Charge: Opposites Attract, Repel Like Charges

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In summary, the concept of charge is that it is not made up of any parts. Experimentally, it has been observed that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. This can be explained by calling one object "positive" and everything it repels is also "positive", while everything it attracts is "negative". There may be deeper explanations involving electric fields or photon exchange, but ultimately charge is simply charge and follows these rules. The Pauli Exclusion Principle is not directly related to the concept of charge.
  • #1
Char. Limit
Gold Member
What part of charge causes like charges to repel, and opposite charges to attract? Is it something akin to the Pauli Exclusion Principle of chemistry?
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  • #2
the idea of charge is that there are no parts to it.

operationally, it works like this:

If A and B repel each other.
and A and C repel each other.
then it turns out B and C repel.

If A and B repel
and A and C attract
then B and C attract

If A and B attract.
and A and C repel.
Then B and C attract.

If A and B attract
and A and C attract
then B and C repel

These are just the experimental observations, and it turns out that if these always hold, you can explain them simply by calling one object (chosen arbitrarily) "positive". Everything it repels is also "positive", and everything it attracts is "negative", and then the rule becomes that opposites attract and likes repel.

I suppose it is possible to try to give a deeper explanation, for example by saying that charges create electric fields, or that charged particles exchange photons, but basically charge is not made up of anything - it is just charge, it those are its rule. The Pauli Exclusion Principle is not closely related.

FAQ: Charge: Opposites Attract, Repel Like Charges

What is charge?

Charge is a fundamental physical property that describes the amount of electrical energy an object possesses. It is represented by the symbol Q and is measured in units of Coulombs (C).

What is the difference between positive and negative charge?

Positive charge refers to an excess of protons in an object, while negative charge refers to an excess of electrons. These two types of charge are attracted to each other, while like charges repel each other.

How do opposite charges interact?

Opposite charges, such as a positively charged object and a negatively charged object, will attract each other. This is due to the electric force exerted between them, which is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects.

Why do like charges repel each other?

Like charges, such as two positively charged objects, repel each other because they have the same type of charge. This means they have an excess of protons and are trying to move away from each other to achieve a more stable state.

What are the practical applications of understanding charge?

Understanding charge is crucial in many areas of science and technology, such as electricity and magnetism, electronics, and even biology. It allows us to explain and predict the behavior of particles and how they interact with each other, leading to advancements in various fields.
