China down to 12 days worth of coal

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  • Thread starter rohanprabhu
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    China Coal
In summary, state media reported that China only has enough coal for 12 days of consumption, which is three days less than a month ago. This situation has been attributed to overpopulation, and India also faces similar concerns. The reasons for this decrease in coal availability are said to be "multi-dimensional." While China imports a significant amount of coal from the US, the majority of their imports come from Australia and ASEAN countries. China also has plans to build 40 nuclear power plants, but this is not expected to be enough to keep up with the increasing demand for energy. However, their aggressive building of nuclear, wind, solar, and hydro projects is expected to slightly decrease the percentage of coal used for energy production. It is important to
  • #1
CHINA only has enough coal for 12 days of consumption, three days less than a month ago, state media reported Wednesday, sounding the alarm bells over the nation's most important source of energy.


This certainly came as a shock to me.. since this situation is clearly due to overpopulation.. and my country India, suffers from the same problem. Hence, tomorrow it could be my country in the news for it's lowering energy resources...
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  • #2
rohanprabhu said:
since this situation is clearly due to overpopulation...
It's clear that there can be no other major factors? Even the article said the reasons were "multi-dimensional".
  • #3
The power generation plant closest to my home has at most a week's supply and has run that way for decades except when strikes have threatened. Why the alarm? Twelve days is a lot of coal to store.
  • #4
China imports a lot coal from the US.

Although 70% of China's electrical energy is produced by coal, they have an aggressive program to build about 40 or so nuclear power plants, but these take about 5 to 6 years to bring online - assuming one can get the large forgings, e.g. RPV and steam generators, built on schedule.
  • #5
Astronuc said:
China imports a lot coal from the US.

Not really. Over 80% of their coal imports come from Australia and ASEAN countries. Vietnam is their single largest import partner, accounting for about half of China's coal imports. Also, China exports almost as much coal as it imports. It was a net exporter until just last year.

Astronuc said:
Although 70% of China's electrical energy is produced by coal, they have an aggressive program to build about 40 or so nuclear power plants,

They have aggressive programs to build pretty much *all* types of power plants. A new coal plant goes online in China every two weeks. As a result of this, the percentage of Chinese power generated by coal is expected to *increase* slightly over the coming decades. 40 nuclear power plants is, unfortunately, not even close to enough to keep up with growth in demand. On top of that, almost all of their coal plants use dirty pulverization processes, instead of the cleaner gasification and liquifaction processes used in, for example, Europe and the US.
  • #6
As a result of this, the percentage of Chinese power generated by coal is expected to *increase* slightly over the coming decades.

Not really. True, coal consumption is increasing, but because aggressive building of nuclear, wind, solar, and those monstrous hydro projects the actual percentage of coal is expected to go down somewhat.
  • #7
The Chinese coal supply will not run out in 12 days as some may presume. There is more on the way. It is their surplus stored coal lead time that is down.

Most of Americas bulk storage of gasoline could be used up in a short period of time, probably less than a month. I can't seem to find a link.

The only bulk storage of crude oil is in the National Strategic Reserve for the military.
  • #8
aquitaine said:
Not really. True, coal consumption is increasing, but because aggressive building of nuclear, wind, solar, and those monstrous hydro projects the actual percentage of coal is expected to go down somewhat.

Well, I haven't been able to find a good reference that says either way, but everything I've read has indicated that the expansion in coal power is at least as aggressive as the expansion of other types of power. We're talking about a new coal power plant every week or so, for years on end.
  • #9
Wow, if only the coal and other industries were intertwined, then perhaps the communists could be convinced to show a little more respect towards our laws of business.
  • #10
edward said:
Most of Americas bulk storage of gasoline could be used up in a short period of time, probably less than a month. I can't seem to find a link.

The only bulk storage of crude oil is in the National Strategic Reserve for the military.

That brings up an interesting point. It really depends on where in the supply chain you make the cut, from tankers put to sea, to what's left in our collective gas tanks. The closer to the consumer the shorter the backlog. "Lean" business practices expound the virtues of limiting storage and backlog to it's minimum.
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  • #11
edward said:
The Chinese coal supply will not run out in 12 days as some may presume. There is more on the way. It is their surplus stored coal lead time that is down.

Yes, that is correct. And, coal can't simply be piled up and left till it's needed; it at least represents a significant fire hazard unless it's ventilated, turned, compacted, on a regular basis. So, twelve days doesn't sound so dire, but it all depends on the lead time (especially the variability) in their supply chain.

Related to China down to 12 days worth of coal

1. What does it mean when it is said that "China is down to 12 days worth of coal"?

When it is said that China is down to 12 days worth of coal, it means that the country's current coal reserves are only enough to sustain its energy needs for 12 days. This is a cause for concern as coal is a major source of energy in China, accounting for over half of its total energy consumption.

2. Why is China's coal supply running low?

China's coal supply is running low due to several factors. One of the main reasons is the country's rapid economic growth and industrialization, which has led to a high demand for energy. In addition, China has been relying heavily on coal as its main source of energy for decades, causing its reserves to deplete faster than they can be replenished.

3. What are the potential consequences of China's low coal supply?

The potential consequences of China's low coal supply include a disruption in energy supply, which can affect various industries and daily life. It can also lead to an increase in the prices of coal and other energy sources, causing economic strain. Furthermore, the burning of coal releases harmful pollutants into the environment, contributing to air pollution and climate change.

4. What is China doing to address its low coal supply?

China has been taking steps to address its low coal supply, including investing in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. The country has also implemented measures to reduce its dependence on coal, such as promoting energy efficiency and implementing stricter regulations on coal mining and consumption.

5. Is there a solution to China's low coal supply problem?

There are several potential solutions to China's low coal supply problem, including diversifying its energy sources, investing in clean energy technologies, and implementing more sustainable practices in the energy sector. However, these solutions may take time and require significant investments. Ultimately, reducing global dependence on coal and transitioning to renewable energy sources may be the most effective long-term solution to this issue.

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