Chance for the public to name features on Pluto and Charon

In summary, there is a public campaign to submit names for features on Pluto and Charon, with the opportunity ending on April 24, 2015. Some nominations already made include Leonard Nimoy for Pluto and Persephone, Thanatos, and Anubis for Charon. These names are inspired by the mythology and symbolism associated with Pluto and Charon as gods of the underworld and guides of the afterlife.
  • #1
Mad scientist
There is a public campaign to submit names for the features on Pluto and Charon. This opportunity ends on April 24, 2015. I have already nominated Leonard Nimoy since Pluto is the god of the underworld and Charon carries the souls of the newly deceased across the river Styx to the afterlife I think it is fitting.
Mentor note: fixed link
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
I fixed the link.
I don't find a category where Nimoy would fit in. Spock is there (fictional travelers).
  • #3
mfb said:
I fixed the link.
I don't find a category where Nimoy would fit in. Spock is there (fictional travelers).

I put it under Authors and artists, it hasn't appeared on the list yet.
  • #4
  • #6
I have just nominated Thanatos and Anubis.

FAQ: Chance for the public to name features on Pluto and Charon

What is the purpose of giving the public the chance to name features on Pluto and Charon?

The purpose of this opportunity is to engage the public in the exploration and study of our solar system, specifically the dwarf planet Pluto and its largest moon Charon. By allowing the public to suggest names for features on these celestial bodies, it promotes a sense of ownership and involvement in the scientific community.

How were the features on Pluto and Charon originally named?

Many of the features on Pluto and Charon were named after figures and characters from mythology and literature, such as the god of the underworld, Hades, and the ferryman of the dead, Charon. Some features were also named after famous scientists and explorers who made significant contributions to our understanding of the solar system.

Are there any guidelines or restrictions for naming the features on Pluto and Charon?

Yes, there are guidelines and restrictions in place to ensure that the names chosen are appropriate and reflect the scientific significance of the features. For example, names should be related to the theme of mythology and exploration, and they should not be offensive or controversial.

How can I participate in naming features on Pluto and Charon?

The process for suggesting names varies depending on the organization or agency leading the project. However, typically, there will be a designated website or portal where the public can submit their suggestions. It is important to follow the guidelines and instructions provided on the site to ensure your suggestions are considered.

Will all suggested names be accepted and used for the features on Pluto and Charon?

No, not all suggested names will be accepted and used for the features on Pluto and Charon. A committee of experts will review and evaluate the suggestions and choose the most suitable and appropriate names for the features. The final decision on which names to use ultimately lies with the organization or agency in charge of the project.
