Chain Rule, Differentials "Trick"

In summary, the conversation discusses the discovery of a cool substitution method for finding derivatives and integrals. The method is applied to integrals and leads to a discussion about the legitimacy of treating derivatives as fractions. It is concluded that this method is a result of the abuse of notation and does not apply to higher order derivatives. The conversation also touches on the Epsilon-Delta definition of limits and how it relates to the notation of derivatives.
  • #1
I was playing around with some simple differential equations earlier and I discovered something cool (at least for me).

Suppose you have [tex]y=sin(x^2) \Rightarrow \frac{dy}{dx}=2xcos(x^2)[/tex]
What if, instead of taking the derivative with respect to [itex]x[/itex], I want to take the derivative with respect to [itex]x^2[/itex], where a simple substitution might help? [tex]u(x)=x^2 \Rightarrow \frac{du}{dx}=2x \Rightarrow du=2xdx[/tex] [tex]y=sin(u) \Rightarrow \frac{dy}{du}=cos(u) \Rightarrow \frac{dy}{dx^2}=cos(x^2)[/tex] If you undo the substitution for both instances of [itex]u[/itex], you arrive at the derivative with respect to [itex]x[/itex] [tex]\frac{dy}{dx^2}=\frac{dy}{2xdx}=cos(u^2) \Rightarrow \frac{dy}{dx}=2xcos(x^2)[/tex]

Now, I understand this result is just an application of the chain rule, but, I decided to use it on integrals. Which turns out great because this is just an application of integration by parts. [tex]\int dy=\int 2xcos(x^2)dx=\int cos(u)du=\int cos(x^2)dx^2[/tex]

Now, my question is, is it possible to apply this to derivatives of higher order? Here is my approach by example. [tex]\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}=6x[/tex] [tex]\int d^2y=\int 6xdx^2,~~~~~~~dx^2=2xdx[/tex] [tex]\int d^2y=\int 6x(2xdx)[/tex]

In analogy to stating [itex]\int dx^2=\int 2xdx[/itex], how would i write [itex]\int d^2y ~~~~[/itex] ?
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  • #2
paradoxymoron said:
Now, I understand this result is just an application of the chain rule, but, I decided to use it on integrals. Which turns out great because this is just an application of integration by parts. [tex]\int dy=\int 2xcos(x^2)dx=\int cos(u)du=\int cos(x^2)dx^2[/tex]

It's an application of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral.
It's not really a differential thing.
  • #3
pwsnafu said:
It's an application of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral.
It's not really a differential thing.
I read the article to the best of my understanding and I didn't notice anything that could help me write [itex]\int d^2y[/itex] explicitly so I could compute the integral using only one step of anti-differentiation (rather than two, in the case of second-order derivatives).
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  • #4
The trick that they teach you in freshman calculus and then again in DiffEQ where you take a separable DE ##\frac{dy}{dx}=f(x)g(y)## and treat ##\frac{dy}{dx}## like a ratio of differentials so that the equation can be rewritten ##\frac{dy}{g(y)}=f(x)dx## is an abuse of notation. It works (in the sense that you get a correct answer) in that particular situation, and in some others. But in general, treating the Leibniz notation like it's a fraction will get you in trouble if you don't really know what you're doing.

In the case of the second derivative, ##\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}##, it most definitely cannot be treated like a fraction. Furthermore, you have conflated ##d(x^2)## with what "should" be (if it were actually a valid step) ##(dx)^2##.

For what it's worth, here is the legitimate working of the general separable DE;

Given ##\frac{dy}{dx}=f(x)g(y)## has a solution ##y=u(x)##, we have ##u'(x)=f(x)g\left(u(x)\right)##. Whenever ##g## is nonzero, ##\frac{1}{g\left(u(x)\right)}u'(x)=f(x)##. On any interval ##[x_0,x_1]## on which the solution is valid, we have $$\int_{x_0}^{x_1}\frac{1}{g\left(u(x)\right)}u'(x)\ dx = \int_{x_0}^{x_1}f(x)\ dx$$ Using the method of integration by substitution on the LHS gives $$\int_{w_0}^{w_1}\frac{1}{g\left(w\right)}\ dw = \int_{x_0}^{x_1}f(x)\ dx$$ where ##w_i=u(x_i)## for ##i=1,2##.

And this looks a lot like the equation ##\int\frac{1}{g(y)}\ dy=\int f(x)\ dx## that you get using the standard trick. So treating ##\frac{dy}{dx}## like a fraction works in this case.

If you were to try and apply this approach to a second order separable DE (which is a misnomer) like ##\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}=f(x)g(y)##, you'd get to the equation $$\int_{x_0}^{x_1}\frac{1}{g\left(u(x)\right)}u''(x)\ dx = \int_{x_0}^{x_1}f(x)\ dx$$ and (hopefully) realize that the method of substitution does not apply here.

Also, the Leibniz notation ##\frac{d^ny}{dx^n}## comes from the notation ##\frac{d}{dx}## of the differential operator ( ##\frac{d^n}{dx^n}=(\frac{d}{dx})^n## is kinda like shorthand for "do that differentiation thing ##n## times". So ##\frac{d^ny}{dx^n}=\frac{d^n}{dx^n}[y]## is notation for "do that differentiation thing to ##y## ##n## times" or, in the case of the LHS, "the result of having done that differentiation thing to ##y## ##n## times".
  • #5

Thanks for your reply! I always knew that Leibniz's notation was somewhat of needed abuse. I think my problem was that my Calculus classes did not cover the Epsilon-Delta definition of limit (and in turn, the limit nature of the derivative) in detail, so I got too used to the beauty the notation can give. I just thought that you could define a second order differential ##d^2y## in the same way you can with ordinary differentials ##df(x)=f'(x)dx##. I guess this is not possible. Your reply made me realize what I was doing wrong. Thanks again!

FAQ: Chain Rule, Differentials "Trick"

1. What is the chain rule in calculus?

The chain rule is a formula used to find the derivative of a composite function. It states that the derivative of a composite function is equal to the derivative of the outer function multiplied by the derivative of the inner function.

2. How do I apply the chain rule in a problem?

To apply the chain rule, you must first identify the inner and outer functions in the composite function. Then, take the derivative of the outer function and substitute the inner function into it. Finally, multiply that result by the derivative of the inner function.

3. Can the chain rule be used for higher-order derivatives?

Yes, the chain rule can be applied to higher-order derivatives. You simply apply the chain rule multiple times, taking the derivative of each function in the composite function separately.

4. What is the purpose of using differentials in the chain rule?

Differentials are used in the chain rule to make the process of finding derivatives easier and more accurate. Differentials allow us to break down a function into smaller, more manageable pieces for differentiation.

5. When should the chain rule be used instead of other differentiation rules?

The chain rule should be used when the function is composed of multiple functions or when the variable is nested inside other functions. In these cases, using other differentiation rules will not yield the correct result.

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