Circular Motion of a Marble: What Determines the Speed at a Given String Length?

In summary, we are trying to find the speed of a marble attached to a string being swung in a horizontal circle. To solve for the speed, we need to use the equation Ar = v^2/r and find the radius using trigonometry. The forces acting on the marble are gravity and tension, with their resultant being the horizontal centripetal force. By making a free body diagram, we can see that the vertical component of tension balances out the force of gravity, and the horizontal component of tension provides the centripetal force. The resultant of tension and gravity is equal to the centripetal force, and is related to mg and the angle of the string with the vertical.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You swing a marble with mass m attached to the end of a string in a horizontal circle as shown in the figure below. The angle that the string makes with the vertical is
θ = 37°.

(a) Find the speed of the marble when the string is 26.0 cm long.

Homework Equations


Ar = v^2/r

The Attempt at a Solution

I solved for the radius by using trig, but now I don't know what to do. Without mass or revloutions, I don't know how to solve form the speed.
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  • #2
Draw the free body diagram: What forces act on the marble? What is the resultant when the marble moves along a horizontal circle? You do not need the value of the mass: it will cancel.

  • #3
You have gravity and force of tension
  • #4
Yes, and what is their resultant?



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  • #5
I actually have no idea. I'm blanking out.
  • #6
klc2006 said:
I actually have no idea. I'm blanking out.

if its moving in circle, then some force should be providing centripetal force. Here that force is horizontal component of tension. And since the ball isn't moving up or down, force of gravity should be balanced by some other force, namely vertical component of tension.

just as ehild said, making free body diagram would make it more clear.
  • #7
klc2006 said:
I actually have no idea. I'm blanking out.

The resultant of the tension and gravity is equal to the (horizontal) centripetal force. How is it related to mg and the angle of the string with the vertical ?


Related to Circular Motion of a Marble: What Determines the Speed at a Given String Length?

1. What is circular motion?

Circular motion is the movement of an object along a circular path. It can be uniform, where the object moves at a constant speed, or non-uniform, where the speed changes at different points along the path.

2. How does a marble move in circular motion?

A marble moves in circular motion when it is pushed or pulled by a force towards the center of the circle. This force is called centripetal force, and it is what keeps the marble from flying off in a straight line.

3. What factors affect the circular motion of a marble?

The speed of the marble, the radius of the circular path, and the amount of centripetal force applied are the main factors that affect the circular motion of a marble. Other factors may include the surface on which the marble is rolling and any external forces acting on the marble.

4. Is the circular motion of a marble an example of uniform circular motion?

It depends on the situation. If the marble is moving at a constant speed along a circular path, then it is an example of uniform circular motion. However, if the marble is speeding up or slowing down along the path, then it is an example of non-uniform circular motion.

5. What is the centripetal force required for circular motion?

The centripetal force required for circular motion can be calculated using the formula F = (mv^2)/r, where m is the mass of the marble, v is the speed, and r is the radius of the circular path. The greater the speed and the smaller the radius, the greater the centripetal force needed for the marble to maintain circular motion.
