Chemical weapons loose in London?

  • Thread starter Rach3
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In summary, British anti-terrorist police are searching for a "dirty" chemical bomb that they believe exists and could be used in an attack in Britain. However, an initial raid failed to uncover the device and the police have not found any evidence of its existence. Security chiefs believe an attack may be imminent, with possible targets including the underground train network or pubs during the soccer World Cup. Some media outlets have been accused of over-hyping the threat, with a lawyer for one of the suspects denying any involvement in a terrorism plot. Police have stated that nothing suspicious was found in their initial search and that neighbors are not in danger.
  • #1

LONDON (Reuters) - British anti-terrorist police are hunting for a "dirty" chemical bomb that could be used in an attack in Britain after a major raid failed to uncover a device they believe exists, newspapers reported on Saturday.
"Because of the very specific nature of the intelligence, we planned an operation that was designed to mitigate any threat to the public either from firearms or from hazardous substances," said Peter Clarke, head of the UK's anti-terrorism branch.
"We are absolutely certain this device exists and could be used either by a suicide bomber or in a remote-controlled explosion," one source told the Sun newspaper.
Newspapers quoted security chiefs who they said believed an attack was imminent, with possible targets including the underground train network or pubs crowded with fans watching the soccer World Cup tournament which starts next week.

Either a very new threat has in fact materialized ( :eek: ), or certain sensationalist media are over-hyping an imagined threat (again).
Physics news on
  • #2
Well its a good thing the public was informed of this as soon as possible. No good can come from keeping the information in law enforcements hand. Citizens have every right to know this threat exists no matter how compromising it is to the actual investigation or how exposed the police become due to this article. :rolleyes:

Pathetic newspapers, all in it for the money.
  • #3
Penguin said:
Well its a good thing the public was informed of this as soon as possible. No good can come from keeping the information in law enforcements hand. Citizens have every right to know this threat exists no matter how compromising it is to the actual investigation or how exposed the police become due to this article.

Pathetic newspapers, all in it for the money.
"Because of the very specific nature of the intelligence, we planned an operation that was designed to mitigate any threat to the public either from firearms or from hazardous substances," said Peter Clarke, head of the UK's anti-terrorism branch.
  • #4
"dirty" chemical bomb
Someone filled a bottle mixed with water from the Thames river and Lake Erie?
  • #5
Rach3 said:
I smell bad

And your reponse is...
  • #6
His brother's lawyer, Julian Young, said earlier his client had also denied he was involved in any terrorism plot, adding: "To date I have seen no evidence showing that he has been."
Police have said nothing suspicious was found in an initial search of the house and that neighbors are not in danger.

See where I said, yesterday,
Rach3 said:
or certain sensationalist media are over-hyping an imagined threat (again).

It may be too early to call, for some other news channels... but I'm talking a risk and calling this one as an "imagined threat".

FAQ: Chemical weapons loose in London?

1. What are chemical weapons?

Chemical weapons are toxic chemicals specifically designed to harm or kill humans. They can come in various forms, such as gases, liquids, or solids, and can have both immediate and long-term effects on individuals and the environment.

2. How are chemical weapons used?

Chemical weapons can be dispersed through various methods, including bombs, artillery shells, missiles, or sprayers. They can also be used in the form of a gas or liquid agent in confined spaces or intentionally released into the air or water supply.

3. What kind of damage can chemical weapons cause?

Chemical weapons can cause a range of adverse effects, including skin burns, respiratory problems, organ damage, and even death. They can also have long-term impacts on the environment, such as contaminating soil and water sources.

4. How are chemical weapons detected and identified?

Chemical weapons can be detected and identified through various methods, including sensors, detectors, and laboratory analysis. These methods can identify the type of chemical agent used, its concentration, and the affected area.

5. How can the spread of chemical weapons be prevented or contained?

Preventing and containing the spread of chemical weapons involves various measures, including strict regulations and protocols for handling and storing these weapons, international treaties and agreements, and emergency response plans. In the event of a release, quick and effective decontamination efforts can also help contain the spread of chemical weapons.

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