Chromosome & DNA: Unpaired Y-Chromosome and Palindromic Algorithms

  • Thread starter aereal
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In summary, the article discusses the potential danger of the Y-chromosome losing its genes due to being unpaired and not having a paired X-chromosome to correct errors during evolution. However, MIT researchers have found that the Y-chromosome has adapted by encoding major genes as palindromes in DNA. The conversation then delves into a discussion about the structure and function of DNA and chromosomes, specifically the process of replication and how mutations occur. The speaker is seeking clarification on how the X-chromosomes pair and the purpose of the palindromic algorithm in protecting the Y-chromosome from mutations.
  • #1
I've stumbled upon an interesting short article

It's about the possible danger of Y-chromosome in men loosing its genes throughout the evolution, because it is unpaired (the X-chromosomes are always paired and thus can correct random errors). That could inflict danger on reproduction, however MIT researchers claim that the Y-chromosomes have found an other way to survive by encoding the major genes as palindromes in DNA...

Now, what I can't understand is the following:

what I assume (please correct, if wrong):
1. DNA is a long double-stranded (ds) molecule. It splits into two single-stranded (ss) counterparts only during replication. This is the place where the mutations can take place, however there always remains the second single-stranded counterpart, which will probably remain unchanged.
2. chromosomes are nothing else than a complete (3 billion base pairs), double-stranded DNA molecules.

what I do not understand:
1. How to X-chromosomes couple? Can two double-stranded DNA's couple?
2. What is the danger with Y-chromosome? It is dsDNA, and is "secured" by the fact that mutation will occur only in a single strand, while the other one will survive. Why is the palindromic algorithm needed?
3. How does DNA implement palindromic algorithm? Does it simple bend and copy itself like that:
"__" turns into "U"

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  • #2
anyone! please help, or give directions what to read! F1!
  • #3

1. X-chromosomes can couple through a process called homologous recombination. During this process, the two copies of the X-chromosome (one from each parent) align and exchange genetic material, resulting in a new combination of genes. This helps to maintain genetic diversity and correct any potential errors in the DNA sequence.

2. The danger with the Y-chromosome is that it is unpaired, meaning there is only one copy of it in males. This makes it more susceptible to mutations and potential loss of genetic information. The palindromic algorithm is a way for the Y-chromosome to ensure that its important genes are duplicated and preserved, even if there are mutations in one of the strands of DNA.

3. The palindromic algorithm works by duplicating a section of the DNA sequence and then reversing it, creating a palindrome. This ensures that even if there are mutations in one strand, the other strand will still have a functional copy of the gene. This process can happen through DNA repair mechanisms or during replication. It does not involve bending or copying like the example you mentioned.

Related to Chromosome & DNA: Unpaired Y-Chromosome and Palindromic Algorithms

1. What is the purpose of the Y-chromosome in DNA?

The Y-chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes in humans, with the other being the X-chromosome. While the X-chromosome is responsible for determining the biological sex of an individual, the Y-chromosome contains genetic information that is unique to males. It carries genes that are responsible for male physical characteristics and reproductive functions.

2. Why is the Y-chromosome considered an "unpaired" chromosome?

The Y-chromosome does not have a counterpart in females, as females have two X chromosomes. This is why it is referred to as an "unpaired" chromosome. However, during the process of fertilization, the Y-chromosome pairs up with the X-chromosome from the mother to determine the sex of the offspring.

3. What is a palindromic algorithm in relation to DNA?

A palindromic algorithm is a sequence of steps or instructions that can be read in the same way backwards and forwards. In the context of DNA, a palindromic algorithm refers to a specific pattern in the DNA sequence where the nucleotides on one strand read the same as the opposite strand when read in the opposite direction. This is important in DNA replication and repair processes.

4. How is the Y-chromosome inherited from parents?

The Y-chromosome is inherited from the father and passed down from generation to generation through the male lineage. This means that a son will inherit his Y-chromosome from his father, who inherited it from his father, and so on. This is why certain genetic traits, such as male pattern baldness, can be traced through the male lineage.

5. Can mutations occur in the Y-chromosome?

Yes, mutations can occur in the Y-chromosome just like any other chromosome. These mutations can result in genetic disorders or diseases. However, since the Y-chromosome is only passed down through males, these mutations can only be inherited by male offspring. This is why certain genetic conditions, such as color blindness, are more common in males.

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