Chains of Modules and Composition Series

In summary: I$ is a maximal subgroup of $R$.Now suppose we have $r \in R$, and $a \in I$. Since $N$ is an $R$-submodule, it is closed under the (right) $R$-action, that is:$n \in N \implies nr \in N$ for any $r \in R$.So if $a \in I$, then for any $n \in N,\ na \in N$, and thus $(na)r = n(ar) \in N$, thus $ar \in I$.This...shows that $I$ is a maximal subgroup of $
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading "Introduction to Ring Theory" by P. M. Cohn (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)[/COLOR]

In Chapter 2: Linear Algebras and Artinian Rings, on Page 61 we find a definition of a refinement of a chain and a definition of a composition series.

The relevant text on page 61 is as follows:View attachment 3181

In the above text, Cohn indicates that a refinement of a chain (added links) is a composition series for a module \(\displaystyle M\), but then goes on to to characterise a composition series for a module \(\displaystyle M\) as a chain in which \(\displaystyle C_r = M\) for some positive integer \(\displaystyle r\), and for which \(\displaystyle C_i/C_{i-1}\) is a simple module for each \(\displaystyle i\).

So then, is Cohn saying that if a refinement is not possible, then it follows that \(\displaystyle C_r =M\) for some \(\displaystyle r\) and \(\displaystyle C_i/C_{i-1}\) is a simple module for each \(\displaystyle i\)? If so, why/how is this the case?

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  • #2
Claim For any $R$-module $R$, and a maximal submodule $M$ of $R$, $R/M$ is simple

Since every submodule of an $R$ module is a module over an ideal of $R$, we can produce an ideal $I$ of $R$ such that $M$ is an $I$-module. Consider the canonical map $\varphi :R \to R/I$. For any submodule $N$ of $R/M$, we can produce an ideal $J$ of $R$ such that $N$ is a $J$-module. $\varphi^{-1}(J)$ contains $I$, but is a proper ideal of $R$. Hence the minimality of $I$ is contradicted, thus $R/I$ is simple, hence so is the $R/I$-module $R/M$. $\blacksquare$

Let $M$ be a module and $0 = M_0 \subset M_1 \subset M_2 \subset \, \cdots \, \subset M_{n - 1} \subset M_n = M$ be a composition series for $M$. By Cohn's definition, you see that this is a chain which can't be "expanded", i.e., $M_{i-1}$ is maximal in $M_i$. By the theorem above, the composition factors $M_i/M_{i-1}$ are simple. $\blacksquare$
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  • #3
mathbalarka said:
Claim For any $R$-module $R$, and a maximal submodule $M$ of $R$, $R/M$ is simple

Since every submodule of an $R$ module is a module over an ideal of $R$, we can produce an ideal $I$ of $R$ such that $M$ is an $I$-module. Consider the canonical map $\varphi :R \to R/I$. For any submodule $N$ of $R/M$, we can produce an ideal $J$ of $R$ such that $N$ is a $J$-module. $\varphi^{-1}(J)$ contains $I$, but is a proper ideal of $R$. Hence the minimality of $I$ is contradicted, thus $R/I$ is simple, hence so is the $R/I$-module $R/M$. $\blacksquare$

Let $M$ be a module and $0 = M_0 \subset M_1 \subset M_2 \subset \, \cdots \, \subset M_{n - 1} \subset M_n = M$ be a composition series for $M$. By Cohn's definition, you see that this is a chain which can't be "expanded", i.e., $M_{i-1}$ is maximal in $M_i$. By the theorem above, the composition factors $M_i/M_{i-1}$ are simple. $\blacksquare$

Hi Mathbalarka,

Thanks for the help!

In your post you write:" … …every submodule of an $R$ module is a module over an ideal of $R$, … … "

Can you give more details on this proposition … indeed can you show that this is the case … that is, prove that this is true … …

Would appreciate your help on this matter.

  • #4
Peter said:
Hi Mathbalarka,

Thanks for the help!

In your post you write:" … …every submodule of an $R$ module is a module over an ideal of $R$, … … "

Can you give more details on this proposition … indeed can you show that this is the case … that is, prove that this is true … …

Would appreciate your help on this matter.

Hmm...let's see what we can do. Suppose $M$ is our (right) $R$-module, and $N$ our submodule. We need to somehow produce an ideal $I$ of $R$, so that $N$ is an $I$-module.

My first thought is to set:

$I = \{a \in R: na \in N,\ \forall n \in N\}$.

Does this work?

Suppose $a,b \in I$. Then for any $n \in N$, we have $na,nb \in N$. Since $N$ is an abelian group under the module addition of $M$, and thus closed under addition, we have $na + nb = n(a+b) \in N$. Since this is true of every $n \in N$, we have $a+b \in I$.

Note that if $a \in I$, then for any $n \in N$, we have $na \in N$ (since submodules are closed under the $R$-action), and since an abelian group contains all additive inverses, we have:

$-na = n(-a) \in N$, so that $-a \in I$ whenever $a \in I$. Thus $I$ is an additive subgroup of $R$.

Now suppose we have $r \in R$, and $a \in I$. Since $N$ is an $R$-submodule, it is closed under the (right) $R$-action, that is:

$n \in N \implies nr \in N$ for any $r \in R$.

So if $a \in I$, then for any $n \in N,\ na \in N$, and thus $(na)r = n(ar) \in N$, thus $ar \in I$.

This establishes that $I$ is at least a right ideal of $R$.

To see that $I$ is also a left ideal of $R$, note that if $n \in N$, then $nr \in N$ for any $r \in R$, whence (by the definition of $I$), $n(ra) = (nr)a \in N$, so that $ra \in I$, for any $r \in R$, and $a \in I$.

So $I$ is indeed a (two-sided) ideal of $R$.

So we have an ideal of $R$, now, and by the way we defined it, we see that the $I$-action on $N$ is just the $R$-action restricted to $I$. That it satisfies the rules:

$n(a+b) = na + nb$
$(n+n')a = na + n'a$ is clear because these hold for any $n,n' \in N$ and $a,b \in R$.

Similarly, the property:

$(na)b = n(ab)$ is also inherited from the $R$-module structure of $M$.

So the only "real" thing to verify, is that we have closure (of addition, and scalar multiplication). The first follows from the fact that $N$ is an additive subgroup of $M$. The second follows from the way we defined $I$.

A similar proof holds if we take $M$ to be a left $R$-module.

I've never seen this proved before, I just "made it up as I went along". In other words, it just sort of "flows" from the definitions.
  • #5
M. Cohn's definition of a refinement of a chain and a composition series is a fundamental concept in understanding linear algebras and Artinian rings. A refinement of a chain refers to adding additional links to a chain, while still maintaining the original chain structure. This allows for a more detailed description of the module M, as it breaks down the original chain into smaller, simpler modules. On the other hand, a composition series is a specific type of chain where the final term C_r is equal to the module M and each quotient module C_i/C_{i-1} is a simple module.

Cohn's statement that a refinement of a chain is a composition series for a module M can be understood as follows: If a refinement of a chain is not possible, then the original chain must already be a composition series for the module M. This means that the chain cannot be further broken down into smaller, simpler modules, and the final term C_r is equal to the module M. Additionally, each quotient module C_i/C_{i-1} must be a simple module, as any further refinement would require breaking it down into smaller modules.

The importance of composition series lies in their ability to provide a clear and concise description of a module M, as it breaks down the module into its simplest form. This concept is crucial in understanding the structure and properties of modules, and plays a significant role in various areas of mathematics, such as representation theory and homological algebra.

In conclusion, Cohn's definitions of a refinement of a chain and a composition series provide a deeper understanding of the structure of modules and their properties. They are essential concepts in ring theory and have important applications in various fields of mathematics.

FAQ: Chains of Modules and Composition Series

1. What is a chain of modules?

A chain of modules is a sequence of modules that are connected through homomorphisms. This means that each module in the chain is a submodule of the next, and the chain is connected by a series of inclusion maps.

2. What is a composition series?

A composition series is a specific type of chain of modules where each module in the chain is a maximal submodule of the next. This means that the chain cannot be extended any further and is considered to be "simple".

3. How are chains of modules and composition series related?

Composition series are a special case of chains of modules. A composition series is a maximal chain of modules, meaning it cannot be extended any further. However, not all chains of modules are composition series.

4. Why are chains of modules and composition series important?

Chains of modules and composition series are important because they help us understand and analyze the structure of modules and their submodules. They also allow us to classify and compare modules based on their composition series.

5. Can chains of modules and composition series be used in other mathematical concepts?

Yes, chains of modules and composition series have applications in many areas of mathematics, such as group theory, ring theory, and representation theory. They provide a useful tool for studying and understanding the structure of various algebraic structures.

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