes, the chain rule is widely used in solving real-world problems involving rates of change. For example, in physics, it can be used to relate the rate of change of position with respect to time (velocity) to the rate of change of velocity with respect to time (acceleration). In economics, it can help in understanding how changes in one economic variable affect another. The chain rule provides a powerful tool for analyzing how interconnected variables influence each other in dynamic systems.

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