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Homework Statement
Determine the charge on each capacitor and the voltage across ech, assuming C=3yF(micro) and the battery voltage is V=4.0 Vhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/11006374_10152682348496806_273021698509210726_n.jpg?oh=128f2d03e7e0ad275cb982e11d827c2c&oe=54F5E264&__gda__=1425403951_252b026b8105e21db6642c5d28a9f753
Homework Equations
C23 = 2C/3 = 2microF
Qeq = Q1 + Q23 = Ceq V <--- why is Qeq is the sum of the series capacitors, i thought they had the same charge
Q eq = 8. micorC
Q1 = Q23 = 4.00 microC
V1= Q1/C = 1.33 V
V23 = V - V1 = 2.67 V
Q2 = Q3 = CV23 = 2.0 micro C <--- not sure how did they get this value, when I plug in the found valued I don't get 2.