Challenging Semi-Infinite Potential Well Problem

In summary, the conversation is about using the semi-infinite well potential to model a deuteron and determining its energy and excited states. The equations for tunneling probability and k are used, but the resulting energy is incorrect. The conversation then shifts to approaching the problem in a different way and using boundary conditions to find the energy of the bound states. There is some confusion about the boundary conditions and the number of unknowns in the final equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"Use the semi - infinite well potential to model a deuteron, a nucleus consisting of a neutron and a proton. Let the well width L be 3.5 x 10^-15 meters and V - E = 2.2 MeV. Determine the energy E, and determine how many excited states there are."

Homework Equations

Since V >> E, I figured the transmission probability will be 0. I used the following equation for tunneling probability T:

T = [1 + (V^2 sinh^2(kL) / ( 4E(V-E) ))]^-1
I substituted V = 2.2MeV + E in the above equation, and used T = 0.
k was found from the following equation:
k = sqrt(2m*(V-E)) / hbar

Plugging everything yielded E = 4.96 MeV, which is wrong. The correct answer is known to be E = 7.28 MeV, with zero excited energy states.

My assumption that T = 0 must be incorrect, so I approached the problem another way. In the attached PDF, I derived an expression for Psi. Looking at this derived value for psi,
I think I need to scrap the term with the positive exponent, as then psi would approach infinity at x> L. From here do I need to normalise psi, then use the energy operator? I am having trouble doing this, as typically our HW problems only require a "plug and chug" approach. The function I found that satisfies the Schrodinger wave equation only depends on x, so using the energy operator ehat = i*hbar d/dt would yield zero, correct?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

The Attempt at a Solution

Done above


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  • #2
You need to find solutions for inside the well and outside the well and then match them at the boundary. From that, you should come up with a condition that allows you to solve for the energy of the bound states.
  • #3
Thank you. When x <0,
ψ1 = Aeik1x+Be-ik1x

When 0<x<L, ψ2 = Cekx+ De-kx

When x> L ,
ψ3 = Feik1x+Ge-ik1x

Now I can see how that the A term represents the incident wave, the B term represents the reflected wave, The F term represents the transmitted wave, and the G term must be zero because there is no wave moving in the -x direction in region 3. I am having trouble coming up with conditions that describe the C and D coefficents.

The k in region 2 is = sqrt(2m(V-E) / hbar
and k1 in regions 1, 3 = sqrt(2mE) / hbar.

Now attempting to apply boundary conditions...
The ψ1 wave must be 0 as x --> infinity, but if I take the limit of 1 as x --> infinity, the A term goes to infinity, so I assume A must equal 0. But the A term is the incident wave, so I can't see how I can just "delete" it like that. I know I'm thinking of it wrong, because taking the limit as x --> negative infinity would force me to delete the B term as well.

The book explicitly skipped over the application of the boundary conditions, saying the algebra is "too long". Very frustrating, as this is my first encounter with applying boundary
conditions. This stuff is fascinating. Could you give me another nudge in the right direction?
  • #4
It's a bound state. There is no incident wave.
  • #5
mancini0 said:
Thank you. When x <0,
ψ1 = Aeik1x+Be-ik1x

When 0<x<L, ψ2 = Cekx+ De-kx

When x> L ,
ψ3 = Feik1x+Ge-ik1x

So according to the definition of the potential this means that the function ψ1 does not exist?

In the end I believe you'll end up with two equations and three unknowns. Can someone confirm my thoughts?
  • #6
matumich26 said:
In the end I believe you'll end up with two equations and three unknowns. Can someone confirm my thoughts?

In these types of problems, you always have one independent coefficient after matching boundary conditions; that coefficient is then determined by normalizing the wavefunction over all space.

FAQ: Challenging Semi-Infinite Potential Well Problem

1. What is a semi-infinite potential well?

A semi-infinite potential well is a theoretical concept in quantum mechanics that describes a potential energy barrier that extends to infinity in one direction, while being finite in the other direction. This creates a well-like shape with infinite potential energy on one side and a finite potential energy on the other side.

2. What makes the challenging semi-infinite potential well problem difficult?

The challenging semi-infinite potential well problem is difficult because it involves solving the Schrodinger equation for a particle in a non-symmetric potential well. This requires advanced mathematical techniques and can be challenging to solve analytically.

3. How is the challenging semi-infinite potential well problem relevant to real-world applications?

While the challenging semi-infinite potential well problem may seem purely theoretical, it has applications in various fields such as solid-state physics, quantum electronics, and quantum computing. Understanding the behavior of particles in these types of potential wells is crucial for developing new technologies.

4. What are some approaches to solving the challenging semi-infinite potential well problem?

There are several approaches to solving the challenging semi-infinite potential well problem, including analytical methods, numerical methods, and approximations. Some common techniques used include the variational method, perturbation theory, and the WKB approximation.

5. How does the behavior of particles in a challenging semi-infinite potential well differ from a regular infinite potential well?

In a regular infinite potential well, the potential energy is infinite at the boundaries, and the particle is confined to a finite region. However, in a challenging semi-infinite potential well, the potential energy is infinite at one boundary and finite at the other, leading to different energy eigenstates and behavior of the particle.
