Chemical Engineering / Organic Chemistry

In summary: If you enjoy chemistry, then you would enjoy organic chemistry. It's not too difficult to study, but it's harder than an introductory course.
  • #1
Hi all,

I have decided to do a second degree since my first degree (math) hasn't given me many options for work or graduate study that I'm interested in pursuing. I am strongly considering chemical engineering, since I am enjoying my chemistry course so far and have the strength in math to be suitable for engineering.
However, after looking at the syllabus for the 4 year chemical engineering program at my university ( UT Austin ), I was somewhat dismayed to see 2 semesters of required organic chemistry and no inorganic chemistry. I would probably take inorganic as an elective, but the emphasis on organic struck me as odd. I have looked over some past notes/exams for organic chemistry and it doesn't look as interesting to me as inorganic. I've heard quite a few negative comments directed its way - for example my stepfather switched out of a pre med degree because of organic chemistry.
If there are any chemical engineers / chemists out there, how did you find organic chemistry? And if one doesn't like it, is it still worth doing a chemical engineering degree? Any general advice on the matter would be very welcome.

Thanks, Nick
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  • #2
I am an amateur chemical engineer, in my sophomore year of undergrad studies. I would guess that the reason so much organic chemistry is required is because most of what we deal with in chemistry on our carbon-based planet is organic. Just looking around my house, I don't see much that doesn't have carbon in some form. Maybe some of the metal alloys in my house isn't organic, but pretty much everything else is. Regardless, because reactions with the carbon-hydrogen bond is so common, in almost any chemistry related field you would need to understand how these reactions occur, and in engineering, how to induce or prevent them. I don't think inorganic chemistry is useful in the job market if that's what you're looking for, most chemical engineering jobs are in the oil industry (organic), pharmaceutical engineering (organic), etc. Hope this helps!

Organic chemistry, for me, wasn't all that different from other chemistry subjects. Chemistry involves remembering a lot of rules of how/why things react with each other to predict what will happen in a lab to use in useful application. I consider it all slightly different variations of what is essentially the same thing: chemistry. If you enjoy chemistry then I'm sure you would enjoy organic chemistry. While it may be a little bit harder than an introductory chemistry course as one would naturally anticipate, it wasn't too tough for me to study hard through it since it's a subject I enjoy.

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  • #3
Organic Chemistry was my favorite course in my whole undergrad program (B.S. in Chemistry) and really, it's not very hard. Any Chemistry or Chemical Engineering program without it would be fundamentally flawed. Inorganic Chemistry was a third/fourth year course for me and was far more abstract than Organic Chemistry since we used a Group Theoretical approach. However, for going into something like Materials Science, Inorganic Chem is mandatory. Couple that with some Engineering courses in ceramics or polymers as well as their analysis (using things like XRD, Electron microscopy, etc.) and you'll be doing well. Still, we come back to the importance of O. Chem--there's no coherent way of explaining polymeric reactions without a knowledge of organic chemistry.

What you should realize: the line betwen organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry is often very blurry. When it comes to something like designing a catalytic reaction, an understanding of both is necessary. Organometallic chemistry is a really a mut between the two fields.

In short, if you can, take both classes. :)
  • #4
DDTea said:
In short, if you can, take both classes. :)

Right on the money! I agree 100%.
  • #5

As a scientist with a background in both chemical engineering and organic chemistry, I can offer some insight into your concerns. First of all, it's important to understand that organic chemistry is a fundamental subject in the field of chemistry and is essential for understanding many chemical processes and reactions. It may seem intimidating at first, but with the right study habits and approach, it can be a very interesting and rewarding subject.

In terms of its relevance to chemical engineering, organic chemistry plays a crucial role in the design and development of many industrial processes and products. It provides the foundation for understanding the behavior of organic compounds and their reactions in various environments. In fact, many chemical engineering courses and projects will involve the use of organic chemistry principles.

That being said, it is understandable that you may have a preference for inorganic chemistry. It's important to keep in mind that while organic chemistry may not be your main interest, it is still a valuable and necessary component of chemical engineering studies. In addition, having a strong understanding of both organic and inorganic chemistry can make you a more well-rounded and versatile chemical engineer.

If you are unsure about the program at your university, I would recommend reaching out to current chemical engineering students or professors for more information about the curriculum and their experiences with organic chemistry. You can also consider taking a few introductory courses in both organic and inorganic chemistry to see which subject you prefer.

Overall, I would say that if you have a strong interest in chemistry and math, pursuing a chemical engineering degree is definitely worth it. The field offers a wide range of career opportunities and the ability to make a positive impact in various industries. Don't let the emphasis on organic chemistry discourage you, as it is a valuable and necessary subject in the field. Best of luck in your studies!

FAQ: Chemical Engineering / Organic Chemistry

What is the difference between chemical engineering and organic chemistry?

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the design, development, and operation of processes that involve chemical reactions. Organic chemistry, on the other hand, is a branch of chemistry that deals with the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds. While both fields involve the study of chemicals, chemical engineering focuses on the practical application of chemical processes while organic chemistry focuses on the fundamental understanding of organic compounds.

What are some common applications of chemical engineering?

Chemical engineering has a wide range of applications, including the production of fuels, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and food products. It is also used in environmental engineering for waste treatment and pollution control, as well as in biotechnology for the production of enzymes and other biomolecules.

What is the role of organic chemistry in the development of new products?

Organic chemistry plays a crucial role in the development of new products. By understanding the chemical structure and properties of organic compounds, chemists can design and synthesize new molecules with desired properties for various applications. This includes the development of new medicines, materials, and consumer products.

What are the key principles of chemical engineering?

The key principles of chemical engineering include mass and energy balance, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and reaction kinetics. These principles are used to design and optimize chemical processes, ensuring efficient production and safe operation.

What are some challenges faced by chemical engineers in their work?

Chemical engineers face a variety of challenges in their work, such as designing processes that are economically and environmentally sustainable, ensuring the safety of workers and the public, and developing solutions to complex technical problems. They must also stay updated on new technologies and regulations in order to adapt and improve their processes.

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