Change of variables for multiple integrals

In summary, to find the 4-dimensional volume of the ball x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + w^2 = R^2, we use double polar coordinates x=r(cos(theta)), y=r(sin(theta)), z=s(cos(phi)), w=s(sin(phi)) in R4 with limits of integration 0 to R for both s and r, 0 to 2pi for both theta and phi, and the Jacobian factor |J| = rs.
  • #1
1) Find the volume of T bounded below by the cone z=sqrt(x2+y2) and above by the sphere x2+y2+z2=1.


Volume =
∫∫∫ 1 dV =
b d f
∫ ∫ ∫ r (d theta)dzdr (change of variables to cylindrical coordinates)
a c e
b=1/sqrt2 <---I am having a lot of trouble understanding this upper limit of integration for dr...clearly, not every level in the solid T have this radius (the radius is not constant in the solid T, it's part of a cone!)

Could someone kindly explain?
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  • #2
kingwinner said:

Volume =
∫∫∫ 1 dV =
b d f
∫ ∫ ∫ r (d theta)dzdr (change of variables to cylindrical coordinates)
a c e
b=1/sqrt2 <---I am having a lot of trouble understanding this upper limit of integration for dr...clearly, not every level in the solid T have this radius (the radius is not constant in the solid T, it's part of a cone!)

Could someone kindly explain?
Well, firstly you should note that it's not stated anywhere that having [tex]b=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}[/tex] implies that we are assuming that r is constant and does not vary. It just means that r is allowed to vary from 0 to 1/sqrt(2). If you're wondering how to get the upper and lower limits of the integration for r, imagine drawing a ray R from the origin, and confine R to the x-y plane. Note where it enters the projection of T onto the x-y plane and where it exits. Clearly the smallest value of R is 0, and its largest value as you can tell from the 3D image is the radius of projection of the circle where the cone and sphere meet onto x-y plane. You can check that the radius=1/sqrt(2)
  • #3
The cone and the sphere meet where [itex]z= \sqrt{x^2+ y^2}[/itex] and [itex]x^2+ y^2+ z^2= 1[/itex] are both true. Squaring both sides of the first equation, [itex]z^2= x^2+ y^2[/itex]. Then the second equation becomes [itex]x^2+ y^2+ (x^2+ y^2)= 2x^2+ 2y^2= 2(x^2+ y^2)= 2r^2= 1[/itex]. From that, [itex]r^2= 1/2[/itex] or [itex]r= 1/\sqrt{2}[/itex]. As Defennnder said, that is only for the boundary. To cover the entire volume, r must vary from 0 to [itex]1/\sqrt{2}[/itex].
  • #4
Defennnder said:
Well, firstly you should note that it's not stated anywhere that having [tex]b=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}[/tex] implies that we are assuming that r is constant and does not vary. It just means that r is allowed to vary from 0 to 1/sqrt(2).
But I thought that to determine the integration range, we are considering how to "sweep out" dr, (d theta), and dz such that it precisely covers the whole solid. However, here if we always sweep from r=0 to r=1/sqrt2, then it cannot be part of a cone...right?

If you're wondering how to get the upper and lower limits of the integration for r, imagine drawing a ray R from the origin, and confine R to the x-y plane. Note where it enters the projection of T onto the x-y plane and where it exits. Clearly the smallest value of R is 0, and its largest value as you can tell from the 3D image is the radius of projection of the circle where the cone and sphere meet onto x-y plane. You can check that the radius=1/sqrt(2)

So for integration by change of variables to cylindrical coordinates (r,theta,z), are the integration (sweeping) range for dr and (d theta) always based on the projection of the solid onto the xy-plane? (i.e. we don't consider the z-component at all?)
  • #5
kingwinner said:
But I thought that to determine the integration range, we are considering how to "sweep out" dr, (d theta), and dz such that it precisely covers the whole solid. However, here if we always sweep from r=0 to r=1/sqrt2, then it cannot be part of a cone...right?

So for integration by change of variables to cylindrical coordinates (r,theta,z), are the integration (sweeping) range for dr and (d theta) always based on the projection of the solid onto the xy-plane? (i.e. we don't consider the z-component at all?)

You are using cylindrical coordinates to do the integral. Both r and [itex]\theta[/itex] are in the xy-plane. You do NOT "consider the z-component" in determining them. Of course, you also integrate with respect to z.
  • #6
2) Use "double polar coordinates" x=r(cos(theta)), y=r(sin(theta)), z=s(cos(phi)), w=s(sin(phi)) in R4 to compute the 4-dimensional volume of the ball x2 + y2 + z2 + w2 = R2.

Um...4-dimensional ball, this is driving me crazy for a bit...but I will give it a try anyway...

My attempt:
2pi 2pi R R
---∫ ∫ ∫ |J|drds(d theta)(d phi)
0---0 0 0
where |J| is the Jacobian factor resulting from change of variables theorem

Is it correct? If not, can someone please teach me how to setup the integral? I am pretty confused since I can't imagine the picture of it...
  • #7
Yes, what you have so far is perfectly correct, including the limits of integration. What do you get for |J|? Once you have found just integrate.
  • #8
HallsofIvy said:
Yes, what you have so far is perfectly correct, including the limits of integration. What do you get for |J|? Once you have found just integrate.
But sadly, this is actually incorrect when I check my solutions manual.

In the "dr" part, the limits of integration are from 0 to some function of s, not just "R". I have absolutely no idea why...

P.S. I think |J|=rs
  • #9
kingwinner said:
But sadly, this is actually incorrect when I check my solutions manual.

In the "dr" part, the limits of integration are from 0 to some function of s, not just "R". I have absolutely no idea why...

Well, yes. I didn't look closely enough before. Just look what happens if you put those parametric equations into the original equation:
[itex]x^2+ y^2+ z^2+ w^2= r^2 cos^2(\theta)+ r^2 sin^2(\theta)+ s^2 cos^2(\phi)+ s^2 sin^2(\phi)= s^2+ r^2= R^2.
The corresponding thing for circle in the plane would be [itex]r^2= R^2[/itex] so that r has to go from 0 (the center of the circle) to R.

Here, one of the integrals, (s if you choose it as an "outer integral") must go from 0 to R. Then, for each s, since [itex]s^2+ r^2= R^2[/itex] gives [itex]r^2= R^2- s^2[/itex]. r must range from 0 to [itex]\sqrt{R^2- s^2}[/itex].
  • #10
HallsofIvy said:
Well, yes. I didn't look closely enough before. Just look what happens if you put those parametric equations into the original equation:
[itex]x^2+ y^2+ z^2+ w^2= r^2 cos^2(\theta)+ r^2 sin^2(\theta)+ s^2 cos^2(\phi)+ s^2 sin^2(\phi)= s^2+ r^2= R^2.
The corresponding thing for circle in the plane would be [itex]r^2= R^2[/itex] so that r has to go from 0 (the center of the circle) to R.

Here, one of the integrals, (s if you choose it as an "outer integral") must go from 0 to R. Then, for each s, since [itex]s^2+ r^2= R^2[/itex] gives [itex]r^2= R^2- s^2[/itex]. r must range from 0 to [itex]\sqrt{R^2- s^2}[/itex].
Thanks, but I still don't understand why it is the case that the outer integral must go from 0 to R and that the inner integral must go from 0 to sqrt(R^2 - s^2). What is the reasoning behind it?

Why can't both just go from 0 to R? The maximum radius of the ball is equal to R in every direction.
  • #11
kingwinner said:
Thanks, but I still don't understand why it is the case that the outer integral must go from 0 to R and that the inner integral must go from 0 to sqrt(R^2 - s^2). What is the reasoning behind it?

Why can't both just go from 0 to R? The maximum radius of the ball is equal to R in every direction.

But not at the same time- and r and s are not independent. As I said before If put the formulas into the equation we get r2+ s2= R2.
If both s and r can be as large as R then s2+ r2= 2R2 not R2.

If complicated situations like this are confusing, go back to simpler ones. Look at the area between the curve y= x2 and the line y= 3x. x can go from 0 to 3 and y can go from 0 to 9. Would you use those as the limits of integration (no, because x= 0 to 2 and y= 0 to 9 would be a rectangle.
  • #12
HallsofIvy said:
But not at the same time- and r and s are not independent. As I said before If put the formulas into the equation we get r2+ s2= R2.
If both s and r can be as large as R then s2+ r2= 2R2 not R2.

If complicated situations like this are confusing, go back to simpler ones. Look at the area between the curve y= x2 and the line y= 3x. x can go from 0 to 3 and y can go from 0 to 9. Would you use those as the limits of integration (no, because x= 0 to 2 and y= 0 to 9 would be a rectangle.
How about theta and phi? Why can they BOTH go from 0 to 2pi?

This is very confusing
  • #13
kingwinner said:
How about theta and phi? Why can they BOTH go from 0 to 2pi?

This is very confusing

Any further explanation on this?:confused:
  • #14
kingwinner said:
How about theta and phi? Why can they BOTH go from 0 to 2pi?

This is very confusing

kingwinner said:
Any further explanation on this?:confused:

I'm wondering why you would think anything else! Sine and cosine have period 2[itex]\pi[/itex] so that would be kind of expected.
  • #15

Now, I have another related question:

Generally, how can we find the projection of a solid onto the coordinates?

I. Consider the solid V in R^3 bounded by the parabolic cylinder x=y^2, and the planes z=0, and x+z=1. How can I find the projection of V onto the yz-plane, for example?

II. Consider the solid S in R^3 bounded by y=sqrt(x), x=0, z=0, and z=4-y^2. How can I find the projection of V onto the xz-plane, for example?

I can visualize both solids above, but I can't visulaize or solve for the projection...

Thanks again!
  • #16
I. On the yz-plane, x= 0, of course. The projection of the point (x,y,z) onto the yz-plane is (0, y, z). In particular, every point satisfying y= x2, (x, x2, z) projects to (0, 0, z). Every point of (x, y, 0) projects to (0, y, 0), and every point satisfying x+z= 1, (x, y, 1-x), projects to (0, y, 1). The projection of V onto the yz-plane has the lines y= 0, z= 0, and z= 1 as boundary. It is the infinitely long strip between z= 0 and z= 1, and above y= 0.

II. Every point in the xz-plane has y= 0. The projection of the point (x, y, z) onto the xz-plane is (x, 0, z). [itex]y= \sqrt{x}[/itex] projects to [itex]0= \sqrt{x}[/itex] or x= 0. x= 0 and z= 0, since they do not involve y, project to themselves. Finally, z= 4- y2 projects to the line z= 4. The projection of S again projects to an infinite strip, this time bounded by the lines x= 0, z= 0, and z= 4.
  • #17
How can i find the new limits of integration when change of variables are done to a double integral ,without graphing the function. ? Some one please reply
  • #18
You can use inequalities for both variables to determine the new limits.

Related to Change of variables for multiple integrals

1. What is a change of variables for multiple integrals?

A change of variables for multiple integrals is a mathematical technique used to simplify the evaluation of multiple integrals by transforming them into integrals that are easier to solve. It involves substituting new variables in place of the original variables in the integral, resulting in a new integral with a simpler form.

2. When is a change of variables for multiple integrals necessary?

A change of variables for multiple integrals is necessary when the original integral is difficult to evaluate or when the region of integration is better described using different variables. It can also be used to transform an integral over an unbounded region into an integral over a bounded region, making it easier to solve.

3. What are the steps to perform a change of variables for multiple integrals?

The steps to perform a change of variables for multiple integrals are as follows:

  • Identify the original variables in the integral and the new variables to be substituted.
  • Determine the new limits of integration by expressing the original limits in terms of the new variables.
  • Find the Jacobian of the transformation, which is a matrix that relates the original variables to the new variables.
  • Substitute the new variables and the Jacobian into the original integral.
  • Simplify the integral and evaluate it using standard integration techniques.

4. What is the significance of the Jacobian in a change of variables for multiple integrals?

The Jacobian is a crucial factor in a change of variables for multiple integrals as it accounts for the change in the orientation and scaling of the original integral. It ensures that the transformation is properly accounted for in the new integral and is essential for obtaining the correct result.

5. Can a change of variables be used for any type of multiple integral?

Yes, a change of variables can be used for any type of multiple integral, including double and triple integrals. It can also be extended to integrals with more than three variables, although it becomes more complex with each additional variable.

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