Changes in Mechanical Energy for non-conservative Forces Problem

In summary, a toy cannon uses a spring with a force constant of 8 N/m and is originally compressed by 5.00 cm to project a 5.30 g soft rubber ball. The ball moves 15.0 cm through the horizontal barrel of the cannon, experiencing a constant friction force of .032 N. Using the formula for conservation of energy, the speed of the projectile leaving the barrel is calculated to be 1.40 m/s. The ball reaches its maximum speed of 1.40 m/s at a point 15.0 cm from the start of the barrel.
  • #1
A toy cannon uses a spring to project a 5.30 g soft rubber ball. THe spring is originally compressed by 5.00 cm and has a force constant of 8 N/m. When the cannon is fired, the ball moves 15.0 cm through the horizontal barrel of the cannon and the barrel exerts a constant friction force of .032 N on the ball.

(a) With what speed does the projectile leave the barrel of the cannon?
(b) At what point does the ball have maximum speed?
(c) What is this maximum speed?

2. Homework Equations
d = delta/change in

dK - dPE (due to gravity) - dPE (due to spring) = Wf

.5m(Vf)^2 - .5m(Vi)^2 + mgh - mghi + .5k(xf)^2 - .5k(xi)^2 = -fd

(assuming that the only one i need?)

3. The Attempt at a Solution

I've tried going over this a couple of times and have no idea how to get the answer to (a) which is 1.40 m/s. Since there's no PE due to gravity since its all in the horizontal, i can eliminate dPEg, and since it starts at rest i can eliminate Ki. I think i can also get rid of the final x position of the spring since after the cannon fires the spring returns to its unstretched position? which would leave me with:

.5m(Vf)^2 - .5k(xi)^2 = -fd

I'm assuming with it being compressed and having xf being 0, that xi = -.05 m and since it travels .15 m, that d = .1 m, not .15 m. since you're given everything else when you rearrange it to isolate Vf you get:

Vf = sqrt[((k(xi)^2) - (2fd)) / m]

but when i do this i get Vf = .505 m/s.

I've gone over it and looked through the book again and again but i have to be missing something. Any help would be appreciated as I have a midterm on the material tomorrow morning. Also, my first post so if its difficult to read I apologize. Thanks.
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  • #2
When I plug in the numbers to the formula you gave, I get 1.40 m/s
  • #3
Vf = sqrt[((k(xi)^2) - (2fd)) / m]

I don't know how but I keep getting .506 m/s...

k*(xi)^2 = .02

2*f*d = .0064

.02 - .0064 = .0136

.0136 / .053 kg = .257

sqrt(.257) = .506 m/s...

You say you're getting 1.40 m/s but you can't with that formula, I've checked and my calculator is in degrees so that's not the problem... I don't know what's up with it. Help??
  • #4
RB_Physics said:
2*f*d = .0064

2*.032N*15cm = .0096 J

and 5.3g = .0053kg

FAQ: Changes in Mechanical Energy for non-conservative Forces Problem

1. What is mechanical energy?

Mechanical energy is a form of energy that is associated with the position and motion of an object. It can be divided into two types: kinetic energy, which is the energy an object has due to its motion, and potential energy, which is the energy an object has due to its position or state.

2. What are conservative forces?

Conservative forces are forces that do not dissipate energy and can be recovered completely. This means that the total mechanical energy of a system remains constant over time, as the forces only transfer energy between kinetic and potential forms.

3. How do non-conservative forces affect mechanical energy?

Non-conservative forces, such as friction and drag, act to dissipate energy from a system. This means that the total mechanical energy of the system will decrease over time, as some of the energy is lost to thermal or other forms of energy.

4. How can you calculate changes in mechanical energy for non-conservative forces?

To calculate the changes in mechanical energy for non-conservative forces, you can use the equation ΔE = Wnc, where ΔE is the change in mechanical energy, and Wnc is the work done by non-conservative forces. This equation takes into account the energy lost due to non-conservative forces.

5. How can you minimize the impact of non-conservative forces on mechanical energy?

To minimize the impact of non-conservative forces on mechanical energy, you can try to reduce the amount of friction or drag in a system. This can be achieved through the use of lubricants, streamlined shapes, and other techniques. Additionally, using conservation of energy principles can help to minimize the overall loss of mechanical energy in a system.
