Circular coordinate space using an orthonormal basis

In summary, the conversation discusses how to describe any point along a circle created by two orthonormal vectors in R^2 using a linear combination of the vectors. It is noted that the order in which the vectors are used in the combination does not matter, as long as the resulting point lies on the unit circle. This is because any point on the unit circle can be represented in multiple ways using trigonometric functions. The use of a rotation matrix is also mentioned as a way to rotate a vector in R^2, and the analogy of the vector's length to a "ray" and the unit circle to its "graph" is used to explain the use of trigonometric functions in this context.
  • #1
If we have any two orthonormal vectors A and B in R^2 and we wish to describe the circle they create under rigid rotation (i.e. they rotate at a fixed point and their length is preserved), how can we describe any point along this (unit) circle using a linear combination of A and B? I was thinking that it would be something along the lines of A*cos(θ) + B*sin(θ), but I'm not too sure, for example why not use A*sin(θ)+B*cos(θ). Regardless, I know that any point along this circle can be found because A and B are linearly independent and span all of R^2. I suppose what I'm really interested in, is computations that restrict to this "internal frame", this unit circle (not necessarily centered at(0,0)).

I feel this is very much related to the idea that a rotation matrix like [cosθ, -sinθ ; sinθ , cosθ] can rotation a pair of numbers (x,y) to a new pair (x',y') my treating (x,y) as a vector and applying the matrix.
At the same time though, this isn't quite my problem; I'm not starting with anything and then rotating it; I have a basis and want to construct a vector. Actually, my full problem (too long to describe here) is embedded in R^3 but this is a subproblem restricted to a 2-dimensional space spanned by A and B.
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  • #2
brydustin said:
If we have any two orthonormal vectors A and B in R^2 and we wish to describe the circle they create under rigid rotation (i.e. they rotate at a fixed point and their length is preserved), how can we describe any point along this (unit) circle using a linear combination of A and B? I was thinking that it would be something along the lines of A*cos(θ) + B*sin(θ), but I'm not too sure, for example why not use A*sin(θ)+B*cos(θ). Regardless, I know that any point along this circle can be found because A and B are linearly independent and span all of R^2. I suppose what I'm really interested in, is computations that restrict to this "internal frame", this unit circle (not necessarily centered at(0,0)).

I feel this is very much related to the idea that a rotation matrix like [cosθ, -sinθ ; sinθ , cosθ] can rotation a pair of numbers (x,y) to a new pair (x',y') my treating (x,y) as a vector and applying the matrix.
At the same time though, this isn't quite my problem; I'm not starting with anything and then rotating it; I have a basis and want to construct a vector. Actually, my full problem (too long to describe here) is embedded in R^3 but this is a subproblem restricted to a 2-dimensional space spanned by A and B.

Hey brydustin.

The best way to show yourself is to find a rotation vector corresponding to an angle of x where you are rotating something c radians.

You use the fact that for some initial vector in two dimensions: then your x component is rsin(b) and your y component is rcos(b) for some angle b (again in radians).

We then find rcos(c+b) and rsin(c+b) which corresponds to our rotated vector. Using this gives us:

rcos(c+b) = rcos(c)cos(b) - rsin(c)sin(b) and rsin(c+b) = rsin(c)cos(b) + rcos(c)sin(b)

since LHS is x' and y' (rotated vector) and since x = rsin(b) and y = rcos(b) we get our matrix:

[cos(c) sin(c)]
[-sin(c) cos(c)]

Which is what we expect a rotation matrix to be.
  • #3
Here is another way to consider it. Any vector of the plane spanned by A,B can be expressed as P=xA+yB. Using the dot product, the length of P is sqrt(x^2+y^2), so if that length is one then (x,y) must be a point on the unit circle in R2. Therefore, there exists some theta such that x=cos(theta), y=sin(theta). Of course, this is not the only way to represent x and y.

It is also true that (y,x) is a point on the unit circle. So whether you set x=cos(theta), y=sin(theta) or the other way around does not matter. You could also set x=sin(5theta), y=cos(5theta) if you want. So you have freedom in how to represent the point. Ultimately, the only real restriction is that (x,y) lies on the unit circle in R2.
  • #4
Vargo said:
Here is another way to consider it. Any vector of the plane spanned by A,B can be expressed as P=xA+yB. Using the dot product, the length of P is sqrt(x^2+y^2), so if that length is one then (x,y) must be a point on the unit circle in R2. Therefore, there exists some theta such that x=cos(theta), y=sin(theta). Of course, this is not the only way to represent x and y.

It is also true that (y,x) is a point on the unit circle. So whether you set x=cos(theta), y=sin(theta) or the other way around does not matter. You could also set x=sin(5theta), y=cos(5theta) if you want. So you have freedom in how to represent the point. Ultimately, the only real restriction is that (x,y) lies on the unit circle in R2.

Yeah! That's more what I was looking for, that really cleared things up for me; I was having difficulty because I was stuck on thinking that it only made sense to use trig functions like this if it is to describe something like the way chiro did. But your analogy with the norm of p shows that p is like a "ray" and its "graph" {(x,y) , Norm(p) = sqrt(x^2+y^2)=1} makes it isomorphic to the unit circle, so we can describe it full with unit circle trig. Thanks to both of you!

FAQ: Circular coordinate space using an orthonormal basis

What is a circular coordinate space?

A circular coordinate space is a mathematical concept used to represent points in a two-dimensional plane, where the coordinates are measured in a circular manner. This means that instead of using traditional x and y coordinates, the position of a point is described using an angle and a distance from the origin.

What is an orthonormal basis?

An orthonormal basis is a set of vectors that are both orthogonal (perpendicular) to each other and have a unit magnitude. In the context of circular coordinate space, an orthonormal basis is used to define the axes of the coordinate system.

How is circular coordinate space different from Cartesian coordinate space?

In Cartesian coordinate space, points are represented using x and y coordinates that are measured along perpendicular axes. In circular coordinate space, points are represented using an angle and distance from the origin, which allows for a more intuitive representation of polar coordinates.

Why is an orthonormal basis important in circular coordinate space?

An orthonormal basis is important because it allows for a consistent and standardized way of defining the axes in circular coordinate space. This makes it easier to perform calculations and transformations on points in the coordinate system.

What are the applications of circular coordinate space using an orthonormal basis?

Circular coordinate space using an orthonormal basis has various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is commonly used to represent polar coordinates, map projections, and circular motion in mechanics. It can also be used in computer graphics to represent rotations and orientations in 3D space.

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