Chassis Design 3g bump applied diagonally

In summary, a bump of 150 mm high applied diagonally results in an upward acceleration of 3 g to a wheel. The opposite pair of wheels are the right front and left rear wheels, both of which are assumed to be under 1 g acceleration.
  • #1
Ok well to many this is going to seem like a really stupid question I am sure :/

I need to calculate Maximum Torsion in a chassis, to start with i want to look at collisions or rough terrain;

Assumed 3g bump applied diagonally
Assumed bump 150mm high

Overall factor applied 1.5

Giving an upward acceleration of 4.5g at the wheels

Opposite pair of wheels assumed to be 1g

As i understand this if a car hits a bump 150mm high I am assuming a 3g force is applied. I assume it is applied diagonally due to the impact location on the wheel? or the acceleration of the car?

I am unsure how the overall factor of 1.5 is decided? what is the 'overall factor'?

I assume by opposite pair of wheels it refers to the rear? but could this also be the passenger side if the impact was on the drivers side?

I apologies if this is like asking you guys to suck eggs however, I am comfortable designing and building to specified parameters and have an ambition to understand the stress calculations involved in creating these parameters. I would greatly appreciate any help explaining what is happening here in a dummy's guide?
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  • #2
My understanding of what your are saying is as follow:

A bump of 150 mm high gives an upward acceleration of 3 g to a wheel. Applying a safety factor of 1.5, assume 4.5 g for the calculations.

Since it is applied to one wheel, say left front wheel, the «applied diagonally» means that it is the right rear wheel that will react (i.e. chassis torsion). The opposite pair of wheels are the right front and left rear wheels, which are both assumed to be under 1 g acceleration.

This is how I understand it.
  • #3
Thanks very much jack, that has confirmed many of my assumptions, the book still seems to refer to the opposite wheels as front - rear but i assume this will depend on whether it is a single wheel impact or twin.

Your help is much appreciated thanks

Related to Chassis Design 3g bump applied diagonally

1. What is the purpose of applying a 3g bump diagonally in chassis design?

The 3g bump is applied diagonally to improve the stability and handling of the vehicle. This bump helps to distribute the weight of the vehicle more evenly, providing better traction and reducing the risk of rollover.

2. How does the 3g bump affect the overall design of the chassis?

The 3g bump adds additional structure and reinforcement to the chassis, making it more rigid and resistant to bending or flexing. This allows for better handling and control of the vehicle.

3. Is the 3g bump necessary for all types of vehicles?

The 3g bump is typically used in high-performance vehicles or vehicles that may experience high levels of stress, such as off-road vehicles. However, it may not be necessary for all types of vehicles and is ultimately dependent on the specific design and purpose of the vehicle.

4. How is the 3g bump applied during the chassis design process?

The 3g bump is typically incorporated into the design of the chassis during the initial stages. It involves adding additional supports or braces to the chassis frame, often in a diagonal pattern, to provide the necessary reinforcement.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using a 3g bump in chassis design?

While the 3g bump can provide many benefits, it can also add weight and complexity to the design of the chassis. This may result in reduced fuel efficiency and increased manufacturing costs. Additionally, the 3g bump may not be necessary for all vehicles and could potentially be over-engineered in some cases.

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