Choosing Limits for Volume Integrals

In summary, for the first volume integral, the limits in terms of x, y, and z are x∈(0,√2), y∈(0,√(2-x^2)), and z∈(√(x^2+y^2), 2) in the order of x first, then y, then z, and z∈(0,2), y∈(0,√z), and x∈(0,√(2-y^2)) in the order of z first, then y, then x. In polar coordinates, the limits for x, y, and z are x=rcosθ, y=rsinθ,
  • #1
Help choose the limits of the following volume integrals:

1) V is the region bounded by the planes x=0,y=0,z=2 and the surface z=x^2 + y^2 lying the positive quadrant. I need the limits in terms of x first, then y then z AND z first, then y and then x. And also polar coordinates, x=rcost, y=rsint, z=z.

I am trying to convince myself

2) V is the region bounded by x+y+z=1, x=0, y=0, z=0.
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  • #2
GreenGoblin said:
Help choose the limits of the following volume integrals:

1) V is the region bounded by the planes x=0,y=0,z=2 and the surface z=x^2 + y^2 lying the positive quadrant. I need the limits in terms of x first, then y then z AND z first, then y and then x. And also polar coordinates, x=rcost, y=rsint, z=z.

I am trying to convince myself

2) V is the region bounded by x+y+z=1, x=0, y=0, z=0.

The region V is the volume above the parabaloid surface \(z=x^2+y^2\) and below \(z=2\) in the first quadrant. The projection of this region onto the x-y plane is that part of the circle \( x^2 + y^2=2 \) in the first quadrant.

So this is \(x\in (0,\sqrt{2})\) and \( y \in (0, \sqrt{2-x^2}) \) and \( z \in ( \sqrt{x^2+y^2} , 2) \)

  • #3
(I assume that by "x first, then y then z" you are referring to going from left to right. Of course, the integration is in the opposite order.)

"x first, then y then z" is pretty much the usual way to do an integral like this. Note that if we project into the xy-plane, the upper boundary projects to the circle $x^2+ y^2= 2$, a circle of radius $2$, centered at (0, 0) and in the first quadrant that is a quarter circle. In order to cover that entire figure, clearly x has to go from 0 to $\sqrt{2}$. Now, for each x, y must go from the x-axis, y= 0, up to the circle, $y= \sqrt{2- x^2}$. And, finally, for any given (x,y), z must go from the paraboloid, $z= x^2+ y^2$, to z= 2. The integral would be $\int_{x=0}^\sqrt{2}\int_{y= 0}^\sqrt{2- x^2}\int_{z= x^2+ y^2}^2 f(x,y,z)dzdydx$.

In the other order, z first, then y and then x, project to the yz- plane. There, of course, the paraboloid project to half of the parabola $z= y^2$. Now, z goes from 0 to 2 and, for each z, y goes from 0 to $\sqrt{z}$. Now, for each y and z, x goes from 0 to $\sqrt{2- y^2}$. The integral would be $\int_{z=0}^2\int_{y= 0}^\sqrt{z}\int_{x= 0}^\sqrt{2- y^2} f(x,y,z)dxdydz$.

For V is the region bounded by x+y+z=1, x=0, y=0, z=0, with the order "x first, then y then z", we project to the xy-plane which gives the triangle bounded by x= 0, y= 0, and x+ y= 1. x ranges from 0 to 1 and, for each x, y ranges from 0 to 1- x. For each (x, y), z ranges from 0 to 1- x- y. The integral would be $\int_{x= 0}^1\int_{y= 0}^{1- x}\int_{z= 0}^{1- x- y} f(x,y,z) dzdydx$. Can you get it for the order "z first, then y then x"?
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FAQ: Choosing Limits for Volume Integrals

1. What is a volume integral?

A volume integral, also known as a triple integral, is a mathematical tool used to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional object or region. It involves integrating a function over a three-dimensional space.

2. What are the limits of volume integrals?

The limits of volume integrals depend on the shape and boundaries of the object or region being integrated. They are typically represented by three variables, corresponding to the x, y, and z axes, and determine the extent of the integration in each direction.

3. How do I determine the limits of a volume integral?

To determine the limits of a volume integral, you must first identify the boundaries of the object or region being integrated. This can be done visually or through mathematical equations. Then, you can set up the limits by assigning values to the variables representing the x, y, and z axes based on the boundaries.

4. Can the limits of a volume integral be negative?

Yes, the limits of a volume integral can be negative. This means that the integration is being performed over a region that extends beyond the origin in one or more directions.

5. What is the significance of the limits in a volume integral?

The limits in a volume integral determine the extent of the integration and help to define the region or object being integrated. It is important to carefully consider and set the limits in order to accurately calculate the volume of the object or region.
