Changing order of integration in spherical coordinates

In summary, The problem with the solution is that it includes the region between ρ=0 and ρ=1 where φ can run unrestricted from 0 to π/2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let D be the region bounded below by the plane z=0, above by the sphere x^2+y^2+z^2=4, and on the sides by the cylinder x^2+y^2=1. Set up the triple integral in spherical coordinates that gives the volume of D using the order of integration dφdρdθ.

Homework Equations

The solution says that D is:


The Attempt at a Solution

I thought that the solution was:


Could you please tell me where I’m going wrong? Many thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
Your answer is correct. The solution is wrong.
  • #3
Many thanks!
  • #4
I'm afraid I don't agree with vela. The answer given is correct. The problem is the the value of φ on the cylinder depends on ρ. The equation of the cylinder is r = 1 where r is the polar radius. This gives r = ρsin(φ) = 1. If you are at the top of the cylinder φ = π/6 and ρ = 2 while at the bottom of the cylinder φ = π/2 and ρ = 1. φ is the function of ρ given by φ = sin-1(1/ρ). In the second integral, if you start at z axis and move in the φ direction, you start at φ = π/6 and how far you move depends on the value of ρ, and that value is sin-1(1/ρ) That gives the inner integral limits. Then ρ goes from 1 to 2 etc.

[Edit] Nope, I take it back. vela is right as he explains below.
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  • #5
You're describing the volume bounded by the cylinder and the sphere ρ=1, but the volume of D also include the region between ρ=0 and ρ=1 where φ can run unrestricted from 0 to π/2. That's what the OP's third integral corresponds to.

It's easy to write the volume in terms of cylindrical coordinates:

[tex]V=\int_0^1\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^{\sqrt{4-r^2}} r\,dz\,d\theta\,dr[/tex]

This integral evaluates to the same result as the OP's answer, but not the answer from the solution.
  • #6
vela said:
You're describing the volume bounded by the cylinder and the sphere ρ=1, but the volume of D also include the region between ρ=0 and ρ=1 where φ can run unrestricted from 0 to π/2. That's what the OP's third integral corresponds to.

It's easy to write the volume in terms of cylindrical coordinates:

[tex]V=\int_0^1\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^{\sqrt{4-r^2}} r\,dz\,d\theta\,dr[/tex]

This integral evaluates to the same result as the OP's answer, but not the answer from the solution.

Ahhh yes, you're right. That's easy to miss; puts me in good company with the author :redface: And just emphasizes the point that you should choose your coordinate system and order of integration carefully, trying not to make the problem trickier than it is.

FAQ: Changing order of integration in spherical coordinates

What is the concept of changing order of integration in spherical coordinates?

The concept of changing order of integration in spherical coordinates is a mathematical technique used to evaluate a triple integral in a different order. This technique involves converting the triple integral from Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates, which can make the integration process easier and more efficient.

Why is changing order of integration in spherical coordinates useful?

Changing order of integration in spherical coordinates can be useful in many ways. It can simplify complicated integrals, making them easier to solve. It can also help visualize and understand the volume or surface of a solid in three-dimensional space. Additionally, it can be used to solve problems in physics and engineering that involve spherical symmetry.

What are the steps involved in changing order of integration in spherical coordinates?

The first step is to convert the limits of integration from Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates. This involves solving for the new limits using trigonometric functions. Next, the triple integral is rewritten in terms of the new coordinates. Then, the order of integration is changed by integrating with respect to the new coordinates in a different order. Finally, the integral is evaluated using the new limits and the appropriate techniques.

Are there any limitations to changing order of integration in spherical coordinates?

Yes, there are limitations to changing order of integration in spherical coordinates. This technique is most effective when the integral involves a function with spherical symmetry. It may not be useful or applicable in cases where the function does not have spherical symmetry. Additionally, it may not always be possible to convert the limits of integration to spherical coordinates, making this method impractical to use.

Can changing order of integration in spherical coordinates be applied to other coordinate systems?

Yes, changing order of integration can be applied to other coordinate systems such as cylindrical coordinates. The concept is similar, but the conversion of coordinates and limits of integration will differ. It is important to choose the appropriate coordinate system based on the problem at hand to effectively use this technique.
