Choosing Field After Bachelor's in Math Physics - Suggestions?

  • Thread starter NeoDevin
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In summary, the person is almost done with their undergraduate degree in mathematical physics and is trying to decide what to do with it. They mention wanting to own their own business eventually and are looking for ideas on what to do with their degree. They mention wanting to eventually work in academia, but also mention wanting to work in industry. They also mention wanting to study quantitative finance if they like that area.
  • #1
I'm almost done my bachelor's degree, majoring in mathematical physics. I'm trying to decide what to do with it... There are so may fields to choose from, I was hoping you guys could offer a few suggestions. I can't see myself working in academia, I'd much rather be in industry, and eventually owning my own business somehow related to my studies.

The biggest thing for me (aside from being interested in the area) is the ability to start a business, a successful one. But I don't know what areas of physics/engineering would be good for that. If you guys could give me some ideas of areas you think are good for that, that would at least give me somewhere to start looking.
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  • #2
We don't know much about your background or interests, which makes this more difficult.

Are you asking what your further education should be, or what job to pursue? Most physics BS's are weak degrees by themselves. Add some programing, digital control and modeling experience and things change dramatically.

I think we probably need to know a bit more about you and your interests.
  • #3
An MBA might be a good start.
  • #4
I'm looking for ideas for either further study, or that I can do with my BSc, that would be possible to turn into my own business. Any ideas I get here, I'll look more into, see which ones interest me, and decide from there. I'm not necessarily going to do something suggested here, I'm just looking for somewhere to start. If it's something that interests me, but needs more study, not a big deal, I'll study more. I'm just looking for general ideas.

PS. My wife is the business major.
  • #5
I guess I should clarify a little more. I'm interested in a lot of areas of physics (actually, I have yet to find an area that doesn't interest me), but also have the goal of eventually owning my own business. I was hoping I could get some insight into which fields might lend themselves to opening a business, so I could look more into them, and see which interests me the most, or which I could see myself doing for a career.
  • #6
look at quantitative finance... if you like randomness of the world.

FAQ: Choosing Field After Bachelor's in Math Physics - Suggestions?

1. What kind of career opportunities are available for those with a Bachelor's degree in Math Physics?

There are a variety of career opportunities available for individuals with a Bachelor's degree in Math Physics. Some common options include working as a data analyst, research scientist, financial analyst, or software developer. Other potential fields include engineering, education, and government positions.

2. How can I decide on a specific field to pursue after my Bachelor's in Math Physics?

One way to decide on a specific field is to think about your interests and strengths, and how they align with different career paths. You can also take courses or internships in different areas to gain hands-on experience and see which ones you enjoy the most. Networking with professionals in various industries can also provide valuable insight and inform your decision.

3. Are there any additional skills I should acquire to enhance my job prospects after graduating with a Bachelor's in Math Physics?

While a Bachelor's degree in Math Physics provides a strong foundation, there are additional skills that can make you more competitive in the job market. These may include computer programming, statistics, and communication skills. It can also be beneficial to gain experience with specific software or tools commonly used in your desired field.

4. What are some factors to consider when choosing a field after my Bachelor's in Math Physics?

Some factors to consider when choosing a field include job availability and growth potential, salary and benefits, work-life balance, and personal interests and values. It can also be helpful to research the current and future trends in different industries to see where there may be a demand for individuals with a background in Math Physics.

5. Is it possible to switch to a different field after completing my Bachelor's in Math Physics?

Yes, it is possible to switch to a different field after completing your Bachelor's in Math Physics. While your degree may have prepared you for certain types of jobs, many industries value the critical thinking and problem-solving skills gained through a math and physics education. You may need to gain additional skills or experience in your desired field, but it is possible to make a career change with a degree in Math Physics.

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