Checking my understanding about how massive particle states transform

In summary, the conversation discusses the transformation of massive particle states under a Lorentz transformation, using the standard four-momentum and the unitary operator. It also mentions the use of the ##D^{(j)}## matrices in this transformation. The question is whether or not the matrices can be written in a specific form for a rotation about the z-axis. The response confirms that this is possible and refers to a complete treatment of the unitary representations of the Poincare group for further information.
  • #1
kent davidge
I'd like to see whether or not I understood correctly how massive particle states will transform under a homogeneous Lorentz transformation, in terms of the standard four-momentum ##k = (0,0,0,M)##. I suppose we can write $$U(\Lambda) \Psi \propto D^{(j)} (W(\Lambda)) \Psi$$ where ##U(\Lambda)## is a unitary operator, ##\Psi## is a so called eigenstate (eigenvector) of the four-momentum operator ##P##, ##W(\Lambda)## is an ##SO(3)## element and ##D^{(j)} (W)## its jth-(reducible)-representation on the Hilbert Space.

I used the "proportional to" symbol instead of the "equal to" symbol because I left some terms out, which I guess, are not relevant to my specific question.

So the point of my question is whether or not we can write the matrices ##D^{(j)}## as $$D^{(j)} (R_z) =
e^{-ij\varphi} & \dots & 0 \\
\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
0 & \dots & e^{ij\varphi}
when ##R_z## is a rotation by ##\varphi## about the z-axis.
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  • #2
Yes, that's fine. The ##D^{(j)}## are the usual rotation matrix in the (2j+1)-dimensional representation of SU(2) with spin j.
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  • #3
An apparent problem is that one could instinctively look at the product ##U(R(\theta)) U(R(\bar \theta)) = U(R(\theta + \bar \theta))## and imply from this that ##U(R(\theta))## gives the irreducible representation ##\exp(i J \theta)##, with ##J## a generator, for finite ##\theta##, instead of the irreducible representations I wrote down in the matrix in the opening post.

Am I missing something?

FAQ: Checking my understanding about how massive particle states transform

1. What is the significance of checking my understanding about how massive particle states transform?

Checking your understanding about how massive particle states transform is important because it helps you to better understand the fundamental building blocks of the universe and how they interact with each other. This knowledge is crucial in various fields of science, such as particle physics and cosmology.

2. How do massive particle states transform?

Massive particle states transform through interactions with other particles, such as the exchange of energy and momentum. This can result in the creation of new particles or the transformation of existing ones into different states.

3. What tools and techniques are used to study the transformation of massive particle states?

Scientists use a variety of tools and techniques to study the transformation of massive particle states, such as particle accelerators, detectors, and mathematical models. These allow scientists to observe and analyze the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.

4. How does the transformation of massive particle states contribute to our understanding of the universe?

The transformation of massive particle states provides insight into the fundamental laws and forces that govern the universe. By studying these transformations, scientists can better understand the origins and evolution of the universe, as well as the behavior of matter and energy.

5. What are some current research areas related to the transformation of massive particle states?

Current research areas related to the transformation of massive particle states include the search for new particles, the study of dark matter and dark energy, and the investigation of the properties of the Higgs boson. Scientists are also exploring the use of particle accelerators to recreate the conditions of the early universe and study the behavior of particles in extreme environments.

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