Chapter 3: Physicalist Responses to the Argument against Physicalism

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In summary, In this conversation, Rosenberg discusses chapter 3 of his book, "A Place for Consciousness". This chapter delves into physicalist responses to the argument against physicalism, including appeals to a posteriori necessity, holism, and warnings about a greater absurdity. Rosenberg argues that none of these responses are sufficient to counter the antiphysicalist argument. He also introduces the concept of entailment, which he believes can account for how one set of facts can determine another set without introducing anything else fundamental. However, it could be argued that this explanation assumes the independent existence of conscious thinkers and does not take into account the possibility of consciousness itself being ontologically fundamental.
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Note: Chapter 3 is the most technical and demanding chapter in A Place for Consciousness. It is intended primarily for graduate and professional level philosophers, and presupposes that the reader has some familiarity with many of the arguments and terms used. Therefore, discussion of this chapter is optional, and will be conducted concurrently with discussion of chapter 4.

In this chapter, Rosenberg answers to various physicalist responses to the argument against physicalism. In particular, he considers appeals to a posteriori necessity, appeals to holism, and warnings about a greater absurdity, and argues at length that none of these is an adequate response to the antiphysicalist argument.

Sorry about the brevity of this summary; I'll have a more detailed one up soon. For now, interested parties can nonetheless begin discussion of the chapter here.
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  • #2
In the middle of page 42, in discussing the need to "produce properties and individuals in wholly different ontologies...without introducing anything else fundamental.", GR says, "...I explain how entailment answers this need: It provides a necessity through which we can see how one set of facts can determine another set of facts using nothing further except interpretive and conceptual resources."

I think that is like saying, in order for me to be rich, I need "nothing further except" money. "nterpretive and conceptual resources" are powerful aspects of mind which are part of what we are trying to explain and understand in the first place. I think he makes a significant unacknowledged assumption in this explanation. That is, he assumes that "we" are independent, conscious thinkers who have the capability to conceive and interpret.

It seems to me that a better hypothesis would be that consciousness itself (or some minimal subset of it, like the bare ability to know) is ontologically fundamental. This would meet his requirement, and nothing else fundamental would be required. If that single consciousness appears vicariously though human (and other animal) brains, giving the illusion of independent identities, then all the problems of how consciousness arose billions of years after the Big Bang have obvious, easy solutions.

In his paragraph in the middle of page 43, it seems to me that his contrast between theories and the semantics of thought makes a good argument for considering thought (i.e. consciousness) to be primal.

At the top of page 50, his 'entailment' is necessarily based on concepts. Thus again I maintain that something like a conscious mind is required for these concepts. It is true that this "treatment" does not require any "new empirical information" but it does require something like a mind in order to include concepts. And in the middle page 50, where he says, "...if one has the concept of color", he doesn't identify or define who the "one" is who "has the concept".

In reading his next paragraph, I say that the "ontological innocence of entailment is [NOT] clear". What's missing is the equivalent of a mind which holds the concepts.
  • #3

Chapter 3 of A Place for Consciousness delves into the technical and complex realm of physicalist responses to the argument against physicalism. It assumes a certain level of familiarity with philosophical arguments and terminology, making it more suitable for graduate and professional level readers.

Rosenberg addresses three main arguments used by physicalists to defend their position: appeals to a posteriori necessity, appeals to holism, and warnings about a greater absurdity. However, he ultimately argues that these responses are not sufficient to counter the antiphysicalist argument.

One key argument used by physicalists is the idea of a posteriori necessity, which holds that certain physical truths are necessary, even though they are discovered a posteriori. However, Rosenberg argues that this does not address the main issue of the antiphysicalist argument, which is the gap between the physical and the phenomenal.

Another response is the appeal to holism, which argues that consciousness is a result of the complex interactions of physical systems. However, Rosenberg points out that this does not explain how consciousness emerges from these interactions, and does not address the fundamental issue of phenomenal consciousness.

Finally, physicalists may warn of a greater absurdity if we reject physicalism, such as the need for a non-physical entity to explain consciousness. However, Rosenberg argues that this does not necessarily lead to a greater absurdity, and that the existence of consciousness itself may be the greater mystery.

Overall, Chapter 3 serves as a rigorous examination of physicalist responses to the argument against physicalism. While these responses may have some merit, Rosenberg ultimately argues that they are not sufficient to fully address the challenges posed by the antiphysicalist argument.

Related to Chapter 3: Physicalist Responses to the Argument against Physicalism

1. What is physicalism?

Physicalism is the philosophical position that everything in the world, including mental states and events, can be explained and understood in terms of physical entities and processes.

2. What is the argument against physicalism?

The argument against physicalism is a philosophical argument that challenges the idea that all mental states and events can be reduced to physical processes, and argues that there are aspects of the mind that cannot be explained by physical means alone.

3. What are the main physicalist responses to this argument?

Some of the main physicalist responses to the argument against physicalism include the idea of supervenience, which states that mental states and events are dependent on physical states and events, and the concept of emergentism, which suggests that mental states emerge from complex physical processes in the brain.

4. How do physicalists address the issue of qualia?

Physicalists often argue that qualia, or subjective experiences of consciousness, can be explained as physical processes in the brain. They may also argue that the concept of qualia is too vague and complex to be used as evidence against physicalism.

5. Are there any weaknesses in the physicalist responses to the argument against physicalism?

Yes, there are several criticisms of physicalist responses to the argument against physicalism. Some argue that the concept of supervenience is circular and does not provide a satisfactory explanation for the relationship between mental and physical states. Others argue that emergentism does not fully account for the unique properties of consciousness. Additionally, some argue that physicalism fails to explain the subjective experience of consciousness and the existence of mental causation.

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