Chemical Kinetics Query

In summary, Vivek asked if the fraction of activated molecules (10^{-15}) in a chemical kinetics problem is equal to the probability factor (P) in the Arrhenius Equation. Gokul clarified that the fraction of activated molecules is actually the exponential term, and A and P are related to collision rates and molecular geometries. Vivek thanked Gokul for the clarification.
  • #1

While working on some chemical kinetics problems, I came across the statement, the fraction of activated molecules is [itex]10^{-15}[/itex] in a problem where some other constants were also provided and the half life was to be found (for a first order reaction). My specific query is:

Is this fraction equal to the probability factor in the Arrhenius Equation? That is, is this equal to P where

[tex]k = APe^{-E_{act}/RT}[/tex]

where k = rate constant, A = frequency factor, P = probability factor, [itex]E_{act}[/itex] = activation energy and T = absolute temperature?

Or is it something else?

Thanks and cheers
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  • #2
It'll be better for you if you were to post the exact problem instead of having us guess around (not to sound rude).
  • #3
The fraction of activated molecules is actually the exponential term.

A and P are related to collision rates (T dependent) and molecular geometries (steric effects).
  • #4
Thanks Gokul, you were right about the exponential term.


FAQ: Chemical Kinetics Query

What is Chemical Kinetics?

Chemical Kinetics is a branch of chemistry that studies the rates of chemical reactions and the factors that affect those rates.

What are the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

The factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction include temperature, concentration of reactants, presence of a catalyst, and surface area of reactants.

What is the difference between rate and rate constant in chemical kinetics?

Rate refers to the change in concentration of reactants or products over time, while rate constant is a proportionality constant that relates the concentration of reactants to the rate of the reaction.

What is a reaction mechanism in chemical kinetics?

A reaction mechanism is the series of individual steps that make up a complex chemical reaction. It explains the sequence of events that occur in a reaction at the molecular level.

How do scientists determine the rate law of a chemical reaction?

Scientists determine the rate law of a chemical reaction by conducting experiments and measuring the initial rates of reaction at different concentrations of reactants. They then use this data to determine the order of the reaction and the rate constant.

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