Choose a Degree: Creative Exploration of Math, Science & Technology

In summary: I don't think you can really compare the two. They're completely different disciplines.I disagree. They are both disciplines that use mathematics and physics to solve problems. They are just approached from different angles.I think you may be right, they are different angles, but I think they are both important.
  • #1
Hello all, I have a choice to make, and it is a pretty hard one, I need to choose a degree. First off let me tell you what I like and what I expect from a degree. Well I consider myself a creative and inventive person, since I was little I was attracted to arts/math/engineering/science/exploration... I painted, I did build stuff from scraps, disassemble and reassemble them back, I loved physics, biology, chemistry(mainly physics and biology) in middle school I went from a D student to a A+ student in math in only 6 months (first time that I got the taste of the "power" of the math, the ultimate language), now (back to the present :D) I can say I like the same things added the internet(just love how much information is on the net and how you can interact with a pc and the virtual world), education, engines, alternative energy sources, solve problems, sci-fi things (including the Star trek series :D), efficiency, logic, space, spacecraft etc

What do I expect from my degree? Well a large range of variety of fields that I can work in. The one that covers the most things from the upper list. I don't care about the money.

My Options for now:

1.B.Sc.Eng Engineering Physics then try to take MEng in Mechanical Engineering or Aerospace or Electrical;
2.BSc Applied Mathematics and then try a MSc in Modeling and Simulation;
3.Joint Honours BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science;
4.BEng Civil Engineering;
5.BEng Mechatronics;

For me my top 3 would be for now Engineering Physics, Applied Mathematics, Civil Engineering

If you come up with other degrees the more the better but the decision has to be made eventually. :D

PS: In my country there are few Joint Honours so keep in mind pls. THX in advance.
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Physics news on
  • #2
If you're going into engineering, then don't mess around - get your bachelors in engineering too. The one that covers the most things from your list is doubtlessly mechanical engineering. It can do: Education, engines, alternative energy sources, sci fi things, efficiency, and spacecraft . They are well within your purview. Personally though, I think mechanical engineers smell like fish and bananas, so maybe consider aerospace engineering instead? We have cookies. Rocket-shaped cookies.
  • #3
Isn't a better choice to take B.Sc.Eng Engineering Physics then try to take MEng in Mechanical Engineering or Aerospace so I can have a door open in science as well ?
  • #4
I can't speak for engineering physics. However, I can't imagine it preparing you better for a Masters in mechanical/aerospace engineering than a bachelors in the same field. Bachelors --> masters in the same field is a logical and natural continuation.
  • #5
I agree. It dosen't prepare me better. But I think it can be more rewarding this way, no doubt mechanical and aerospace have there math and physics, but I doubt you will get out with your problem solving ability better then from doing a physics degree and Engineering Physics is just the two and a half years of pure physics + one and a half year of engineering stuff. And I think problem solving and a more scientific mind would go well with a engineering(in case of nonconventional work)
  • #6
Engineering is problem-solving to the extreme. So is physics. But you're solving different problems in different contexts.
  • #7
yes but engineers usually apply what the scientists discovers. Scientist ar usually the ones that say "hey what is this? how dose it work? should we? yes pls". Usually a engineer just works with what "is" not what "could be". Maybe I'm wrong tho...
  • #8
That's true, in a sense, but engineers create something from nothing. Who cares, really, about Einstein's general relativity? How does it improve our lives to know that spacetime follows a much stranger geometry than what we once thought it did? Engineers, that's who - specifically, the engineers who use general relativity to ensure that global positioning is accurate. Without engineers, scientists are nothing but crackpots :D
  • #9
well it is not nothing, without the data the scientist provides, a engineer dosen't know what to do with a piece of metal in his hands. He wouldn't know the proprieties of the metal, and without the proprieties of the metal is just like having an unknown object in your hands.
  • #10
That's the cool thing about engineers - we get to have all the fun breaking stuff these days since no self-respecting physicist is going to be bothered to run a stress/strain evaluation on ordinary steel, haha
  • #11
well that's why I thought of Engineering Physics, I get to be "a engineer and a physicist" kinda, a engineer with the knowledge and the curiosity of a physicist, not just use the manual :D
  • #12
I'm more of a purist, myself. I get to be an engineer, no "kinda" about it. I think you may find that there are parts of engineering that are extremely theory-oriented, no manual involved. I, for instance, would really like to go into something theoretical involving engines. The plasma physics involved in the specific project I'm interested in has much potential for investigation. But your mileage may vary, as they say.
  • #13
Well that's the difference, I would like to be a polymathic person.
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  • #14
Well go for it then. Try it out. Sounds to me like you've already made up your mind. I can't imagine engineering physics and real engineering diverging (in terms of classes) for at least the first year.
  • #15
well I think I narrowed it down to bachelor in Engineering Physics and Applied Mathematics. But I will take into account Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering to.
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  • #16
Another option could be Engineering Physics and then masters in Interdisciplinary Science - Specialization: Integrated approach to natural science (jack of all trades - engineering, physics, biology and chemistry).

Related to Choose a Degree: Creative Exploration of Math, Science & Technology

1. What is the main focus of "Choose a Degree: Creative Exploration of Math, Science & Technology"?

The main focus of this degree is to provide students with the opportunity to combine their interests in math, science, and technology with their creativity to explore and innovate in these fields.

2. What kinds of careers can this degree lead to?

Graduates with this degree can pursue careers in a wide range of industries, including technology, research and development, engineering, data analysis, and more. They can also use their creative skills to find unique and innovative solutions to complex problems in these fields.

3. Is this degree only for students who excel in math and science?

No, this degree is open to students with a passion for math, science, and technology, regardless of their previous academic performance in these subjects. The focus is on combining these interests with creativity, so students who are willing to think outside the box and approach problems from a new perspective can excel in this degree.

4. Are there any prerequisites for this degree?

While there are no specific prerequisites, it is recommended that students have a strong foundation in math and science prior to enrolling in this degree. This will help them better understand and apply the concepts and theories in their creative exploration.

5. Can students tailor this degree to their specific interests?

Yes, this degree offers a lot of flexibility for students to tailor their studies to their specific interests. They can choose electives from a variety of fields, such as computer science, biology, physics, and more, to further explore their interests and customize their degree to suit their goals and career aspirations.

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