Chemistry, The Central Science

In summary, Chemistry: The Central Science by Brown, LeMay, and Bursten (6th printing, 6th edition) has been critiqued for its lack of clarity and motivation in the first few chapters, but it may improve in later chapters. Some readers have found the substitution scheme and explanations to be problematic, while others have found the book to be a good resource for learning chemistry. However, it is not the only available textbook and readers may want to consider other options such as Chemistry by Silberberg.
  • #1
Jimmy Snyder
Chemistry, The Central Science by Brown, LeMay, and Bursten.
(6th printing, 6th edition)

I have never studied Chemistry so I decided to get this book out of the county library. I am up to page 20 and I must say that it has been pretty dismal up to now. Here is a paragraph from the Preface to the Instructor labeled: Philosophy.

Throughout the evolution of this text, certain goals have guided our writing efforts. The first is that a text should endeavor to show students the usefulness of chemistry in their major areas of study as well as in the world around them.

When I was in college, the texts didn't even have this kind of motivational pep talk, let alone that it should be the first goal. In my opinion the first goal should be to teach. The first chapter, the part that I read, is probably intended to be more motivational than instructive, but there are more than a few places where the text could be clearer. I'm afraid that the beginner will be confused and worse yet won't even realize it.

Perhaps the book will get better in the next chapters. If I had to judge it solely on the first 20 pages, I would say, skip this book and get another. Unfortunately, this is the only book available to me and so I can't compare it to the others.
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm up to page 70. The book is full of slight errors and complicated explanations of simple ideas. But on page 69 is a beaut.

book said:
[itex]2H_2 + O_2 \rightarrow 2H_2O[/itex]
We read the + sign to mean "reacts with" and the arrow as "produces".
These substitutions are problematic for two reasons. Although it is not a big deal, the equation doesn't read well in English. We could easily fix that by having the arrow mean "and produces". However there is a much worse problem on the next page where we have:

book said:
[itex]CH_4 + 2O_2 \rightarrow CO_2 + 2H_2O[/itex]
So this equation means carbon dioxide reacts with water? We need a better substitution scheme. I propose the following:

We read the + sign to mean "and" (see, chemistry is nowhere near as difficult as the authors make out. The use of + to mean "and" is common in informal notes that we write to each other) and the arrow as "react to produce".
  • #3
Not to be argumentative, but is that really a big deal? I'm sure the book could be full of other useless explanations, but that really doesn't seem like the worst of the worst to me.
  • #4
it's a good textbook, but i wanted to learn from more than one text so i also purchased Chemistry by Silberberg and found his book to be the best.

Brown's book is definitely a keeper, but it's not nearly as good as silberberg.

FAQ: Chemistry, The Central Science

1. What is the central theme of "Chemistry, The Central Science"?

The central theme of "Chemistry, The Central Science" is the study of matter and its properties, interactions, and transformations. It focuses on the fundamental principles and laws that govern the behavior of all substances and how they can be used to explain and predict natural phenomena.

2. What is the significance of chemistry in our daily lives?

Chemistry has a significant impact on our daily lives, as it is involved in everything we see, touch, and use. It explains the properties of the food we eat, the products we use, and the environment we live in. Chemistry also plays a crucial role in industries such as medicine, agriculture, and energy production.

3. What are the different branches of chemistry?

The main branches of chemistry are organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry. Organic chemistry deals with carbon-containing compounds, while inorganic chemistry focuses on non-carbon compounds. Physical chemistry studies the physical properties and behavior of matter, while analytical chemistry involves the analysis and identification of substances. Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes in living organisms.

4. How does chemistry relate to other sciences?

Chemistry is often called the central science because it connects and overlaps with other scientific fields such as biology, physics, geology, and environmental science. For example, biochemistry combines chemistry and biology to study the chemical processes in living organisms. Environmental science relies on chemistry to understand the effects of pollutants on the environment. Chemistry also provides a foundation for other sciences, such as materials science and pharmacology.

5. What are some common misconceptions about chemistry?

One common misconception about chemistry is that it is only about memorizing equations and facts. In reality, chemistry is a problem-solving science that involves critical thinking and understanding of fundamental principles. Another misconception is that all chemicals are harmful, when in fact, many chemicals are essential for our daily lives and can be found in natural substances. Lastly, some people believe that chemistry is only for scientists, but in reality, everyone can benefit from understanding the basics of chemistry in their everyday lives.

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