Choosing when intitial velocity is zero

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of defining initial velocity as zero in certain types of problems, such as those involving projectile motion and the work-energy theorem. The person asking the question seeks clarification on why this definition is used in some cases but not others. They also provide examples and ask for further explanation. The responder suggests that the initial velocity is not always assumed to be zero and may vary depending on the problem. They also mention the role of factors such as gravity and air drag in determining the motion of the projectile.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
I have a quick question about when we can define the initial velocity to be zero. For example, in projectile motion problems, even though we know that projectile is originally at rest in a cannon, we assign the initial velocity to be some number that we can work with. However, for problems involving the work-energy theorem, no matter whether the ball has some measurable velocity at the beginning, on earth, we say that the initial velocity is zero in order to conclude that the work done is opposite that of gravity. Therefore, it seems that we pick and choose to define when velocity is zero. Why can we say it's zero in one type of problem (like work-energy theorem problems) but not other problems (liek projectile motion problems)?
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  • #2
A little clarification would be helpful. In the projectile motion problem, do you mean we give the initial velocity to be whatever velocity the projectile had when it left the barrel of the cannon? On the other hand, what kind of problem are you thinking of with the ball? Can you explain the example in some more detail?
  • #3
Mr Davis 97 said:
I have a quick question about when we can define the initial velocity to be zero. For example, in projectile motion problems, even though we know that projectile is originally at rest in a cannon, we assign the initial velocity to be some number that we can work with.

That's not necessarily true. If a projectile is at rest in the cannon's bore before firing, it's going to stay there until the cannon is fired. But, the projectile resting comfortably inside the cannon is not what's interesting about this situation.

As the projectile leaves the muzzle of the cannon, it's going to be traveling at some definite velocity, having been accelerated by the expanding gases produced by the burning of the propellant with which the projectile is fired. After the projectile leaves the muzzle, the expanding gases from the propellant are no longer assumed to be accelerating the projectile, hence its instantaneous velocity at that time can be taken as a constant.

After that, gravity, air drag, etc., may or may not influence the motion of the projectile, as required by the problem statement.

While it is true that some problems have been simplified for teaching purposes, not everything about a given problem is necessarily made up.
  • #4
Mr Davis 97 said:
However, for problems involving the work-energy theorem, no matter whether the ball has some measurable velocity at the beginning, on earth, we say that the initial velocity is zero in order to conclude that the work done is opposite that of gravity.
This is not always true in my experience. I have worked many such problems where the initial velocity was not zero.

Related to Choosing when intitial velocity is zero

1. What is initial velocity and why is it important to consider when choosing it to be zero?

Initial velocity is the velocity of an object at the start of its motion. It is important to consider when choosing it to be zero because it affects the entire motion of the object, including its speed and direction.

2. How does choosing initial velocity as zero affect the acceleration of an object?

If initial velocity is zero, it means the object starts from rest. This means that the object experiences a constant acceleration from the start of its motion, which can be calculated using the equation a = (vf - vi)/t, where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity (zero in this case), and t is the time.

3. Can initial velocity ever be negative?

Yes, initial velocity can be negative. A negative initial velocity means that the object is moving in the opposite direction of its positive direction. For example, if a car is moving in the positive direction with a velocity of 10 m/s, a negative initial velocity of -10 m/s would mean that the car is moving in the opposite direction at the same speed.

4. What happens to the motion of an object if initial velocity is zero?

If initial velocity is zero, the object will start from rest and experience a constant acceleration. This means that its speed will increase at a constant rate until it reaches its final velocity. The displacement of the object can also be calculated using the equation d = vit + 1/2at^2, where d is the displacement, vi is the initial velocity, t is the time, and a is the acceleration.

5. In what situations would it be beneficial to choose initial velocity as zero?

Choosing initial velocity as zero can be beneficial in situations where the object starts from rest, such as when an object is dropped from a certain height or when a car starts moving from a complete stop. It can also be useful when the direction of motion is not important, as it simplifies the calculations for acceleration and displacement.

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