CIA Overthrows Australia: Gough Whitlam's 1977 Warning

In summary, the Australian and US governments have an agreement to establish a joint defence space research facility in Australia. The facility will be used to study all aspects of space science and technology relevant to the defence of Australia.
  • #1
Nommos Prime (Dogon)
“There is profoundly increasing evidence that foreign espionage and intelligence activities are being practised in Australia on a wide scale… I believe the evidence is so grave and so alarming in its implications that it demands the fullest explanation. The deception over the CIA and the activities of foreign installations on our soil… are an onslaught on Australia’s sovereignty.”
- GOUGH WHITLAM (former Australian Prime Minister) to the Australian Parliament, 1977.
Another version;

I’ve placed this thread here because of the increasing flak I am receiving regarding CIA/stat-sponsored terrorism. This is what the CIA is capable of doing to it supposed friends (Australia, in this case). Remember that we were, and still are one of it’s “key” allies.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Is this paranoia the real reason the Queen of England had him sacked?
  • #3
The Paranoia Of Reality

Its fine for me to be considered paranoid (I call it accepting facts).
Somehow I don't think our former PM was paranoid, neither was Cairns, neither was Boyce, neither was the Labor Party.
I guess all of Australia must be paranoid, seeing that we actually see these things first hand.

Pine Gap exists (but I suppose Geniere thinks that's an X-Files Conspiracy as well!)

The CIA overthrowal of our democratically elected government occurred.
  • #4
Yeah..I heard about this..I think there was also another CIA plan yet to be'll know when it has the "Jeb for PM" posters!:wink:
  • #5

I'm starting to wonder whether you could even point out where Australia is on a map of the world...
  • #6
The Falcon And The Snowman

The US only released Boyce this year!
They imprisoned him for 25 years because of him whistle-blowing the CIA. (does anybody believe they did this over SOMETHING WHICH DID NOT OCCUR?)
I assume you would consider Counterintelligence news an accurate rag?;
We also have an Anti-US Base Coalition (made up of heaps of paranoid Aussies);

I'd bet most have read the book "The Falcon and the Snowman"?
Yeh? That was Christopher Boyce...
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  • #7
Exchange of Notes (The Pine Gap "Agreement")

(PART 1)

Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the United States of America relating to the Establishment of a Joint Defence Space Research Facility [Pine Gap, NT]
Australian Treaty Series

Australian Treaty Series 1966 No 17
Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the United States of America relating to the Establishment of a Joint Defence Space Research Facility [<Pine> <Gap, NT]
(Canberra, 9 December 1966)
Entry into force: 9 December 1966
#DATE 9:12:1966
1966 No. 17
Australian Government Publishing Service
(c) Commonwealth of Australia 1996

The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia (in this Agreement called "the Australian Government") and the Government of the United States of America (in this Agreement called "the United States Government"),
RECALLING the Security Treaty which was concluded at San Francisco between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States of America on the first day of September, 1951;[1]
NOTING, in particular, Article II of that Treaty which provides that the parties thereto will separately and jointly maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack;
DESIRING to cooperate further in effective defence and for the preservation of peace and security;
CONSIDERING that the establishment, maintenance and operation of a joint United States-Australia defence space research facility in Australia will materially contribute to that end;
ADVERTING to the Agreement entered into between the Australian Government and the United States Government on the ninth day of May, 1963, concerning the Status of United States Forces in Australia (in this Agreement called "the Status of Forces Agreement");[2]
HAVE AGREED as follows:
Article 1
In accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, the Australian Government and the United States Government shall establish, maintain and operate in Australia a facility for general defence research in the space field (in this Agreement called "the facility").
Article 2
The Australian Government shall at its own expense provide such land in the vicinity of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, as is required for the purposes of the facility. All land so provided will remain vested in the Australian Government, which shall for the duration of this Agreement make the land available for the facility on terms and conditions to be agreed between the two Governments and shall for this purpose accord to the United States Government all necessary rights of access to, and joint use and occupation of, the land.
Article 3
The facility shall be established, maintained and operated by the cooperating agencies of the two Governments, and information derived from the research programs conducted at the facility shall be shared by the two Governments. These agencies are the Australian Department of Defence and the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of Defense.
Article 4
At all stages of construction and maintenance of the facility use shall he made of Australian resources, wherever appropriate and practicable.
Article 5
The land provided for the facility under Article 2 shall be considered a secure area. The authorities of the Australian Government shall prescribe appropriate measures to control access to the land and the facility. Security measures within the area shall be arranged between the cooperating agencies.
Article 6
Except as may be otherwise agreed between the two Governments, the United States Government and its contractors and sub-contractors shall retain title to equipment, materials, supplies and other property brought into or acquired in Australia by them for the facility. The United States Government, consistently with this Agreement, and its contractors and sub-contractors may remove such property from Australia at their own expense and free from export duties and related charges, upon the termination of this Agreement or sooner. However, such property shall not be disposed of within Australia except under conditions to be agreed upon by the two Governments.
Article 7
(1) The Status of Forces Agreement, other than Articles 9, 10, 11, 15, 17 and 20 and subject to the modifications set out in paragraph (2) of this Article, shall be deemed to apply to the construction, maintenance and operation of the facility (in this Article referred to as "the project") and shall be read as if incorporated in this Agreement.
(2) For the purposes of the application of the provisions of the Status of Forces Agreement in accordance with paragraph (1) of this Article, it is agreed that, as between the Governments-
(a) a United States civilian employee shall be regarded as a member of the civilian component and the applicable provisions of that Agreement shall be applied to the employee accordingly;
(b) property owned by the United States Government and used in Australia in connection with the project shall be regarded as being used or for use by its land, sea or air armed forces and paragraph (1) of Article 12 of that Agreement shall be applied to that property accordingly;
(c) damage caused by a United States civilian employee in the performance of duty in relation to the project shall be regarded as being caused by an employee of the armed forces of the United States Government in the performance of his official duties and paragraph (1) of Article 12 of that Agreement shall be applied to that damage accordingly;
(d) vehicles owned by the United States Government and used in Australia in connection with the projects shall be regarded as official vehicles of the United States Forces and paragraph (5) of Article 12 of that Agreement shall be applied to those vehicles accordingly;
(e) an act or omission of a United States civilian employee done in the performance of duty in relation to the project shall be regarded as an act or omission of an employee of the United States Forces done in the performance of official duty and paragraph (7) of Article 12 of that Agreement shall be applied accordingly; and
(f) United States personnel who are in Australia for the purposes of the project shall be regarded as in Australia for the purposes of that Agreement and Article 21 of that Agreement shall be applied accordingly.
(3) For the purposes of this Article "a United States civilian employee" means a civilian employee of the United States Government who is employed in Australia in connection with the facility and who is not a citizen of, or ordinarily resident in, Australia.
Article 8
(1) The Australian Government shall take the necessary steps to facilitate the admission into Australia of all equipment, materials, supplies and other property provided by or on behalf of the United States Government in connection with the facility. No duties, taxes or like charges shall be levied on such property which is certified by the United States Government to be imported for use in the construction, maintenance or operation of the facility and which it is certified at the time of entry is or will become the property of the United States Government.
(2) Exemption from sales tax will be allowed by the Australian Government in respect of equipment, materials, supplies and other property purchased in Australia which the United States Government certifies are for use in the construction, maintenance or operation of the facility and not for resale, provided that such property will become the property of the United States Government prior to use in Australia.
(3) The United States Government will be entitled to receive from the Australian Government the amount of any duties, taxes or other charges (not being charges for services requested and rendered), which may have been imposed or levied in respect of equipment, materials, supplies or other property which have been incorporated in the facility or wholly consumed on the site in the construction, maintenance or operation of the facility or which, having been brought from the United States expressly for use on the site in the construction, maintenance or operation of the facility, have been exclusively so used and have been exported from Australia.
  • #8
Part 2

Article 9
(1) Income derived wholly and exclusively from performance in Australia of any contract with the United States Government in connection with the facility by any person or company (other than a company incorporated in Australia) being a contractor, sub-contractor, or one of their personnel, who is in or is carrying on business in Australia solely for the purpose of such performance, shall be deemed not to have been derived in Australia, provided that it is not exempt, and is brought to tax, under the taxation laws of the United States. Such contractors, sub-contractors and personnel, and the dependants of any of the above other than those persons who, immediately before becoming dependants, were and at all times thereafter have continued to be ordinarily resident in Australia, shall not be subject to Australian tax in respect of income derived from sources outside Australia.
(2) Where the legal incidence of any form of taxation in Australia depends upon residence or domicile, periods during which such contractors, sub-contractors, personnel and dependants are in Australia solely in connection with the establishment, maintenance or operation of the facility shall not be considered as periods of residence therein, or as creating a change of residence or domicile, for the purposes of such taxation.
(3) Personal property which is situated in Australia solely by reason of such contractors, sub-contractors, personnel and dependants being in Australia, or carrying on business in Australia, wholly and exclusively in connection with the performance in Australia of a contract or contracts with the United States Government in connection with the facility shall, in respect of the holding by, transfer by reason of the death of, or transfer to or by, those persons or companies, be exempt from taxation under the laws of the Australian Government relating to estate and gift duty.
(4) The last preceding paragraph shall apply only if the property concerned is subject, and is brought, to taxation under the laws of the United States relating to estate or gift tax, and shall not apply in relation to-
(a) property held as, or for the purpose of, an investment;
(b) intangible property registered, and copyright subsisting, in Australia; or
(c) property held in connection with the carrying on in Australia of any business not otherwise referred to in this Article.
(5) A person or company shall not be disqualified from being a contractor, sub-contractor or one of their personnel in respect of whom this Article applies by reason only of the contractor or sub-contractor having undertaken the performance in Australia of a contract for the United States Government in connection with a project, other than the facility, agreed upon by the two Governments.
Article 10
The communications services of the Australian Government and its instrumentalities shall be used, as appropriate, for the purposes of the facility in accordance with arrangements to be made between the cooperating agencies.
Article 11
The Australian Government shall exercise its good offices for the purpose of ensuring that material in support of the facility that is required to be carried by rail is transported expeditiously and at the rates applicable to goods carried on behalf of the Australian Government.
Article 12
Whenever flags are flown at the facility, the Australian national flag and the United States flag shall be flown on separate and adjacent flagstaffs.
Article 13
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature and shall remain in force for a period of ten years and thereafter until terminated. After this Agreement has been in force for a period of nine years, either Government may at any time notify the other Government in writing that it desires to terminate the Agreement, in which event the Agreement shall terminate one year after such notice has been given.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
DONE at Canberra, in duplicate, this ninth day of December, 1966.
[Signed:] [Signed:]
  • #9
APRA, Boyce and Pine Gap

So now you’ve seen the above dodgy “Note” exchanged on the Pine Gap facility between the US and Australian governments.
Now note the deletion of the words “APRA” from the notes in 1977 (incidentally, the same time Boyce was imprisoned for exposing APRA research at Pine Gap and the CIA role in overthrowing Whitlam).

“With reference to Article 3 of the Agreement the Government of the United States of America proposes the deletion from that Article of the words "the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of". Article 3 would thus read as follows:

"The facility shall be established, maintained and operated by the co-operating agencies of the two Governments, and information derived from the research programs conducted at the facility shall be shared by the two Governments. These agencies are the Australian Department of Defence and the United States Department of Defense."
This is taken from the website. Simply type in a search for keywords “Pine Gap”;

Australian Pine Gap personnel are exempt from juror duty (as of 1979). Refer to “1989 No. 185 JURY EXEMPTION REGULATIONS (AMENDMENT) - REG 1 Exemptions relating to public administration”.
The US also circumvents Australian customs at Alice Springs airport through the ambiguous Notes (thus giving them free-reign to import whatever weapons they desire into our nation).
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  • #10
Echelon isn't exactly the great big spooky system some seem to imply. There is no single unified system which links all electronic data from around the world. The way it works is that various countries share information through defence agreements, diplomatic channels, chats between politicians and police and others... For example, we give data from JORN to the Americans under an agreement called Project Dundee (yes, it's a damn silly name). When an agency or other group finds some information which it thinks might benefit an ally, or if it meets certain criteria, then it will be shared, as long as they don't have reasons to keep it to themselves.

Don't make the mistake of thinking Australian groups enjoy passing intelligence to foreign agencies. They do it because the politicians and entrenched bureaucrats have forged a system which makes them do it.
  • #11
ECHELON in Australia and NZ

ECHELON is worse than most people imagine. It IS a single unified system which DOES link global electronic data. The data is linked independent of language or encryption. ALL mobile phone calls, credit card transactions, landline phone calls, e-mails, microwave and radio transmissions, etc. are AUTOMATICALLY INTERCEPTED, SEARCHED AND CATALOGUED. Satellites run and positioned by the NSA are placed in geostationary orbits in order to intercept communications. Nicky Hager has done some great work exposing the network in NZ. As soon as an AUSSAT satellite was launched above NZ, the listening post appeared. It is very well documented.

Sceptical? Here’s an example (from an amateur) of how a fax may be intercepted using a system such as ECHELON.

The US does not “share” the information they obtain with our Defence Signals Directorate (DSD). In fact, it is used by the Americans against us in most facets. They use the info to gain economic advantages in trade deals (eg. so they can underbid our farmers on commodities). The Americans have a history of “giving us” technology that can be used against us. Menashe exposed PROMIS, and how the Americans created a backdoor to infiltrate the system. Australia used this system.

At DSD, Australians get the crap the Americans don’t want or need. False information (propaganda) is often fed to DSD in order to influence political objectives (eg. faulty intel on Iraq).
DSD Website;

As for the politicians, they are kept right out of the “inner circle” of the Intelligence world. They are as ignorant as the normal citizen of activities within DSD.

There was an excellent 1 hour program on the “Sunday” program back on May 23, 1999. Link below; Here’s the transcript;
Letter from Inspector-General of Intelligence & Security to Sunday program;

I videotaped this program and can pirate a copy for you.
Adam, if you want a copy, e-mail me.
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  • #12
Dude, it's really not a single unified system linking all that stuff around the world. I used to do some of that stuff myself, and it just doesn't work that way.
  • #13
Former Signaller Hey?

So then I assume you worked at Geraldton, Adam?
Maybe the facility accessed through Russell Offices (North Gate)?
The Deakin “Telstra” Facility?
Melbourne? Watsonia?
If you had really worked as a Signaller for the Australian Army you would have been required to sign a “Department of Defence Oath of Secrecy” which binds you for 30 years from speaking about being involved in such activities.
How do I know this?
My father was a photo imagery analyst for 30 years in the Australian Department of Defence.
  • #14
Yep, I am subject to the Official Secrets Act, not that I give a damn. Unless those idiots want to start paying me again, I'm under no obligation to them.

Nope, never worked in those places, and saying there names doesn't do much either.

FAQ: CIA Overthrows Australia: Gough Whitlam's 1977 Warning

1. What is the significance of Gough Whitlam's 1977 warning?

Gough Whitlam's 1977 warning refers to a speech given by the former Australian Prime Minister in which he warned of potential interference by the CIA in Australian politics. This warning was significant as it brought attention to the issue of foreign intervention in domestic affairs and sparked a debate about the role of intelligence agencies in political affairs.

2. How did the CIA allegedly overthrow Australia's government?

According to Whitlam's warning, the CIA had been involved in a plot to overthrow his government in 1975. This was allegedly done through covert operations and interference in Australian politics, including funding opposition parties and influencing media coverage.

3. Is there evidence to support Whitlam's claims?

There is no concrete evidence to support Whitlam's warning, as it is based on his own suspicions and observations. However, there have been allegations and investigations into the CIA's involvement in other countries' political affairs, which have led to some speculation about their potential involvement in Australia as well.

4. What impact did Whitlam's warning have on Australian politics?

Whitlam's warning sparked debates and discussions about the role of intelligence agencies in domestic affairs and raised concerns about the potential for foreign interference in Australian politics. It also brought attention to the issue of sovereignty and national security, and prompted further investigations into the CIA's activities in Australia.

5. Has the CIA responded to these allegations?

The CIA has not officially responded to Whitlam's warning or the allegations of their involvement in overthrowing the Australian government. However, former CIA officers have denied any involvement and have stated that the agency is not in the business of overthrowing governments, but rather gathering intelligence and protecting national security.
