Charges betweenand outside parallel sheets

In summary, the conversation discusses the setup of two large plastic sheets with a distance d between them and how they are charged with different surface charge densities. The question is posed about the field vector at each point, with the answer being a multiplier of n_o/epsilon_o. The conversation also mentions using Gaussian surfaces and Gauss' Law to understand the electric field and how it applies to the current situation. The use of capacitor specific equations is discouraged and instead, the equation for a single plate should be used with the superposition principle to find the end result. It is suggested to read ahead and understand Gauss' Law for an easier understanding of the problem.
  • #1
Linus Pauling
1. You've hung two very large sheets of plastic facing each other with distance d between them, as shown in the figure . By rubbing them with wool and silk, you've managed to give one sheet a uniform surface charge density n_1 = -n_o and the other a uniform surface charge density n_2 = 3n_o .


What is the field vector at each point? Give answer as a multiplier of n_o/epsilon_o.

2. E_cap = n/epsilon_o

3. So, for an ideal capacitor, E in between the two sheets is simply n/epsilon_o, and is zero outside because E_+ and E_- or of equal magnitude but opposite sign. So in this case, is the multiplier 4 for point 2, -2 for point 1, and 2 for point 3?
Physics news on
  • #2
Draw appropriate Gaussian surfaces and use Gauss's Law to see what is happening.
  • #3
The electric field given by a uniformly charged infinit plane is given by
E = \frac{\sigma }{{2\varepsilon _0 }}
This can be derived from Gauss' law
  • #4
netheril96 said:
The electric field given by a uniformly charged infinit plane is given by
E = \frac{\sigma }{{2\varepsilon _0 }}
This can be derived from Gauss' law

And how does it apply to the current situation?
  • #5
Actually, we haven't covered Gauss' Law in class yet. Should I just read ahead to make my life easier?
  • #6
I suggest against using any capacitor specific equations for this problem. The reason is those equations were derived assuming that there is an equal and opposite charge on each plate. 'Doesn't really apply here. Here, you should use the similar equation for a single plate (which is where the equation for the capacitor was derived from, btw.) which is

[tex] E= \frac{\sigma} {2 \epsilon _0} [/tex],

where [tex] \sigma [/tex] is the surface charge density.

I suggest working with each plate individually and using superposition to find the end result. This can be done separately for each point.
  • #7
kuruman said:
And how does it apply to the current situation?

Just use superpositon principle
I think you should read Gauss' law in advance to make your life easier

Related to Charges betweenand outside parallel sheets

1. What is the concept of charges between and outside parallel sheets?

The concept of charges between and outside parallel sheets refers to the interaction between charged particles or objects that are positioned between two parallel sheets and also outside of them. This interaction is influenced by the electric fields created by the charged sheets.

2. How do charges behave between and outside parallel sheets?

Charges between and outside parallel sheets will experience a force of attraction or repulsion depending on their respective charges and the direction of the electric field. The closer the charges are to the sheets, the stronger the force will be.

3. What is the significance of charges between and outside parallel sheets?

The significance of charges between and outside parallel sheets lies in understanding the behavior and interactions of charged particles in this scenario. This concept is important in various fields such as electromagnetism, electronics, and materials science.

4. How can the strength of the electric field between parallel sheets be calculated?

The strength of the electric field between parallel sheets can be calculated using the formula E = σ/ε0, where σ is the surface charge density of the sheets and ε0 is the permittivity of free space.

5. Can the electric field between parallel sheets be manipulated?

Yes, the electric field between parallel sheets can be manipulated by changing the distance between the sheets, altering the charge on the sheets, or changing the orientation of the sheets. This can be achieved using various methods such as changing the voltage applied to the sheets or using materials with different permittivity values.
