Choosing a Career Path: My Struggle as a Biophysics Major

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In summary: Your parents want you to become a pharmacist?Yes, they're very supportive of my interests in science and want me to do something that will help me in the future.
  • #1
Those who read this will probably think I'm all over the place, because I am. I really need help in sorting out what I want for my undergraduate education and my career prospects for the future.

I'm currently a sophomore majoring in Biophysics. I have a decent overall GPA (to my knowledge), but I struggle through my science classes. I've recently learned how to study more effectively, so my progress in upper-level science class has improved. However, sometimes I question my life choices when I'm slaving over a lab report or stuck on a problem.

As I'm creating my schedule for my 5th semester, I'm considering quite a few options:

  • Drop my Biophysics major to become a Physics major, because it is 18 credit hours less and I don't have to take Organic Chemistry.
  • Drop my Biophysics major, become a Physics major, but take Orgo to fulfill the pre-health requirement to have the option of going to pharmacy school. (Leaning towards this one)
  • Dropping Biophysics also gives me the option to graduate a semester early.
  • Keep my Biophysics major and suffer through these extra classes, but not have to take Linear Algebra or Differential Equations.

My biggest issue is considering what I want to do in the future. Physics is like the English major of the sciences, but I'm genuinely interested in the topic and I'm not particularly interested in majoring in anything else. However, I really want to get a degree that will prepare me for the future and I'm not sure if physics will get me there.

Here's what I've considered:

  • Take all the pre-health requirements alongside my degree to have the option of entering healthcare if all else fails. I used to be pre-med but that ship has sailed.
  • Patent lawyering
  • Science journalism (I've always liked to write and I'm currently involved in the school newspaper. I'm also aware this is a dying career.)
  • Become a re-entry student by taking some engineering courses post-undergrad to become an electrical engineer.
  • Work for the media in companies such as Discovery Communications to put my love for media and science to use (This is kind of a far-fetched option, but if I'm going to be honest, I've thought about this a lot.)

Are there any other options out there that seem promising for a person with a BS in Physics/Biophysics? If you were to choose, which degree would you consider more marketable? Also, how important is GPA in the real world? It's by no means low, but it's not impressive either.

I would love any guidance or suggestions that you provide. Also, if you've reached this far, thanks for reading my long tangent.
Physics news on
  • #2
You should be aware that the discipline in physics will help you no matter what career path you end up on. Biophysics does have the option of heading for computational simulations, bionics, prosthetics, and robotics.

Journalism is a long way from dying as a career - but the nature of the career is changing.
If anything there are more opportunities to make a living as a writer these days. But you do need to live by your wits and a good sense of opportunism. You may also want to add documentary film-making to the mix here.

It's looking like media/journo type thing would light you up the most and that med is pretty much a downer right now - however, you are also risk averse?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
You should be aware that the discipline in physics will help you no matter what career path you end up on. Biophysics does have the option of heading for computational simulations, bionics, prosthetics, and robotics.

Journalism is a long way from dying as a career - but the nature of the career is changing.
If anything there are more opportunities to make a living as a writer these days. But you do need to live by your wits and a good sense of opportunism. You may also want to add documentary film-making to the mix here.

It's looking like media/journo type thing would light you up the most and that med is pretty much a downer right now - however, you are also risk averse?

Thanks for the reply!

I guess my problem is having a smattering of interest in everything. Robotics and prosthetics sound extremely interesting and I'm sure I'd enjoy working in that industry if I had the hardware know-how or a biomed engineer background.

I've been interested in all things media/film since I was in elementary school, and being a filmmaker was what I wanted to be for a while. However, common sense hit me and I figured that it would be unreasonable to go down that path. It's extremely risky. I'd love to incorporate media and science to promote widespread science education in a changing world, but I don't really know how I would get there.

Sure, I don't NEED to do what my parents ask me to do (pharmacy), but they are right in that health professions are secure and in demand, which is nice to have in this job market.
  • #4
Funny - my parents told me the same thing... and hoped I'd go into pharmacy or engineering to the point of refusing to help when I shifted to pure science.

A fallback occupation is good. I picked teaching ;)
The interesting thing about media stuff is that you can start doing it right now :) but if you plan for someone else to give you a job, that's not the way to go. OTOH: there is no such thing as a certain career: you have to be pro-active to get anywhere reasonable.

Probably you should see if you can find out what a low-end job looks like in the "secure" careers and see if that's what you are prepared to live with.
  • #5
So far, I've decided (maybe on a whim, so I probably need to consult my advisors) to take up just Physics with a Biophysics minor. Since I only need the 2 biophysics classes and need to take 2 upper-level classes, might as well take up the minor. It frees up my schedule tremendously and I feel as if a lot of pressure has been lifted off my shoulders. I might even be able to graduate early, if all goes well!
  • #6
I thought I'd just throw out there, that the science writing / journalism is something you can do in all of the eventualities. As your learning your course material your probably thinking a lot, gee, I see how that relates to this other thing, and that other stuff I learned. I wonder if that's why... etc etc.

Write blog posts about that, etc, make them catchy, funny, witty, readable. Build up a portfolio of funny witty smart blog posts about science stuff you study, then try contracting publishing companies and see if they bite. Contributing to huffpost or similar things for notoriety is a good bet - they don't pay, but they build cred.
  • #7
... though science types are notoriously bad writers.
With any ideas towards writing, perhaps audit (at least) a journalism writing paper?

FAQ: Choosing a Career Path: My Struggle as a Biophysics Major

1. What should I do if I don't know what career I want?

First, take some time to reflect on your interests, skills, and values. Consider what activities you enjoy and what you are good at. Also, think about what is important to you and what kind of work environment you thrive in. You can also talk to a career counselor or take career assessments to get some ideas.

2. Is it normal to not know what career I want?

Yes, it is very normal to feel unsure about your career path. Many people go through multiple job changes and career shifts throughout their lives. It's important to remember that your career should be a reflection of your personal and professional growth, so it's okay to not have everything figured out right away.

3. How can I explore different career options?

One way to explore different career options is to do informational interviews with people who are currently working in fields that interest you. You can also shadow someone in a particular job to get a sense of what it's like. Another way is to do internships or volunteer work in different industries to gain hands-on experience.

4. What if I have multiple interests and can't decide on one career?

Having multiple interests is not a bad thing. You can explore careers that combine your interests or find ways to incorporate them into your current job. You can also prioritize your interests and focus on one at a time, or combine them in a portfolio career where you have multiple part-time jobs.

5. How important is it to have a clear career goal?

Having a clear career goal can provide direction and motivation, but it's not always necessary. It's okay to start with a general idea of what you want to do and then make adjustments as you gain more experience and learn more about yourself. Remember that career goals can change and evolve over time, and that's perfectly normal.

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