Choosing materials for a bridge

In summary: A student seeking advice on a forum for a university project, that's not what I was expecting either...
  • #1
Hello everybody,

We need your advice with a project for building a simple one-beam bridge. We have figured out the dimensions, required load, max allowable stress and safety factor. We need to choose a material that would support our requirements.

Which formula should we use to compare these requirements, and which property of a material should be compared to?

Your help is highly appreciated

Thank you very much .
Engineering news on
  • #2
A bridge builder seeking advice on a forum, that's a bit unexpected... Who goes to jail if the bridge fails?

Maybe you can tell more about this bridge. Half a metre high to step in your own home? Or 30 metre high to carry 1,000 drunk supporters to a soccer match? How cold and marine a climate?

In any case, if it must carry people, I'd use only perfectly known materials, which I translate into: no concrete (in accordance to my personal knowledge limits), no fibers, only traditional alloys AND traditional manufacturing processes, especially for welding.
  • #3
This made me smile on a bad day!

I'm extremely sorry for sounding too serious, by project I meant university project, and by the bridge I meant just designing a bridge.

Its supposed to carry 1 truck of 265 kips of weight, we found that the these bridges have a factor of safety of 5-10.

Our problem is relating our results to formulas in which actual material properties are variables, so we can determine the ideal material.

I apologize again for the wording in the original message.
  • #4
What is the max. allowable stress and safety factor from your design?
How did you settle on an allowable stress without consideration of the material of construction?
  • #5
Hello Ngineer, what university course are you studying?

You have chosen to place this question in the materials section so I assume it is about materials properties rather than structural engineeering.

Nevertheless an appreciation of the location and types of stresses involved is needed for a university level analysis of your question.

I suggest you look up some stress trajectories or contours and find out where the significant stresses are in a beam and equally importantly in what direction they act.,r:18,s:0,i:143
Click on the blue x in the white box in the centre of the page to see the image of the trajectory.

This will allow you to consider what materials would be useful in what position ie what is strong in tension and what is strong in compression.
This is how designers of reinforced concrete place the reinforcement in suitable positions.

You should then consider the distribution of stresses at a vertical section and examine the effect of introducing an axial prestressing force.

Finally you can look at beams of composite construction such as flitch beams (steel and timber composite)

go well
  • #6
SteamKing said:
What is the max. allowable stress and safety factor from your design?
How did you settle on an allowable stress without consideration of the material of construction?

Our idea was getting the stress from the force acting on the beam, and then finding a material that supports this stress at a given cross sectional area, is this incorrect?
  • #7
Studiot said:
Hello Ngineer, what university course are you studying?

You have chosen to place this question in the materials section so I assume it is about materials properties rather than structural engineeering.

Nevertheless an appreciation of the location and types of stresses involved is needed for a university level analysis of your question.

I suggest you look up some stress trajectories or contours and find out where the significant stresses are in a beam and equally importantly in what direction they act.,r:18,s:0,i:143
Click on the blue x in the white box in the centre of the page to see the image of the trajectory.

This will allow you to consider what materials would be useful in what position ie what is strong in tension and what is strong in compression.
This is how designers of reinforced concrete place the reinforcement in suitable positions.

You should then consider the distribution of stresses at a vertical section and examine the effect of introducing an axial prestressing force.

Finally you can look at beams of composite construction such as flitch beams (steel and timber composite)

go well

Hi Studiot,

The course is mechanics of materials, I posted in this forum because our main problem was determining the materials.

Thank you for the valuable link, we're accounting only for the bending stress and we have to figure out a material given the loads.

I will have a deeper look into the topics you mentioned and see how it turns out

Thanks again
  • #8
we're accounting only for the bending stress

You could say that there is no such thing as bending stress.

Bending moments (including torsion) apply tensile, compressive and shear stresses to the materials that make up a structure.
Different parts of the structure are subject to different levels of these stresses.

So finding the level and position of the maximum is important.
  • #9
Studiot said:
You could say that there is no such thing as bending stress.

Bending moments (including torsion) apply tensile, compressive and shear stresses to the materials that make up a structure.
Different parts of the structure are subject to different levels of these stresses.

So finding the level and position of the maximum is important.

I meant the stresses applied due to bending, sorry again for the wording
  • #10
If it's a school exercise you can choose the materials with more freedom... No corrosion in your paperwork/computer, no cyclic stress, no wind, no cold...

Reasonable material: more recent high-manganese construction steel, like S700MC.

Half-reasonable: alloyed steel, tempered at low temperature, like Xabro and others. Already used at construction and mining vehicles.

Also: weldable but hard aluminium alloys like 7022. Thicker than steel, hence sounder against buckling. More expensive.

Not reasonable to my taste, but exists already for years, and the bridge hasn't collapsed: fiberglass. Though everyone would choose carbon-polymer presently.

Personnally, I wouldn't take concrete nor wood, but only because I know metals better.
  • #11
Enthalpy, very useful post, thank you very much for your valuable help.

FAQ: Choosing materials for a bridge

What factors should be considered when choosing materials for a bridge?

The most important factors to consider when choosing materials for a bridge include the bridge's location and environment, the expected load and traffic conditions, the desired lifespan and maintenance requirements, and the budget for construction.

What are the common types of materials used for building bridges?

The most common types of materials used for building bridges include concrete, steel, timber, and composite materials such as reinforced concrete and steel-reinforced concrete. Other materials that may be used include stone, brick, and even bamboo.

How do engineers determine which material is best suited for a bridge?

Engineers use a combination of factors such as strength, durability, cost, and availability to determine which material is best suited for a bridge. They also consider the specific requirements of the bridge, such as the expected load and climate conditions, to determine the most appropriate material for the project.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using steel for bridge construction?

The main advantages of using steel for bridge construction are its high strength and durability, which allow for longer spans and heavier loads to be supported. However, steel can be expensive and may require more maintenance than other materials. It is also susceptible to corrosion if not properly treated.

How does the cost of materials affect the design and construction of a bridge?

The cost of materials can greatly impact the design and construction of a bridge, as it directly affects the budget for the project. More expensive materials may allow for a longer lifespan and higher load capacity, but they may also require more maintenance and increase the overall cost of the project. Engineers must carefully balance the desired design and functionality of the bridge with the available budget when choosing materials.

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