Chaos & Scales in Turbulent Flows

In summary: The fluctuations are actually used to modify the mean flow, in order to better approximate how the real world behaves.
  • #1
Suppose you want to solve the Navier-Stokes equation for an incompressible turbulent flow. This is, in principle, possible. However, for higher Reynolds number, this isn't really feasible since the smallest eddy sizes are really small.

First question
1) Why would this prevent you from computing a solution? I can't actually imagine in my head the computation procedure, and why having tiny eddies is different from just having small eddies? Surely you have to compute the whole flow field anyway?

Second & Third questions
Turbulent flows have two important characteristics:
> acute sensitivity to initial conditions, meaning a precise deterministic prediction of the flow is impossible.
> velocity has a reproducible (and hence, predictable?) mean component, and a chaotic, fluctuating component.

2) Doesn't the first statement mean that DNS is useless anyway? If you can't specify initial (and boundary and material) conditions for the mathematical model (the Navier-Stokes equations) to be exactly the same as the real life, then your calculated solution will be wrong?

3) Is the fact that the mean is reproducible (predictable) the basis of the RANS models? Like, we can predict the mean component, and we make some assumptions (like eddy-viscosity hypothesis) about the fluctuating?

I would have written three separate questions, but they are all related – how to predict the velocity field in a turbulent flow field?
  • #3
humphreybogart said:
1) Why would this prevent you from computing a solution? I can't actually imagine in my head the computation procedure, and why having tiny eddies is different from just having small eddies? Surely you have to compute the whole flow field anyway?

In a turbulent flow, there are many scales, as you have pointed out, and generally, the difference in scales between the largest and the smallest scales is many orders of magnitude. With a DNS, if your grid does not resolve down to the smallest scales of physical importance (which typically range from nanometers to micrometers), then you are effectively averaging out or ignoring part of the physics. If you don't resolve the largest scales (often measured in meters), then you do the same thing, only the situation is worse because those contain most of the energy. Furthermore, as ##Re## increases, the separation in scales becomes greater and the time separation required in stepping the solution decreases. So the problem essentially boils down to the number of grid points and time points that you need in order to resolve all of the relevant scales. As it turns out, the number of operations required to solve such a problem on a computer scales as ##Re^3##, so it rapidly approaches a point where even modern supercomputers take an impractical length of time to solve a problem.

humphreybogart said:
2) Doesn't the first statement mean that DNS is useless anyway? If you can't specify initial (and boundary and material) conditions for the mathematical model (the Navier-Stokes equations) to be exactly the same as the real life, then your calculated solution will be wrong?

Not necessarily. In order to make use of the data from a turbulent flow for the overwhelming majority of applications, the important quantities are the mean fields. Even if the initial conditions from two simulations are slightly different due to computing limitations, they will still converge around the same mean, so the DNS is still useful. Now, knowing how the fluctuating quantities behave statistically is important in determining how those mean fields differ from the laminar case when it comes to turbulence models, but knowing exactly what those fluctuating values are an one instant of time is not generally important.

You are right to be thinking about initial conditions, though. Any real flow typically does not start out turbulent, and small changes to initial conditions can have big implications on where and how the flow ultimately transitions to turbulence, and in that case, sometimes the difference in the initial conditions leading into the turbulent regime can meaningfully affect the characteristics of the turbulence downstream, at least initially. For a given ##Re##, however, that turbulent flow should eventually reach a fully-developed state that is statistically independent of the initial conditions. By then, from an applications standpoint, the rest of the flow is likely already so different that the initial conditions were still very important. For example, the difference in initial conditions will dramatically alter the drag on an aircraft, even if the turbulent boundary layer always eventually reaches the same state statistically speaking.

humphreybogart said:
3) Is the fact that the mean is reproducible (predictable) the basis of the RANS models? Like, we can predict the mean component, and we make some assumptions (like eddy-viscosity hypothesis) about the fluctuating?

Yes, the fact that the mean is reproducible is the basis for turbulence models, in a sense. However, turbulence models are essentially designed to compute the mean flow while modeling the fluctuating components in order to suitably modify the mean flow, so you have it backward (at least in terms of how you have written it here). Basically, as long as we know something about the fluctuations, we can use that in a turbulence model to approximate the mean flow, and from that extract more meaningful quantities like shear stress.
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  • #4
Thank you for your explanation. I found the following graphic which also helps.


FAQ: Chaos & Scales in Turbulent Flows

1. What is chaos in turbulent flows?

Chaos in turbulent flows refers to the unpredictable, irregular behavior that can occur in fluid motion. It is characterized by the sensitivity of the flow to small changes in initial conditions, leading to a seemingly random and chaotic behavior.

2. How do scales affect turbulent flows?

Scales play a crucial role in turbulent flows as they determine the energy transfer and dissipation of the flow. Large scales contribute to the overall motion of the fluid, while smaller scales are responsible for dissipating energy through viscosity. The interaction between different scales is what leads to the chaotic behavior of turbulent flows.

3. What is the Kolmogorov theory of turbulence?

The Kolmogorov theory of turbulence is a fundamental theory that describes the energy cascade in turbulent flows. It states that energy is transferred from larger scales to smaller scales until it reaches the smallest scales where it is dissipated by viscosity. This theory helps to understand the statistical properties of turbulent flows.

4. How is turbulence modeled in fluid dynamics?

Turbulence is a complex phenomenon, and its modeling in fluid dynamics is still an active area of research. Some common approaches include using the Navier-Stokes equations, which describe the motion of fluids, and using statistical methods such as Large Eddy Simulation (LES) or Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) to simulate turbulent flows.

5. What are some practical applications of understanding chaos and scales in turbulent flows?

Understanding chaos and scales in turbulent flows is essential in many practical applications, such as predicting weather patterns, designing efficient aircraft and car engines, and optimizing industrial processes. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the transport of pollutants and sediments in water bodies and the dispersion of airborne particles.
