Changing wavelength with changing tension

In summary, a rope hanging vertically and vibrated at the top will develop a standing wave with many loops. The separation between successive nodes is greater near the top of the rope than near the bottom due to the increased tension at the top, which is proportional to the square root of the distance between nodes. The frequency of the standing wave is fixed, so increasing tension does not affect it.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97

Homework Statement

A rope is hanging vertically straight down. The top end is being vibrated back and forth, and a standing wave with many loops develops on the rope, analogous (but not identical) to a standing wave on a horizontal rope. The rope has mass. The separation between successive nodes is (a) everywhere the same along the rope (b) greater near the top of the rope than near the bottom (c) greater near the bottom of the rope than near the top.

Homework Equations

##\displaystyle f_n = \frac{n}{2L} \sqrt{\frac{T}{ \mu }} ##, where ##T## is tension, ##\mu## is linear density of the rope, ##L## is the length of the rope, and ##n## is the harmonic number.

The Attempt at a Solution

The solution is (b) greater near the top of the rope than near the bottom. However, I can't see why. I tried to reason that as we go up the rope, tension increases because of the added mass below polling down on the point. This would increase T as we go up the rope. This means that frequency would increase. Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency, and proportional to the the distance between nodes, so I thought that as frequency increases, wavelength decreases, and the distance between nodes decreases. However, this is wrong because the answer is that the distance increases as we go up the rope. What am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
Mr Davis 97 said:
This would increase T as we go up the rope. This means that frequency would increase
that is where you are going wrong.
We are talking about a standing wave pattern for which the frequency is fixed !.
This is not an exact calculation, but will do for the purpose of this question. The question you should ask first, given the frequency, what is the distance between nodes given the string mass density (constant) and tension. In other words, take your equation, set n =1. L is now the distance between the nodes.
If f is fixed, then ##L \sim \sqrt{T} ## i.e. larger at the top of the string

FAQ: Changing wavelength with changing tension

1. How does tension affect the wavelength of a wave?

As tension increases, the wavelength of a wave also increases. This is because tension causes the speed of the wave to increase, and wavelength is directly proportional to speed. Therefore, as tension increases, the wavelength must also increase.

2. Can changing tension change the wavelength of all types of waves?

Yes, changing tension can change the wavelength of all types of waves, including mechanical waves such as sound waves, water waves, and seismic waves, as well as electromagnetic waves such as light and radio waves.

3. Is there a specific formula to calculate the change in wavelength with changing tension?

Yes, the formula for calculating the change in wavelength with changing tension is: Δλ = λ(T₂ - T₁)/T₁, where Δλ is the change in wavelength, λ is the original wavelength, T₂ is the new tension, and T₁ is the original tension.

4. How does tension affect the frequency of a wave?

Tension does not directly affect the frequency of a wave. However, since frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength, as tension increases and wavelength increases, the frequency decreases proportionally to maintain the speed of the wave.

5. Can tension be used to control the wavelength of a wave in practical applications?

Yes, tension is commonly used to control the wavelength of waves in various practical applications. For example, in musical instruments such as guitars and pianos, the tension of the strings can be adjusted to produce different wavelengths and therefore different pitches. In antennas, tension is used to adjust the wavelength of radio waves for better signal reception.

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