Chromatic number vs chromatic index

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  • Thread starter caffeinemachine
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In summary, we have discussed how to prove the statement $\chi (G) \leq \chi (L(G))$ for a connected, non-complete simple graph $G$ by considering it in two cases: when $G$ is a cycle and when it is not. In the first case, we use the fact that $G$ is isomorphic to its line graph $L(G)$, and in the second case, we use Brook's theorem to show that the chromatic number of $G$ is less than or equal to the clique number of its line graph.
  • #1
Gold Member
My friend gave me a question as a challenge. The question is:

Let $G$ be a non-complete simple graph. Prove that $\chi (G) \leq \chi (L(G))$.
Here $L(G)$ is the line graph of $G$ and $\chi (G)$ represents the chromatic number of $G$ and $\chi (L(G))$ is the chromatic number of $L(G)$ a.k.a chromatic index of $G$.

He said that he was able to prove it directly, that is, without using sophisticated theorems like Brook's theorem. (Use of Brook's theorem provides a trivial proof)I've been able to reduce it to the following special case(I will post how I arrived at this if anyone needs it):
Let $G$ be a $k$-regular non-complete simple graph with $\chi (G) = k+1$. Also assume $\chi (G-e) < \chi (G) \, \, \forall e \in E(G)$. Prove that $\chi (G) \leq \chi (L(G))$.

We know by Brook's theorem that the only graphs satisfying the hypothesis of the above mentioned special case are graphs isomorphic to odd cycles. So maybe this thing can be proved without Brook's theorem and we'll be done.
Can anybody see how can I proceed from here?
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  • #2
caffeinemachine said:
Let $G$ be a non-complete simple graph. Prove that $\chi (G) \leq \chi (L(G))$.

Hi caffeinemachine, :)

I was wondering whether this is a true statement. For example consider the following graph with three vertices out of which two are connected by a single edge. This is a non-complete simple graph. And it's line graph contains only one vertex. Therefore, \(\chi (G)=2\) but \(\chi (L(G))=1\).

Kind Regards,
  • #3
Sudharaka said:
Hi caffeinemachine, :)

I was wondering whether this is a true statement. For example consider the following graph with three vertices out of which two are connected by a single edge. This is a non-complete simple graph. And it's line graph contains only one vertex. Therefore, \(\chi (G)=2\) but \(\chi (L(G))=1\).

Kind Regards,

That's right Sudharaka. I think $G$ has to be assumed to be connected. Then by Brook's theorem I can show that the statement is true.
  • #4
caffeinemachine said:
That's right Sudharaka. I think $G$ has to be assumed to be connected. Then by Brook's theorem I can show that the statement is true.

Well even if \(G\) is assumed to be connected it seem to be not enough. For example let \(G\) be the graph of two vertices and one edge. This provides a simple counterexample.

  • #5
Sudharaka said:
Well even if \(G\) is assumed to be connected it seem to be not enough. For example let \(G\) be the graph of two vertices and one edge. This provides a simple counterexample.

But then that graph is isomorphic to $K_2$. The hypothesis of the question excludes complete graphs!
  • #6
caffeinemachine said:
But then that graph is isomorphic to $K_2$. The hypothesis of the question excludes complete graphs!

You have mentioned in post #3 that \(G\) needs to be a connected graph after I gave a counterexample in post #2. :)
  • #7
Sudharaka said:
You have mentioned in post #3 that \(G\) needs to be a connected graph after I gave a counterexample in post #2. :)

Sorry if that caused confusion. I meant for connectedness to be taken as additional hypothesis.
  • #8
caffeinemachine said:
Sorry if that caused confusion. I meant for connectedness to be taken as additional hypothesis.

Ah, now I understand it perfectly. I think it was me who confused it. :) Anyway let me rephrase the theorem,

Let \(G\) be a connected, non-complete simple graph. Prove that \(\chi (G) \leq \chi (L(G))\).

Can you please explain what you meant by,

caffeinemachine said:
We know by Brook's theorem that the only graphs satisfying the hypothesis of the above mentioned special case are graphs isomorphic to odd cycles. So maybe this thing can be proved without Brook's theorem and we'll be done.

in your original post? The Brook's theorem does not apply for odd cycles, so what I don't get is how you employ the Brook's theorem to predict something related to odd cycles?

Kind Regards,
  • #9
Sudharaka said:
Ah, now I understand it perfectly. I think it was me who confused it. :) Anyway let me rephrase the theorem,
Can you please explain what you meant by,
in your original post? The Brook's theorem does not apply for odd cycles, so what I don't get is how you employ the Brook's theorem to predict something related to odd cycles?

Kind Regards,

Let G be connected non-complete simple graph.

Case1:$G$ is a cycle
Here $G$ is isomorphic to $L(G)$. Thus $\chi (G)= \chi (L(G))$

Case2: $G$ is not a cycle.
Invoking Brook's theorem we have $\chi (G) \leq \Delta (G)$. Clearly $L(G)$ contains a clique of size $\Delta (G)$. Thus $\Delta (G) \leq \chi (L(G)) $. And thus we have $\chi (G) \leq \chi (L(G))$.

FAQ: Chromatic number vs chromatic index

What is the difference between chromatic number and chromatic index?

The chromatic number of a graph is the minimum number of colors needed to color each vertex so that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. The chromatic index, on the other hand, is the minimum number of colors needed to color each edge so that no two adjacent edges have the same color.

How are chromatic number and chromatic index related?

The chromatic number is always greater than or equal to the chromatic index. This means that the number of colors needed to color the vertices will always be equal to or more than the number of colors needed to color the edges.

Can the chromatic number and chromatic index be the same?

No, the chromatic number and chromatic index can never be the same. This is because the chromatic index is always smaller than the chromatic number.

How do chromatic number and chromatic index affect graph coloring?

Chromatic number and chromatic index are important in graph coloring as they determine the minimum number of colors needed for a proper coloring of a graph. A proper coloring means that no two adjacent vertices or edges have the same color. These numbers also have implications in other areas of graph theory, such as determining planarity and finding optimal solutions for certain problems.

Can the chromatic number and chromatic index of a graph be determined easily?

Determining the chromatic number and chromatic index of a graph is not always an easy task and can be a difficult problem to solve. There are some algorithms and heuristics that can be used to approximate these numbers, but in general, finding the exact values can be a complex and time-consuming process.

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