Change of variable in an integral

In summary, the question asks how much kinetic energy is lost when two hockey pucks collide and stick together, with a constant horizontal force being applied to the midpoint of a massless string connecting them. The solution involves calculating the work done by the force on one of the pucks and using a change of variables to find the final answer. This process is explained in detail in the conversation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A massless string of length 2l connects two hockey pucks that lie on frictionless ice. Aconstant horizontal force F is applied to the midpoint of the string, perpendicular to it (see right figure). How much kinetic energy is lost when the pucks collide, assuming they stick together?

The Attempt at a Solution

Putting a y-axis along the string when it is straight and a x-axis along the direction of the force, the force acting on the puck "at the bottom" along the t-axis is ##\frac{F}{2}\cdot tan \theta##.
So, by calculating the work for this puck I obtain ##W=\int_{-l}^{0} \frac{F\cdot tan \theta}{2}dy=\int_{-l}{0} \frac{F\cdot tan \theta}{2} d(l\cdot sin\theta)= \int_{\frac{-\pi}{2}}^{0} \frac{Fl}{2}\cdot sin\theta d\theta##.
Can you explaine me how the last passage works?


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  • #2
It's a change of variables [itex] y = l \sin(\theta)[/itex].

Since l is constant: [itex]d(l \sin(\theta)) = l d(\sin(\theta)) = l \cos(\theta) d \theta[/itex].

So: [itex]\frac{F \tan(\theta)}{2}d(l \sin(\theta)) = \frac{F l \tan(\theta) \cos(\theta)}{2}d \theta = \frac{F l \sin(\theta)}{2}d \theta[/itex].

Then since [itex] y = l \sin(\theta)[/itex], you need to change the integration limit from [itex] y = -l [/itex] to [itex] \theta = \frac{-\pi}{2}[/itex].

Does this answer your question?
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  • #3
phyzguy said:
Does this answer your question?
Perfectly, thank you!

FAQ: Change of variable in an integral

1. What is a change of variable in an integral?

A change of variable in an integral is a method used to simplify the integration process by replacing the original variable with a new variable. This is helpful in evaluating integrals that are difficult or impossible to solve using traditional integration techniques.

2. How do you perform a change of variable in an integral?

To perform a change of variable in an integral, you first need to identify the original variable and the new variable you want to use. Then, you need to express the original variable in terms of the new variable and substitute it into the integral. Finally, you can solve the integral using the new variable.

3. What is the purpose of a change of variable in an integral?

The purpose of a change of variable in an integral is to make the integral easier to solve. It allows us to transform the integral into a simpler form that can be evaluated using known integration techniques. It also helps us to solve integrals that would otherwise be impossible to solve.

4. What are some common examples of changes of variables in integrals?

Some common examples of changes of variables in integrals include using trigonometric functions, substitution of variables, and using u-substitution. For example, in the integral of ∫ cos(2x) dx, we can make the change of variable u = 2x, which simplifies the integral to ∫ cos(u) du.

5. What are the benefits of using a change of variable in an integral?

The main benefit of using a change of variable in an integral is that it allows us to solve integrals that would otherwise be very difficult or impossible to solve. It also helps us to evaluate integrals more efficiently and accurately. Additionally, using a change of variable can reveal hidden symmetries in the integrand, leading to a more elegant solution.

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