Circular motion comparisons question

In summary, a bus of weight Fg is moving at a constant speed over a hill and then over a dip with the same radius of curvature. When the bus reaches the crest of the hill, the road exerts a normal force equal to 3/4 Fg. The question asks for the normal force when the bus is passing through the bottom of the dip. Using the equations netF=ma and a=v^2/r, the acceleration of the bus can be found to be the same in both cases, but in opposite directions. This means that the weight, normal force, and acceleration are related in some way. By solving the equations, it can be determined that the normal force at the bottom of the dip is 5
  • #1

Homework Statement

A bus of weight Fg is moving at a constant speed over a hill and then over a dip that has the same radius of curvature, when the bus passes over the crest of the hill, the road exerts a normal force on the bus equal to 3/4 Fg. What is the normal force the road exerts on the bus when it is passing through the bottom of the dip

Homework Equations

netF=ma a=v^2/r

The Attempt at a Solution

I have stared at this question for an hour and don't even know where to start, the answer is 5/4 Fg which seems simple but I don't know how they got that. First post so sorry for any formatting errors.[/B]
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  • #2
Hint: The acceleration of the bus is the same in both cases, but in opposite directions, since the velocity and radius are the same. How does the weight, normal force, and acceleration relate to each other?
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FAQ: Circular motion comparisons question

What is circular motion?

Circular motion is a type of motion in which an object moves along a circular path. It involves a constant change in direction, but the object remains at a fixed distance from the center of the circle.

What is the difference between uniform and non-uniform circular motion?

Uniform circular motion is when an object moves with a constant speed along a circular path, while non-uniform circular motion is when the object's speed changes at different points along the path.

How is circular motion related to centripetal and centrifugal forces?

Centripetal force is the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path, while centrifugal force is the apparent outward force that seems to act on an object moving in a circular path. They are both necessary for circular motion to occur.

What is the difference between angular velocity and linear velocity in circular motion?

Angular velocity is the rate of change of the angle of rotation, while linear velocity is the rate of change of the distance traveled per unit time. In circular motion, they are related by the equation angular velocity = linear velocity/radius.

What are some real-life examples of circular motion?

Some examples of circular motion in everyday life include the motion of a car going around a roundabout, a spinning top, a Ferris wheel, and the motion of a satellite orbiting around the Earth.
