Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric

In summary, the conversation discussed the process of obtaining local values for the Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric. This was achieved through computing the symbols in Schwarzschild coordinates and then transforming them to a locally diagonal metric using the transformation \Lambda^a{}_{a'}. The resulting equations for geodesic deviation gave reasonable results for a "flyby" with velocity v and time dilation factor \gamma in the \hat \theta or \hat \phi directions. However, there were some doubts about the result for movement in the r direction, with a factor of (1+v^2)/(1-v^2) that should be unity. Despite this, the overall results were deemed correct and in agreement with the formula in
  • #1
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Well, I think I finally figured out how to get good values for the local values of the Christoffel symbols (aka local gravitational accelerations) in the Schwarzschild metric. Some of the results are moderately interesting, though there is one point that still makes me wonder a bit.

If we let unit vectors in the r, theta, and phi directions be [tex] \hat r \hat \theta \hat \phi [/tex], I get the results (using geometric units) that

\Gamma_{\hat r \hat r \hat r} = \Gamma_{\hat r \hat t \hat t} = -\frac {M} {r^{\frac{3}{2}}\sqrt{r-2M}}
\Gamma_{\hat r \hat \theta \hat \theta} = \Gamma_{\hat r \hat \phi \hat
\phi} =

This isn't a complete set, it's only the set where the first subscript of the symbol is in the r direction.

This was done by first computing the Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild coordinates, and then doing a transformation to a locally diagonal metric g'ab via the transformations [EDIT] [tex]\Lambda^a{}_{a'}[/tex] which is given by [tex]\Lambda^i{}_i = 1/\sqrt{|g_{ii}|}[/tex]

Applying the geodesic deviation equation to these Chrsitoffel symbols gives some reasonable looking equations for a "flyby" with a velocity v and time dilation factor [tex] \gamma = 1/\sqrt{1-v^2}[/tex] directed in the [tex]\hat \theta[/tex] or [tex]\hat \phi[/tex] directions

[tex]\frac{d^{2}r}{d\tau^2} = \gamma^2(\frac{v^2\sqrt{r-2M}}{r^{\frac{3}{2}}}-\frac{M}{r^{\frac{3}{2}}\sqrt{r-2M}})

which compares favorably to the Newtonian result below
[tex]\frac{d^2r}{dt^2} = \frac{v^2}{r} - \frac{GM}{r^2} [/tex]

(when allowances are made for the geometric units used in the first result).

I'm a little less sure about the result for movement in the r direction - I'm getting a factor of (1+v^2)/(1-v^2) that would be unity instead if one of the signs were different. However, I don't see any sign error.

Also [tex]\Gamma_{\hat r \hat t \hat t}[/tex] gives the correct Newtonian value for the acceleration of gravity when r>>2M, and in addition agrees with the formula in Wald for the required proper acceleration of an observer near the event horizon of a black hole of [tex]1/\sqrt{r-2M}[/tex]
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  • #2
(The proper acceleration is what is required to keep the observer from being dragged into the event horizon.)

So overall I think these results are correct, but I would welcome any comments.
  • #3
for a stationary observer, so that's reassuring as well.

Overall, I'm quite happy with these results and am excited to see how they can be applied in various scenarios. The Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric provide a useful tool for understanding the effects of gravity on objects moving through spacetime. From your results, it seems that the local gravitational accelerations in the r, theta, and phi directions are affected by both the mass of the object and the distance from the center of the gravitational field (r-2M). It's interesting to see how these values compare to the Newtonian equations and how they can be used to calculate the proper acceleration of an observer near a black hole.

The discrepancy in the result for movement in the r direction may require further investigation, but overall your results seem to align with known theories and formulas. It's exciting to see how these calculations can be applied to different scenarios, and I'm sure they will continue to provide valuable insights into the nature of gravity and spacetime. Keep up the great work!

FAQ: Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric

1. What are Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric?

Christoffel symbols are mathematical quantities used in the theory of general relativity to describe the curvature of spacetime. In the Schwarzschild metric, they represent the components of the metric tensor, which describes the geometry of spacetime in the presence of a non-rotating, spherically symmetric mass.

2. How are Christoffel symbols calculated in the Schwarzschild metric?

Christoffel symbols can be calculated using the metric tensor and its derivatives. In the Schwarzschild metric, the symbols are given by a specific formula involving the mass of the object and the coordinates of the point in spacetime.

3. What is the importance of Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric?

Christoffel symbols are important in the Schwarzschild metric because they are used to determine the geodesic equation, which describes the path of a free-falling object in curved spacetime. They also play a crucial role in understanding the effects of gravity on the motion of objects in the vicinity of a massive object.

4. Can Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric be used to study black holes?

Yes, Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric can be used to study black holes. In particular, they can be used to calculate the event horizon, which is the boundary of a black hole where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.

5. How do Christoffel symbols in the Schwarzschild metric relate to the curvature of spacetime?

Christoffel symbols are related to the curvature of spacetime through the Riemann curvature tensor. The Riemann tensor is a measure of the intrinsic curvature of spacetime, and it can be expressed in terms of Christoffel symbols and their derivatives. Therefore, by calculating the Christoffel symbols, we can gain insight into the curvature of spacetime in the presence of a massive object.

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