Chasing a Beam of Light: Understanding Special Relativity's Thought Experiment

  • Thread starter QuantumKing
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    Beam Light
In summary, the conversation discusses a thought experiment about chasing a light beam in the context of special relativity. The experiment involves Bart chasing a light beam on a nuclear powered skateboard, while his sister Lisa stands at rest with a laser beam on a flat plane. The conversation also touches on the concepts of time dilation, length contraction, and the Lorentz transformation in relation to the experiment. The participants of the conversation also discuss the idea that velocities do not add in the same way in relativity as they do in classical physics. Ultimately, it is concluded that the only constant in all frames of reference is the speed of light and that distance cannot be simply added using classical mechanics.
  • #1
Ok, so I read about a thought experiment pertaining to special relativity in a book somewhere and the experiment was that of chasing a light beam, which I am sure everyone here has heard of. For those who haven't heard of such an "experiment" here is how it goes:

Bart has just bought himself a new nuclear powered skateboard able to reach a speed of 260,000km/s, he decides to have a race against a beam of light using his skateboard. His sister Lisa has a laser beam and stands at rest on a flat never ending plane. Both have sychronized atomic clocks, before Bart starts moving. So Lisa starts the countdown and then they're off! From Lisa's perspective, Bart is being outrun by the light beam by only 40,000km/s, but from Bart's perspective he is being untrun by the speed of light, 300,000km/s.

Now, i can't seem to make sense of this, if you look at the equations explaining time dilationand length contraction, the gamma factor is canceled out when you divide length by time in any reference frame. So if i were to say that from Bart's perspective the light beam is 300,000km ahead of him after he measures 1 second on his clock, and from Lisa's persepective the light beam (using time dilation and length contraction equations) would be 600,000km ahead of him after 2 seconds (I used 260,000km/s for a reason), meaning Bart is being outrun by the speed of light in her reference frame as well. This is where I am lost and can't make sense of that statement above where Lisa's persepective shows Bart being outrun by only 40,000km/s. I'm obviously not looking at it the right way. Anyone have an idea?
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  • #2
Velocities don't "add" in the same way in relativity as they do in classical physics.

I don't think you can derive the relativistic velocity addition formula just from length contraction and time dilation, because they don't give a complete description of relativistic kinematics. You have to include relativity of simultaneity also.

However, all of these things can be derived from the Lorentz transformation

which in turn can be derived from the fundamental principles of relativity (speed of light is constant, etc.)
  • #3
I'm not an expert in this subject, but this is my point of view:

Lisa's Frame of Ref
Lisa is stationary.
The moment Bart start moving is simultaneous with Lisa's shining of torch.
@time lapsed=1s
Distance traveled by Bart=260,000km
Distance traveled by the first photon=300,000km
Bart is outran by 40,000km.

Bart's Frame of Ref
Bart is staionary.
Lisa is moving away in the opposite direction at the speed of 260,000km/s.
Due to time dilation, time lapsed for Bart=1/γs (start of his motion till he is outran by 40,000km)


Time lapsed=1/γs=0.5s
Taking displacement by Lisa from Bart to be +ve:
Displacement of Lisa= 260,000*0.5km = 130,000km
Displacement of photon=-40,000/γkm=-20,000km

Hmm.. How come the photon did not pass Bart by 150,000km after 0.5s?
If we take Lisa's reference frame, the moment Bart start his motion at 260,000km/s is simultaneous with the moment Lisa shines her torch and start her clock(3 simultaneous events). However, in Bart's reference frame, he started his clock at the same moment he started motion, but Lisa only shone her light after some time = w.

Bart's frame of Ref:
Displacement of Photon(from Bart)=Displacement of Lisa + Displacement of Photon(from Lisa)=-20,000km
w=13/56s=0.232s (approx.)

Distance traveled by Lisa=260,000*13/56km=60357km
She shone her light.
Time traveled by the first photon of her torch 0.5-13/56s=15/56s
Displacement of the first photon of her torch(from the point she shine her torch)=-300,000*15/56s=-80357km
Therefore distance in which the photon outrun Bart=60357-80357km=-20,000km.

In his frame of ref, Bart is stationary, he is completely "outran" by light by 300,000km/s.

Are my calculations and reasonings correct this time?
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  • #4
From what I undestand of relativity is that the only thing that is constant in all frames of reference is the speed of light. As for distance, there is always length contraction, hence, the distance can never be simply added up using simple classical mechanics. And once you apply Lorentz transformation, you're going to define which fram are you measuing from and thus where is the origin in that frame.

FAQ: Chasing a Beam of Light: Understanding Special Relativity's Thought Experiment

1. What is the thought experiment of chasing a beam of light in special relativity?

The thought experiment involves two observers, one stationary and one moving at a constant speed, both trying to chase a beam of light. The observer moving at a constant speed will never be able to catch up to the beam of light, no matter how fast they move.

2. Why is this thought experiment important in understanding special relativity?

This thought experiment helps to demonstrate the principles of special relativity, specifically the concept of the speed of light being the same for all observers regardless of their relative motion. It also highlights the effects of time dilation and length contraction.

3. How does this thought experiment relate to Einstein's theory of special relativity?

This thought experiment was initially proposed by Einstein as a way to explain his theory of special relativity. It serves as a way to visualize and understand the principles of the theory, such as the constancy of the speed of light and the relativity of simultaneity.

4. Can this thought experiment be applied to other scenarios?

Yes, the concept of chasing a beam of light can be applied to various scenarios, such as the motion of particles at high speeds or the behavior of electromagnetic radiation. It can also be used to explain the phenomenon of time dilation in other thought experiments, such as the twin paradox.

5. What implications does this thought experiment have on our understanding of the universe?

This thought experiment highlights the fundamental principles of special relativity that have revolutionized our understanding of the universe. It has led to the development of technologies such as GPS and has helped us to better understand the behavior of particles and electromagnetic radiation. It has also challenged our perception of time and space, leading to new theories and ideas in physics.

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