Checking my work on a conservation of energy problem

In summary, the author attempted to solve the gravitational force equation using the conservation of energy, only to realize that he may have made a mistake and needed to correct it. He then showed that by solving the differential equation for x(t), that Newton's 2nd law of motion is one of the two solutions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given: [itex]\frac{1}{2}m (\dot x)^2 + mg x = E[/itex]

Gravitational force is mg.

We need to show that by solving this DE that we can confirm that the conservation of energy correctly describes one-dimensional motion (the motion in a uniform field). That is, that the same motion is obtained as predicted by Newton' equation of motion. I had this up as a thread before -- (thanks to tiny-tim!) but I discovered that there might have been some bad errors in my original set-up. So I wanted to see if I corrected those.

The Attempt at a Solution

My attempt was as follows:

[itex]\frac{1}{2}m\dot x + mg x = E[/itex] so by moving things around a bit I can reduce this to

[itex](\dot x)^2 = \frac{2(E - mgx)}{m}[/itex]

and from there I can solve the DE:

[itex]\dot x = \sqrt{\frac{2(E - mgx)}{m}} \Rightarrow \int dx =\int \sqrt{\frac{2(E - mgx)}{m}}dt[/itex]

from there I can move some variables some more, in my initial attempt I left the [itex]\sqrt{2}[/itex] on the right but this time I will move it over:

[itex]\frac{\sqrt{m}}{\sqrt{2(E-mgx)}} \int dx = \int dt \Rightarrow \frac{\sqrt{m}}{\sqrt{2}} \int \frac{dx}{{\sqrt{E-mgx}}} = \int dt[/itex]

trying a u substitution where [itex]u=\sqrt{E-mgx}[/itex] and [itex]du = -mgdx[/itex] I should have [itex]\frac{\sqrt{m}}{-mg \sqrt{2}} \int \frac{du}{{\sqrt{u}}} = \int dt[/itex] which gets me to [itex]\frac{2\sqrt{m}}{mg\sqrt{2}} \sqrt{u} + c = t[/itex]

going back to what I substituted for u I have:
[itex]\frac{2 \sqrt{m}}{mg \sqrt{2}} \sqrt{E-mgx} + c = t[/itex]

and when I do the algebra I get (after moving the c over and squaring both sides):

[itex]\frac{4m}{2m^2g^2}({E-mgx}) = t^2 - 2ct+ c^2[/itex]
[itex]\frac{2E}{mg^2}-\frac{2x}{g} = {2}t^2 - 2ct+ c^2[/itex]
[itex]-\frac{2x}{g} =-\frac{2E}{mg^2}+ {2}t^2 - 2ct+ c^2[/itex]
[itex]x(t) =\frac{E}{mg}- gt^2 + cgt- \frac{c^2g}{2}[/itex]

From here I plug in the equation for kinetic energy. [itex]E = (1/2) mv^2[/itex] which in this case would be [itex]\frac{E}{mg} = \frac{(1/2) mg^2t^2}{mg} = \frac{1}{2}gt^2[/itex]

which changes my x(t) expression to:

[itex]x(t) =-\frac{1}{2}gt^2 + cgt- \frac{c^2g}{2}[/itex]

That looks like an equation of motion to me. And if we take a derivative of the original expression we get:

[itex]\frac{1}{2}m \dot x \ddot x + \frac{1}{2}m \dot x \ddot x + mg \dot x = 0 \Rightarrow m \dot x \ddot x + mg \dot x = 0[/itex]

and that shows that [itex]g=\ddot x [/itex]. Maybe that's what we were shooting for in the first place.

and looking at the x(t) expression I got, we can replace g with [itex]\ddot x[/itex] and that makes x(t) into:
[itex]x(t) =-\frac{1}{2}x + c\dot x- \frac{c^2}{2}\ddot x[/itex]

I feel like I am close here, but not quite there. So I am hoping someone can tell me where I messed up.
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  • #2
You have complexified this too much!
Take the energy equation, which holds for ALL times, and differentiate it.
That is allowed, because it holds for ALL t's.
We then get:
That is:
meaning that Newton's of motion is contained as one of two possible solutions.
If the velocity is zero, then position is also unchanging, and the energy equation holds trivially. The other solution, Newton's, is the one governing a system in motion, and consistent with the energy law of conservation.
  • #3
OK, so it was enough to differentiate and have done with it? That seems too simple. (I thought I had to do the other stuff b/c the question said to solve the DE)
  • #4
Emspak said:
OK, so it was enough to differentiate and have done with it? That seems too simple. (I thought I had to do the other stuff b/c the question said to solve the DE)

Simplicity is what is called for!
  • #5

Great job on checking your work! Your approach and steps seem to be correct, but there are a few small errors that I noticed.

Firstly, in the line where you substitute u=\sqrt{E-mgx} and du = -mgdx, you forgot to include the negative sign in front of the mg term. It should be du = -mgdx.

Secondly, when you substitute back in for u, you have:
\frac{2 \sqrt{m}}{mg \sqrt{2}} \sqrt{E-mgx} + c = t

But this should actually be:
\frac{2 \sqrt{m}}{mg \sqrt{2}} \sqrt{E-mgx} + c = t + C

since you are integrating with respect to time, there should be a constant of integration included.

Finally, when you plug in the equation for kinetic energy, you have:
E = \frac{(1/2) mg^2t^2}{mg}

But this should be:
E = \frac{1}{2} mg^2t^2

since the mass, m, cancels out.

Overall, it seems like you are on the right track and just made some small mistakes along the way. Keep up the good work in checking your work and making corrections!

FAQ: Checking my work on a conservation of energy problem

What is the conservation of energy principle?

The conservation of energy principle states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed from one form to another.

How do I know if my work on a conservation of energy problem is correct?

To check your work on a conservation of energy problem, you should make sure that the total energy at the beginning of the problem is equal to the total energy at the end of the problem. This means that the sum of all forms of energy (kinetic, potential, thermal, etc.) should be the same before and after the transformation.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving a conservation of energy problem?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving a conservation of energy problem include forgetting to account for all forms of energy, using incorrect units or conversions, and not taking into account external forces or friction.

Are there any helpful strategies for solving conservation of energy problems?

One helpful strategy for solving conservation of energy problems is to clearly identify and list all forms of energy present in the problem, and then track their transformations and transfers throughout the problem. Another strategy is to draw diagrams or use equations to represent the energy transformations.

What are some real-life examples of the conservation of energy principle?

Examples of the conservation of energy principle in real life include a roller coaster ride, where the potential energy at the top of the track is converted into kinetic energy as the coaster moves down the track, and a light bulb, where electrical energy is transformed into light and heat energy.
