Change in Voltage across a Capacitor?

In summary: And in addition to this if C is adjusted with the battery connected it takes time for V to come back to its original value this time depending on the time constant(RC) of the circuit.I think this is the principle behind the capacitor microphone.
  • #1
When you increase the charge Q on a capacitor, why don't you increase voltage V across it as well? Wouldn't higher Q increase E, and since V = Ed for a uniform E, V increases also? I know that for a uniform E across a capacitor, E stays the same regardless of distance d between the two plates, but doesn't the amount of charge on the capacitor still affect E (and would therefore affect V)?
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  • #2
I would agree with you, that an increase in Q should increase V. The capacitance of a capacitor is given by

C = \frac{Q}{V}

where C depends on the physical properties of the capacitor. Stuff like the plate geometry and the medium between the plates. If C is constant, then V should scale linearly with Q.
  • #3
Fenn said:
I would agree with you, that an increase in Q should increase V. The capacitance of a capacitor is given by

C = \frac{Q}{V}

where C depends on the physical properties of the capacitor. Stuff like the plate geometry and the medium between the plates. If C is constant, then V should scale linearly with Q.

true Q=CV
  • #4
Also, just to clarify:

The difference b/w a charged capacitor disconnected from a battery and one that is still connected to a battery is that the latter maintains a constant V across the capacitor regardless of distance d between the plates, and the former maintains a constant Q on the plates (assuming there's no discharge)?

V = Ed

C = eA/d

Q = CV

  • #5
That is correct. If you are adjusting the capacitance by any method, then the voltage will remain constant if there is an applied potential from a battery. If the capacitor is disconnected from any external device, the charge cannot flow, and thus Q will remain constant.
  • #6
Fenn said:
That is correct. If you are adjusting the capacitance by any method, then the voltage will remain constant if there is an applied potential from a battery. If the capacitor is disconnected from any external device, the charge cannot flow, and thus Q will remain constant.

And in addition to this if C is adjusted with the battery connected it takes time for V to come back to its original value this time depending on the time constant(RC) of the circuit.I think this is the principle behind the capacitor microphone.

FAQ: Change in Voltage across a Capacitor?

1. What is a capacitor and how does it work?

A capacitor is an electrical component that stores and releases electrical energy. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material called a dielectric. When a voltage is applied to the capacitor, it charges the plates, creating an electric field between them. The capacitor can then hold this charge until it is discharged.

2. What causes a change in voltage across a capacitor?

A change in voltage across a capacitor occurs when the capacitor is charged or discharged. When a voltage source is connected to the capacitor, it begins to charge and the voltage across it increases. When the source is disconnected, the capacitor starts to discharge and the voltage across it decreases.

3. How does the capacitance of a capacitor affect the change in voltage across it?

The capacitance of a capacitor is a measure of its ability to store charge. A higher capacitance means the capacitor can store more charge, resulting in a larger change in voltage across it. Similarly, a lower capacitance will result in a smaller change in voltage across the capacitor.

4. What factors can affect the change in voltage across a capacitor?

Apart from capacitance, the change in voltage across a capacitor can also be affected by the voltage of the source, the time it takes to charge or discharge, and the resistance of the circuit. Higher voltages, shorter charging/discharging times, and lower resistance will result in a larger change in voltage across the capacitor.

5. How can the change in voltage across a capacitor be calculated?

The change in voltage across a capacitor can be calculated using the formula V = Q/C, where V is the voltage, Q is the charge, and C is the capacitance. It can also be calculated using the formula V = V0(1 - e^(-t/RC)), where V0 is the initial voltage, t is the time, R is the resistance, and C is the capacitance.
